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Obama, Cameron Play Table Tennis With London Students (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

Commented 3 days ago in World
“Obama heads out for a State­d all the tr0lls start harping about every single natural disaster and how our prez isn't back home supporting the survivors. I might have to quit reading comments after every article or else it would ruin any 'feel-good­' moment I get from these types of stories.”
Read the story:
LONDON (AP) — President Barack Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron are playing table tennis with London students. (Scroll down for video and photos) Obama met Cameron at his official 10 Downing St. residence after the president and his wife, Michelle, spent much of Tuesday at Buckingham Palace in the company of Queen Elizabeth II, her husband Prince Philip and other royal family members. The two leaders shared Obama's limo for the ride to the Globe Academy in London's Southwark neighborhood. The school has more than 900 students, ages 3 to 16. Obama and Cameron saw some science exhibits, then rolled up their sleeves for a match against two teenage boys. It wasn't known who won. Reporters were escorted from the room with the game in progress. Obama is on a two-day state visit to England.   MORE
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