Girl Dies In Ferris Wheel Fall At Wildwood NJ Boardwalk

GEOFF MULVIHILL   06/ 3/11 11:27 PM ET   AP

Ferris Wheel At Sunset

WILDWOOD, N.J. — An 11-year-old girl on a school trip to a Jersey shore amusement park died Friday when she fell 100 feet from a moving Ferris wheel.

Police Capt. Robert Regalbuto said Abiah Jones of Pleasantville was with her classmates from Pleasant Tech Academy when she fell from the ride at 12:30 p.m.

She was driven to a nearby hospital, where she was pronounced dead about 45 minutes later.

A medical helicopter was initially called for, but paramedics at the scene, seeing how grave the girl's injuries were, decided not to wait, and took her to the hospital in an ambulance.

"I'd like to say how sorry we are for the incident that occurred here," said Will Morey, president and CEO of the Morey Organization, which has owned amusement parks at the Jersey shore since 1969. This was the first death of a patron in the history of the organization, he added.

A Wildwood police statement said the cause of the fall remains unknown. She fell from the upper half of the ride, about 100 feet.

The 156-foot-tall Ferris wheel is among rides at Morey's Mariner's Landing Pier. Both Morey's and police said the problem did not appear to be mechanical.

Morey said it appears Jones was alone in one of the car's passenger gondolas, which is secured with a double latch. The door of the car opens inward, making it difficult to climb out of, he said.

The girl's body was found in the passenger loading area of the ride on the boardwalk, leading authorities to believe she fell from near the top of the ride because that's the trajectory she would have followed as she fell, Morey said.

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The popular park was packed with school children attending a special school-related promotional day called "Education Extravaganza."

Morey's said in a statement the cause was being investigated.

Police took photographs of various passenger carts on the Ferris wheel, part of which was covered in white sheets, and were looking for witnesses to the fall.

The Ferris wheel, which was built in 1985, most recently passed an inspection on March 17, according to the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs, which was examining the ride and conducting an investigation into the death. The Ferris wheel will remain closed until the cause is determined, Morey said.

According to a 2010 report from the National Safety Council, the estimated number of amusement ride-related injuries on fixed-site rides nationwide was 1,086 or 0.6 per million patron rides.

Colleen Mangone, a spokeswoman for the International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions, said the odds of being seriously injured at one of the United States' 400 fixed-site amusement parks are 1-in-9 million.

"Our thoughts and prayers are with the family of the young guest," she said. "Events like this are extremely rare, and safety is the number one priority for the amusement park industry."

Approximately 280 million guests visit those theme parks each year, taking 1.7 billion rides, she said.

After closing the Ferris wheel and a few others nearby but keeping the rest of the park open throughout the afternoon, the amusement park's owners decided around 4 p.m. to close the entire park for the remainder of the night. It was due to reopen Saturday morning.

"The Morey staff and family offer our thoughts and prayers to the family," the park's operators said in a statement.


Associated Press writer Wayne Parry in Point Pleasant Beach, N.J., and researcher Judith Ausuebel in New York City contributed to this story.


WILDWOOD, N.J. — An 11-year-old girl on a school trip to a Jersey shore amusement park died Friday when she fell 100 feet from a moving Ferris wheel. Police Capt. Robert Regalbuto said Abiah Jo...
WILDWOOD, N.J. — An 11-year-old girl on a school trip to a Jersey shore amusement park died Friday when she fell 100 feet from a moving Ferris wheel. Police Capt. Robert Regalbuto said Abiah Jo...
Filed by Christopher Mathias  | 
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Don Stalvino
09:15 AM on 6/05/2011
yeah me and 7 million other people have been on this Ferris Wheel without incident and then along comes a Abiah to ruin it.

there's no way you could fall off of that wheel unless you stood up and climbed out of the car, no other way.

The boardwalk operators should sue the Jones family for disrupting their ride
08:23 AM on 6/04/2011
My family and I went on that ferris wheel and I can tell you that is is SCARY!!! My kids held on to the rail for dear life, while my husband and I tried to not look concerned (but we were). It was VERY windy and VERY high. I would not go on it again.
My guess is that the girl got stuck alone (maybe her friends were in another car), and she got scared and decided to ditch. Poor thing. :(
Citizen of the world
07:25 AM on 6/04/2011
How sad.

Sincere condolence­s to the family of this young girl, and all those that loved her.
05:49 AM on 6/04/2011
This is so sad. I hope she didn't suffer. My heart goes out to her loved ones.
aliens stole my micro-bio
02:22 AM on 6/04/2011
11 years old is a six or seventh grader, seems young to be considerin­g. suicide...­. Maybe she was tiny and fell because it was rocking and she was scared. Someone should have witnessed what happened
Tea for me
Lipton only:>) Proud Lib/Prog Dem
01:55 PM on 6/05/2011
11 is usually 5th grade.
5 hours ago (2:10 PM)
6th. Did you really need to pick on that?
07:17 PM on 6/03/2011
Wait a minute...n­o one saw this happen?
09:31 PM on 6/03/2011
No one saw her fall out of the actual thing, but they saw her fall down (does that make sense?) There is water paddle boats under the ferris wheel (been there many times) and people said she fell from the top, hit metal on the way down and landed where they collect the tickets to get on the ride.
Princess Wolfie
08:16 PM on 6/04/2011
Oh, God, that sounds awful!
07:02 PM on 6/03/2011
I don't think kids under the age of 16 should be aloud on rides like that...
07:35 PM on 6/03/2011
Seriously? I hope for our gene pool's sake, you have no children of your own.
08:36 PM on 6/03/2011
Give me a break. 1 in 9 MILLION people get hurt on amusement park rides, and you want to take this away from kids now? I have rode 1000,`s of rides in my life, and many ferris wheels. With the caging around the seats, and the way the doors are, sorry to say this, but I believe it was no accident, looks like another teen suicide. Follow this story, bet she was being bullied or teased for something. But you can`t let RARE RARE incidents ruin it for all the others. It`s a big world, these things happen, just the way it is, sadly.
09:24 PM on 6/03/2011
I agree that she could have been bullied. Why was she alone on a ride and not with another classmate? Most kids don't like riding alone on a ride.
" little fellow " one of my strays .
06:21 AM on 6/04/2011
I agree .. I don't trust these rides or the people who runs them ..
I am leaning FORWARD
06:08 PM on 6/03/2011