Jon Stewart Blasts Trump In Apoplectic Rant About New York City Pizza (VIDEO)

Stewart Pizza

First Posted: 06/ 2/11 07:14 AM ET Updated: 06/ 2/11 09:14 AM ET

As you probably already know, the most important meeting of modern political minds happened this week in New York City when fake presidential candidate Donald Trump met up with semi-fake presidential candidate Sarah Palin to discuss whatever it is that wealthy pseudo-celebrities discuss when they're not out creating pseudo-events other than the one they're creating by meeting up in the first place.

And Trump really rolled out the red carpet for Palin, taking her and her family out for a slice of pizza at Famous Famiglia's in Times Square, whose fare has recently been described as "a slice that tastes like a manila folder with Ragu slathered all over it."

Well, on Wednesday night's "Daily Show," host Jon Stewart had something to say about Trump's taste in New York style pizza. A lot of something to say about it, actually. Beginning with:

STEWART: I've eaten there, that pizza is fine. I used to eat there a lot when I was working next door at Caroline's Comedy Club. It's good convenience pizza. Back in the 80s there weren't a lot of food options in Times Square. It was Famiglia's pizza or edible underwear from one of the porn shops. Then Giuliani took that option away. You know, Donald, I don't want to say anything, but if you're taking an esteemed visitor to get real New York pizza, Famiglia's ain't it.

With Stewart's audience loudly concurring, Stewart went on an extended rant in which he joked that Famiglia's could also be found at "terminal four of the Phoenix airport," offered up several more authentic pizza options, critcized Trump's slice stacking, finally reaching a height of apoplexy at the sight of Trump going at his pie with a fork, as if he were from outer space or something. Then Stewart moved on to a proper demonstration of both New York-style pizza-eating technique and New York City-style profanity, before concluding: "Based on how you eat pizza, Donald, I want to see your long form birth certificate. I don't think you were really born in New York."

One thing that Stewart didn't touch on was why Trump, who is ostensibly a rich and well-connected man, would drag Palin to Time Square to eat at a chain restaurant. Well, as Village Voice music editor Maura Johnston recalled on Wednesday, "Just FYI, Palin and Trump's visit to Famous Famiglia was also a little bit of synergy with The Celebrity Apprentice." Indeed, various Celebrity Apprentice "stars" were dispatched to Famiglia's 8th and Broadway location back in October, to promote the show.

So what drew Trump and Palin to Famiglia's? The sucking vortex of reality-goddamned-television. What did you expect?


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International users click here to watch this clip on the "Daily Show" website.

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As you probably already know, the most important meeting of modern political minds happened this week in New York City when fake presidential candidate Donald Trump met up with semi-fake presidential ...
As you probably already know, the most important meeting of modern political minds happened this week in New York City when fake presidential candidate Donald Trump met up with semi-fake presidential ...
Of course MT Trump tells TPM he hasn't seen Jon Stewart's pizza takedown. Why Famiglia? It was featured on Apprentice.
Video Interlude: Watch Jon Stewart Flip Out Over Donald Trump's Pizza Choice (@eater)
Crossposted At C&L;: Jon Stewart: Donald Trump Disrespects New Yorkers by Taking Sarah Palin to a Pizza Chain
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0 minute ago (10:20 AM)
OMG brilliant. Brilliant! Mind you, I need my husband to watch it. South-west­ern Ontario farmboy still thinks it's ok to eat pizza with a fork.
2 hours ago (8:01 AM)
Learned to eat pizza folded way back in movie Houseboat Sophia Loren showed Cary Grant how This bit was a riot Jon was lol
10 hours ago (12:32 AM)
Thank you Jon Stewart. You made my day.

As for Trump the lump......­I am sooooooo tired of his ugly face, his over inflated ego,
his BS, His lies and his ugly mouth. DONALD, PLEASE GO AWAY.
13 hours ago (9:27 PM)
that was truly funny
13 hours ago (9:14 PM)
Dis guy is duh best. He bust my chops every time. Yea baby, duh best.
14 hours ago (8:22 PM)
Donald Trump is a germophobe­, afraid to shake hands for fear of acquiring someone else's germs. Maybe his disorder has progressed to the point that he's now afraid of the germs on his own hands.
14 hours ago (7:54 PM)
I just came from Arturo's. I decided to check it out after I saw the segment. I really loved it, I can hardly breathe
17 hours ago (5:24 PM)

wtg Jon!
Techie, ballplayer, bike rider.
18 hours ago (4:06 PM)
He saved the best for the end: Donald, show us your long form birth certificat­e, we don't believe you are born in NY City!
20 hours ago (2:40 PM)
You could tell Donald and madonn' Sarah how eat their pizza pie five times, and they'd still screw it up. Ming, what a friggin' stunad.
20 hours ago (2:37 PM)
I love this guy!
20 hours ago (2:29 PM)
Too Funny! Loved the list of authentic NYC pizza places - will note them for my next visit!
20 hours ago (2:14 PM)
the bit was too funny but Stewarts list of pizzerias is worthy of Best of NYC restaurant­s list. I love that he included real tidbits about each pizzeria. Love Arturo's on Houston St.

Does Trump hotels have restaurant­s???

pizza and a fork. Good grief.

21 hours ago (12:58 PM)
Don't you just love how he tied the birth certificat­e thing in there, that was classic Stewart, pitch perfect!
23 hours ago (11:05 AM)
Captain Combover. :)