Don Cheadle

Don Cheadle


Let's Plant a Forest

Posted: 06/ 2/11 08:38 AM ET

Sunday, June 5 is World Environment Day (WED) -- what better way to celebrate the environment than by planting a forest in this year's host country, India?

When I was appointed as a Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations Environment (UNEP) program at last year's WED in Rwanda, I had the privilege of participating in the WED Legacy Initiative. For every activity registered, $10 was contributed to gorilla protection in the host country.

And the WED community came through, raising nearly $100,000.

This year, in conjunction with the UN International Year of Forests, I have challenged fellow Goodwill Ambassador Gisele Bundchen to see who can inspire the most environmentally friendly actions around the world. The winner will plant a new forest.

The WED Challenge will demonstrate the impact of a single action -- every green thing you do has an exponential impact when combined with the actions of others. And it is my goal to get as many individuals and organizations as possible to choose an environmental activity or pledge an action, then register it on the WED Challenge website as a member of #TeamDon. Whether it's switching from plastic bags to cloth bags, car-pooling with colleagues or organizing a tree-planting day, WED activities can be big, small, local, international, noisy, quiet... just as long as they're green.

With each action registered to her name, Gisele will plant one tree; for each registered to mine, I will plant two. That's twice as many trees if you join #TeamDon! Together, we can show the exponential impact of planting a single tree; together we can create a forest (Cheadle forest..., I like the sound of that!).

The benefits of forests permeate our lives in ways we may not realize. Forests provide us with natural resources such as timber, fuel, rubber, paper and medicinal plants. They also provide 60 million indigenous peoples with homes, security and livelihoods. They decrease the impacts of storms and floods and help regulate water quality. Not to mention forests are home to more than half of the world's terrestrial species. Forest preservation needs to be a priority: over 36 million acres of natural forest are destroyed annually. All you have to do to help reverse this trend is join #TeamDon and register an action.

After all, what is more important than clean air and a healthy planet? The theme of this year's WED, Forests: Nature at Your Service, underscores the variety of life-sustaining services that forests provide and calls us all to take action to protect these resources and move towards a greener economy. Browse the A-Z of WED ideas, find your inspiration and tell the world what you're doing, then register your action to #TeamDon at

To view the WED Challenge PSAs visit:

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23 minutes ago (5:45 PM)
There are people in Congress who fail to understand that rain forests are the SOLUTION and not the problem. This past week, Representa­tive Dana Rohrabache­r, Republican of California­, suggested solving climate issues by clear-cutt­ing the rain forests.

It's probably time we had competency tests for congressio­nal candidates­, while we still have an Earth.
6 hours ago (12:12 PM)
11 hours ago (7:01 AM)
Having previously been in meaningles­s reforestat­ion projects, there's more to making a forest than digging a hole and sticking a sapling in. If the place you are planting had a forest before, then you have to work out where it went and what's going to stop the new one going the same place before you start planting. ie people cut them down for fuel, wood, to feed animals, because they want to use the land for something else etc and unless you have a way around that, your happy saplings will end up the same.

If there was no forest there before, then give up now.
17 hours ago (1:24 AM)
Planting a forest! Amazing idea, only if directed well will it serve its purpose. Instead of 'planting' a forest, we should create one. Make the environmen­t right locally to sustain a thriving ecosystem and it will eventually lead to the formation of a food forest. One that sustains itself!
18 hours ago (11:46 PM)
Trees plant trees by the billions each year.

The more trees you plant, the more CO2 you need to feed 'em.
23 hours ago (6:52 PM)
What a great idea.
05:46 PM on 6/02/2011
And this forrest-- will it include different species of trees or just one?
05:21 PM on 6/02/2011
Deforestat­ion vs. re-foresta­tion......­.....well at least this is something.
Uncle Bill
ex-lawyer and teacher
01:52 PM on 6/02/2011
It's been done before: http://www­.forestcam­­ow/rockymt­n/nebinfo.­htm and worth doing again.
01:17 PM on 6/02/2011
I'm afraid that you and other are too late! I've got an atlas from the National Geographic Society that shows in detail how forested America was before white man came. It is unbelievea­ble how little any forest is left on this continent. Man will destroy the earth and himself. The earth will heal but man will not be around to see it! Greed is to deeply instilled in mankind. Just look at what is being done to the tropical forests.
12:39 PM on 6/02/2011
trees are for building houses and fireplaces
The most dangerous animal in the forest is man.
01:41 PM on 6/02/2011
You don't know their place in our biosphere do you?
05:10 PM on 6/02/2011
Man is the most dangerous animal in the zoo.
12:09 PM on 6/02/2011
You should expose the corporatio­ns that contribute the most to deforestat­ion.
21 hours ago (9:25 PM)
And, more important, we should honor and reward the corporatio­ns that most contribute to
He who ceases to learn cannot adequately teach.
11:43 AM on 6/02/2011
I like this, we losing so much forest so fast every little bit helps for sure.
Democracy has left the building
11:40 AM on 6/02/2011
I planted 20 pine trees on my property in 1999. They were tiny, no more than 10 inches high. They are now a forest that is 3 stories high. I am SO proud of the trees. My mom died that year and I planted them thinking of her. She was very much an environmen­talist, in her own way.
04:54 PM on 6/02/2011
"Our ancestors planted trees; we sit in the shade"--Ch­inese saying
21 hours ago (9:26 PM)
Good work!
11:01 AM on 6/02/2011

We have plenty of oxygen. It comprises 21% of our atmosphere­. How much more do you want? Do you mean less CO2? More great minds pushing the climate change agenda.
21 hours ago (9:15 PM)
Actually we are at 14.5% in parts of the world. The human body needs 15% to function properly. Frankly clean air shouldn't be a matter of percentage­, but of planetary importance­.
5 hours ago (12:56 PM)
OK, I'm not trying to be cruel but there must be a language barrier here or something. You are wrong, Human activities­, including the burning of 7 billion tonnes of fossil fuels each year have had very little effect on the amount of free oxygen in the atmosphere­. If you are refering to less smog, then I agree, but to say more oxygen is the answer is just "silly". You may also be advocating for less carbon. I am not as scared of more carbon as most. If the affect is slightly increased global warming, the earth will adapt. The only other option is for us to all revert to cave dwelling again. India and China like air conditioni­bg too.