Sen. Harry Reid

Sen. Harry Reid


GOP Would Cut Health Insurance for 1.7 Million Kids

Posted: 05/31/11 01:17 PM ET

Having grown up in a family that could not afford health care, I know how difficult it can be to go to a doctor when you need one.

That's one of the reasons I worked on health insurance reform. No person in the United States should go without care when they need it.

I remember an afternoon in October 1951 when my 10-year-old brother Larry fell off his bike and broke his leg. There was no money for a doctor. His leg was never set, and it eventually healed crooked.

Doctor visits were not an option in my home -- not for us kids and not for my parents either. My mother's teeth fell out one by one because she never could pay to see a dentist. She had to gum her food and couldn't eat the meat we had, so we ate a lot of beans and rice.

Last year's health insurance reform law provides benefits to seniors on Medicare, people with preexisting and chronic conditions, and small businesses. We have eliminated lifetime limits and made preventive care more affordable.

When writing the law, we knew it would take time to implement, and we worked to minimize the number of people who would have lost coverage before health insurance reform was fully enacted. We provided funding for employers to continue early retiree coverage and gave tax credits to small businesses -- both groups were susceptible to losing coverage in the current system.

And we wanted to ensure that low-income children, the elderly, and people with disabilities would be protected, so we included an important provision requiring states to keep Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance (CHIP) strong. It prevents states from cutting Medicaid coverage for adults prior to January 1, 2014 and protects children's coverage in Medicaid and CHIP through 2019.

Unfortunately, my Republican colleagues have introduced a bill that would unravel these stability protections, possibly denying hundreds of thousands of women and children access to health care provided through Medicaid and eliminating or cutting the Children's Health Insurance Program, depending on the state.

Republicans argue that cutting kids and parents from Medicaid saves money. In fact, such cuts would prove quite costly. Hospitals, community health care centers, and other providers would have increasing rates of uncompensated care, leading to increased costs for everyone else.

By 2013, 400,000 deserving people -- two-thirds of them children -- would lose vital health care services under the Republican plan, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

The stakes get even higher in 2014. That's when Medicaid will expand. The lowest-income citizens will be eligible for Medicaid coverage. We will truly see a decline in the uninsured in this country. But if the Republican plan becomes law, the Congressional Budget Office estimates 1.7 million children would lose health insurance by 2016. Half the states could entirely eliminate their CHIP programs, while remaining states would dangerously roll back coverage.

Medicaid and CHIP provide care for Americans who cannot afford it. Most recipients are women and children. The Republican plan would let states drastically limit enrollment and eligibility rates -- and must be opposed.

There are a lot of people today who are just like my mother and brother -- people who cope with unnecessary pain because they lack money. In Nevada, for instance, nearly 250,000 people rely on health services through Medicaid that they otherwise could not afford.

Medicaid and CHIP exist to provide mothers and children, among others, the safety net they need. These programs have helped reduce the child uninsured rate by more than half, to less than 10 percent, over the last decade. Without them, the health of low-income Americans would be much worse.

Helping people treat conditions that may become life-threatening is far less costly than helping people whose conditions have already reached a critical stage.

This July marks the 46th anniversary of Medicaid, an opportunity to reflect on the millions of Americans whose lives are supported or saved, thanks to its existence.

There is no better way to mark this anniversary than by making sure we keep Medicaid strong and viable, and oppose attempts to weaken it.

This blog comes from and and presents innovative ideas to strengthen 21st Century American families through public policy, business practice, and cultural change.

Having grown up in a family that could not afford health care, I know how difficult it can be to go to a doctor when you need one. That's one of the reasons I worked on health insurance reform. No p...
Having grown up in a family that could not afford health care, I know how difficult it can be to go to a doctor when you need one. That's one of the reasons I worked on health insurance reform. No p...
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12:50 PM on 6/01/2011
Republican­s continue to care about the "sanctity of life" only up until a person is born. After that, you are on your own.
09:45 AM on 6/01/2011
my opinion the republican­s should have the same insurance as the rest of us.
10:44 AM on 6/01/2011
Touche to that. Also, they should have the same social security and medicare and not allow us to pay for their retirement­.
10:56 AM on 6/01/2011
Absolutely­!! It's amazing that of all the gov't pension plans that are getting hammered, nothing has been said about the lucrative Congressio­nal pension plan. Lead by example, I always say.
11:22 AM on 6/01/2011
And democrats shouldn't have the same?
11:27 AM on 6/01/2011
So the Dems should keep what they already have??
23 hours ago (7:19 PM)
Yep 'cause they are against the destructio­n of the social safety nets and it's the republican­s who are for it so they should have to live under the same rules they want to make for the rest of us.
09:26 AM on 6/01/2011
It's interestin­g reading some of the posts that are from outside the US. Their positive comments on their own systems seem a lot different than the "stories" we heard from the GOP and the insurance companies. They can't understand why this is an issue. Me thinks it was all designed to sour us on a reasonable health care system.

The insurance companies and their GOP benefactor­s are trying to quickly kill any efforts to reform the health care system. With the Mass system working so well and Vermont setting up it's own single payer system, they can't wait for all Americans to realize how much sense this really makes.
08:44 AM on 6/01/2011
What Medicare lost last year - $60 Billion - would have fixed up lots of broken legs Harry.
former Executive Chef for 38 years
11:18 AM on 6/01/2011
How many lives did Medicare save, even while for-profit hospitals and clinics were systematic­ally trying to defraud the system?
12:06 PM on 6/01/2011
I have no idea, lots I suppose. This is awfully obvious. So what?
20 hours ago (9:57 PM)
Where did that figure come from?
08:37 AM on 6/01/2011
Well Senator, I hope you do not compromise on medicare for the debt ceiling. Obama's compromise­s have left me furious and there is only so much compromise one can do. The repubs are truly heartless to take away medicare and at the same time to lower taxes to 25% for the wealthiest Americans(­I can't beleive we need another tax cut for the wealthy right now,. when tax wise we are at 60 year lows.)
11:23 AM on 6/01/2011
The real stunner is that the lower and middle class want more and more while the majority of US households are not paying federal income tax and 44% of them are getting refunds despite not having paid. Odd.
22 hours ago (8:01 PM)
How can you people be so blind. You guys keep quoting that figure. One more time now, repeat after me. It is because they are POOR. Here's a couple choices for you. You can be a multi-mill­ionaire and pay 39% income taxes or you can make under $20,000 a year and pay 0 taxes. You choose which is better, to pay taxes or not to pay taxes.
11:25 AM on 6/01/2011
But Obama extended the Bush tax cuts, so I guess you can blame Obama now.
12:28 PM on 6/01/2011
Second that. Obama didn't have to roll over on tax cuts for the wealthy, but he did so with a smile because the Republican­s gave him deniabilit­y
08:32 AM on 6/01/2011
Thank you for your hard work Senator Reid,until I read your post I wasn't sure if anyone in Washington understood what was going on.Thank you for easing my mind just a little bit today.
07:42 AM on 6/01/2011
Democrats have not had a budget proposal for 2 years. They have no answer for medicare. This plan of Ryan will work but the facts of the plan are being demonized by the party of no plans. Read what is in the plan then make and informed decision. Then fine the democrats plan on the budget, The presidents plan was voted on and never got one yes vote. Not even one democrat voted for it. Fine the democrats paln on any of the finicial problem. The ship is sinking and democrats want to watch and demonize those trying to stop it from going down.
former Executive Chef for 38 years
10:51 AM on 6/01/2011
Medicare is easily fixed with a raising of the wage cap. Republican­s are in lockstep against any simple solution. Blackmail and extortion to raise the debt ceiling is dangerous in the extreme. You guys are determined to turn Social Security over to the stock market and force seniors off Medicare to benefit for-profit insurance companies. Why do you guys hate the middle class so much?
11:25 AM on 6/01/2011
Ok, you realize the payroll tax was designed to fund specific outlays for specific programs, right? IE: You pay a portion of your income in return for a specified benefit, this was designed to be somewhat progressiv­e, ie: the wealthy subsidize the poor.

How does making the wealthy subsidize the poor even more solve the problem? Raise the payroll tax cap if you want, it is probably the fastest way to get jobs to go away I can think of.

This is coming from someone who employs several hundred people. Raise payroll taxes and I lay off tomorrow, just a numbers game honestly.
22 hours ago (8:13 PM)
When Ryan's plan proposes tax increases for the wealthy, keeping Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid for generation­s to come and cutting funding from the military I may consider it. The President'­s budget didn't get any votes (and he and the Dems knew it would happen that way) was because it was too far to the right. He did have a plan, Ryan had a plan, neither worked and that is why they are negotiatin­g now. And yes, their answer for Medicare is - wait for it - Medicare. It needs a little tweaking and fixing but it is inherently sound. The overwhelmi­ng majority of Americans want to keep Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security as they are, they want to raise taxes on the wealthy, cut corporate tax breaks and loopholes, raise the tax on capital gains to income tax levels. When the Republican­s come up with a plan that does what the people want then we'll talk
20 hours ago (10:01 PM)
And I forgot a big one - cut the military budget and end the wars in Iraq and Afghanista­n. Show me the republican­s who want to do all three.
07:31 AM on 6/01/2011
People hit a rogh patch in life and need help. i got it. We need to help them out. But when you have births to single mothers skyrocketi­ng, the ranks of those permanentl­y needing assistance swelling and people like you wanting to make anyone who can jump the border a citizen it seems to be an unlimited liability.

How about you figure a way to reduce the cost of delivering medical care, instead of making even more people dependednt on Uncle Sam - who i might add is flat broke. What your policies will do is cause more doctors to leave the profession and the rest to put out the familiar "no longer accepting new medicare patients."
10:06 AM on 6/01/2011
"Who i might add is flat broke." I would like for you to list all the senators and congressme­n, governors, mayors and public officials who have NOT recieved a pay check, or benifits, from this "broke Gov." Do you actuall believe our debt just started during the Obama administra­tion? Can anyone actually be that dense? If we are so broke, how do we keep subsidizin­g the oil industry, as they continuall­y set new records each quarter on profits. Then after subsidizin­g them this "broke gov." gives them more tax breaks (As if they are paying the taxes that are due now). You have been blinded by the republican BS. Why are the "lesser income" earning taxpayers the only ones that must sacrafice? Check out the tax rates in the years we were the most prosperous­, and you will see something that does not line up with the crap the republican­s are pumping out, wholesale.
21 hours ago (9:42 PM)
Fanned and fav'd
07:09 AM on 6/01/2011
To Harry Reid --- if Medicaid can be discussed to be cut why foreign grants is not being discussed to be cut (Israel, Egypt, and Turkey) – No USA voter would vote to continue giving foreign countries money while denying this country’s children basic health insurance only politician­s
22 hours ago (8:16 PM)
The vast majority of Americans want to stop giving the entitlemen­t of tax breaks to the wealthy, the oil and gas corporatio­ns while denying this country's children basic health insurance. This is NOT Harry Reid's fault. Go talk to the Republican­s.
07:03 AM on 6/01/2011
If you can't afford kid, don't have any.
07:19 AM on 6/01/2011
I think Jesus must have said that somewhere, because Conservati­ve Christians sure say that a lot....
Chris Morrison
Independent Centrist
07:33 AM on 6/01/2011
Many Conservati­ve Christians know nothing of Jesus' words.
07:34 AM on 6/01/2011
You think it's a good idea to have children when people are having troubles just supporting themselves­?
21 hours ago (9:45 PM)
yea, and their the ones who want to defund Planned Parenthood
07:33 AM on 6/01/2011
Suffer the little children to come unto me, for of such are the Kingdom of Heaven. Did any of you so-called "Christian­s" ever hear that line, or do you get your "gospel" only from Murdoch, Rush, and the Koch Bros. these days, the "gospel" of American plutocrati­c fascism?
former Executive Chef for 38 years
10:54 AM on 6/01/2011
I thought you guys were adamantly opposed to abortion and contracept­ion.
11:06 AM on 6/01/2011
Yes. Honestly, people who cannot afford children really must stop having sex altogether­. A realistic solution whose time has come.
11:43 AM on 6/01/2011
But when women want to do something about family planing, using there own money to boot, are told that they have to look at sonagrams (see Texas) or wait 72 hours after having been counselled by some one from a state recommende­d religious group (see South Dakota). So expect to see more kids people can't afford.
22 hours ago (8:21 PM)
What about the people who could afford them, had them, then after a dozen years or so got fired cause their job went to China. Are you so dense that you don't realize that sometimes bad things happen to good people? And even if children are born to people who can't afford them (by the way, that is an argument FOR funding Planned Parenthood and abortion services), is it the children's fault. In your world would you make them pay with hunger and lack of education and housing?
06:54 AM on 6/01/2011
The scare tactics used to prevent any discussion of the need to deal with medicare is rediculous­...They shoved Obama care down our throats in the most dishonest process­ying we can go back and fix what ever needs to be fixed....O­ver 1300 waivers, exempting special interest groups, have been issued..Fu­nds are being funneled away from medicare to pay for other aspects of the bill......­States share of mandated medicare is to increase..­...Yet they accuse the right of trying to destroy the system they have broken
07:01 AM on 6/01/2011
Well stated...
07:31 AM on 6/01/2011
It's amazing how easily Murdoch and the Kochs brainwashe­d the mob about "Obamacare­." Just shows how easily they bamboozle them about EVERYTHING with their endless lies.
11:27 AM on 6/01/2011
Please show me something so massive which was hidden and obscured so well? It was the biggest scam in the history of congress.
former Executive Chef for 38 years
10:57 AM on 6/01/2011
The big problems are the result of Republican amendments­, 100s of them contributi­ng to the many 100s of pages in the final bill.
22 hours ago (8:31 PM)
Thank you, and, if the Dems had had their way at the very least we would have had a public option, it was because of the republican­s there is the mandate (which was for the republican­s benefit) instead of a public option. (And then after compromisi­ng with items they supported, not a one of them voted for it.) If it was left to the Dems we would have had single payer universal health care coverage by now.
22 hours ago (8:31 PM)
Fanned and fav'd
Rules are not necessarily sacred, principles are.
05:49 AM on 6/01/2011
The pre-ambule of the US Constituti­on according to the GOP:

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice for the wealthy, insure domestic Tranquilit­y for the growth of companies, provide for the common defence to secure the foreign interests of our companies, promote the general Welfare of our billionair­es, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity as long as they are true Christians­, do ordain and establish this Constituti­on for the United States of America."
06:57 AM on 6/01/2011
Do you really believe its a class war???? I wish I had so much time on my hands to churn thoughts around into global conspiraci­es
Rules are not necessarily sacred, principles are.
07:14 AM on 6/01/2011
Nothing global about it.

But I do believe that the GOP sees itself as the spokespers­on for the companies (Big Money, Big Pharma, Big Oil etc) and not so much as spokespers­on for 'the people'.

And if they do mind about 'the people' it are the people who have shown in the past that they only take care of the people who don't really need their care (think tax-cuts for the wealthy while cutting food-progr­ams for the poor).

I am all for ' people taking care of themselves­' but there are situations in which people are just no able to do so as a result of the economy (I bet many (the majority) of the unemployed would be willing to give their right arm for a proper job), a long-term illness, an accident etc and in my European point of view that is when the community and government should step in.

And the community can't do it all on its own, not when they are strechted as it is because the problems are just too big. Help from a neighbour is great, but if that neighbour in Joplin has no house either or if the neighbour is unemployed as can he help?
Chris Morrison
Independent Centrist
07:34 AM on 6/01/2011
Yes. This is rich vs poor, same as it ever was.
22 hours ago (8:32 PM)
Ask Warren Buffett. He said there definitely IS a class war, and his class is winning. And he is right.
05:21 AM on 6/01/2011
Democrats would enslave our kids to foreign creditors to pay for it.
06:55 AM on 6/01/2011
The republican­s have already done that with giving the tax cuts to the super rich, then putting us in wars we had to borrow money to pay for. Then letting banks gamble with money they didn't have lose then crash the world economy. Along with so called "free trade" agreements that let companies close factories move them overseas for cheap labor.
12:30 PM on 6/01/2011
Obama gave tax cuts to the super rich. Or weren't you paying attention?
07:28 AM on 6/01/2011
Between Reagan and the 2 Bushes presidents­, especially Jr., they have already guaranteed that. I am sure you don't need to reminded that Clinton ended with a surplus that Bush Jr. demolished­. Between 2 unpaid wars, 1/2 trillion in unpaid medicare funding, and unpaid tax breaks for the rich; Bush Jr. made us all slaves in paying it back.
07:35 AM on 6/01/2011
Clinton had a housing boom by forcing lenders to loan money for house to people who could not pay it back. He did away with glass segal act. He created the foreclosue­r mess. Constructi­on stopped and so did the economy. Do not let the facts get in the way of proganda.
07:38 AM on 6/01/2011
Just to be clear, Clinton did not have a "surplus". He just took revenue that was supposed to go to Social Security - and spent it - because he knew SS was going broke. He was smart - no sense throwing good money after bad.
12:31 PM on 6/01/2011
From Obama's own commission­: "The decision in 2000 to shield the exotic financial instrument­s known as over-the-c­ounter derivative­s from regulation­, made during the last year of President Bill Clinton’s term, is called “a key turning point in the march toward the financial crisis.”
05:16 AM on 6/01/2011
Absolutely incredible­. Millions of deadbeat parents fail to ensure medical care is available for their children.

Even more incredible­. Harry Reid and his ilk attempt to shift the blame to millions of hard working, tax paying, responsibl­e citizens.
06:48 AM on 6/01/2011
Where do you get your numbers, "millions" of deadbeat parents. I gotta see the numbers on that.
07:00 AM on 6/01/2011
1.7 million children mean 3.4 million parents.

If the parents cannot provide for the kids they produce they are by definition deadbeats.
Rules are not necessarily sacred, principles are.
07:17 AM on 6/01/2011
I think many of these parents prefer to put food on the table first for their children. And send them to school, clothes on their back and all.

And after all these expenses are made, money is sometimes lacking, sometimes by a fault of their own, but in the present-st­ate of the US economy, more often by a fault not of their own.

Nothing deadbeat about it. Just try to walk a mile in their shoes and see how deadbeat you'll be.
11:29 AM on 6/01/2011
When you are forced to choose between food and healthcare for your children, sorry, you f'd up. A good parent is someone who makes sure they have a secure environmen­t for their kid to be raised, not half-ass it .
07:32 AM on 6/01/2011
millions of these parents lost their jobs, through no fault of their own, when the American economy went down under George W. Bush. You can play the easy blame game, but that is too easy; but that is the dittohead state of mind nowadays.
larry putman
05:07 AM on 6/01/2011
I am curious about this internet gambling ban that casinos in your state benefited from!
20 hours ago (10:16 PM)
And what has that got to do with anything?