Experts & Media Sources

Connect your company's experts with deadline-driven journalists through ExpertSource.

Developed in consultation with leading news organizations, Business Wire’s ExpertSource allows you to match company spokespeople and key executives with journalists covering top news stories. Register your organization's experts with their contact information and areas of expertise, view and respond to active media queries, and submit Abstracts and/or Advisory ideas on industry issues, surveys and trends.

Our ExpertSource staff seeks out experts qualified to comment on developing spot news and industry trend stories. Experts are included in media advisories reaching thousands of writers and editors in order to provide them with additional background information on evolving stories.

ExpertSource makes it easy to manage and update expert profiles so your information is always current. When a news story breaks, profiles can be immediately updated with new keywords related to the topic so reporters can quickly find the experts they need.

Track Your Queries and News

ExpertSource registrants can stay on top of news developments and media opportunities with Business Wire News, an email containing news from Business Wire members. Business Wire News includes news from areas of interest you specify, as well as alerts on current media queries matching your expert profiles and industry preferences. Email delivery options include daily delivery, three times daily, or hourly.

Technology Media Research


Try Business Wire partner ITDatabase Opens in new window, the only media database focused on targeting key tech media through powerful research and analysis tools.