Iman al-Obeidi, Libyan Woman Who Claimed Rape, Heads To U.S.

Iman Alobeidi

HADEEL AL-SHALCHI   06/ 5/11 04:04 PM ET   AP

BENGHAZI, Libya — A Libyan woman who claimed she was raped by Gadhafi troops has left Libya on her way to the United States, her sister said Sunday.

Marwa al-Obeidi said her sister Iman was flown out of Benghazi early Sunday morning. It was not immediately known where she was going in the U.S.

Wearing gray pajamas and sitting with her mother in a cramped hotel room in Benghazi, Marwa al-Obeidi said she had spent the day crying because it was hard to see her sister leave, but knew this trip was best for her.

"We just want a chance for her to be treated psychologically and to rest. My sister has just been through so much," Marwa told The Associated Press.

It appeared difficult for their mother, Aisha bin Ismail, to speak about her daughter. She turned her head away to take a breath and hold back tears as she described Iman's last few weeks.

"Iman locked herself in her room in Doha and refused to leave the house. She would get nightmares and fall off the bed," bin Ismail told The Associated Press.

In March, al-Obeidi rushed into Tripoli's Rixos Hotel where all foreign correspondents are forced to stay while covering the part of Libya under Gadhafi's control.

She shouted out her story of being stopped at a a checkpoint, dragged away and gang-raped by soldiers.

As she spoke emotionally and as photographers and reporters recorded her words, government minders, whose job is to escort reporters around the area, jumped her and dragged her away.

Story continues below

She disappeared for several days, then turned up in Tunisia and later Qatar. She was rarely heard from until Thursday, when she was suddenly expelled from Qatar and ended up in Benghazi. Qatar offered no explanation.

Al-Obeidi has said she was targeted by Gadhafi's troops because she is from Benghazi, the rebel stronghold. Her rape claim could not be independently verified. The Associated Press identifies only rape victims who volunteer their names.

Marwa al-Obeidi told The Associated Press that a human rights group aided by U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton arranged for Iman and their father to travel in a private plane to Washington, D.C. by way of Malta and Austria.

The State Department expressed concern for al-Obeidi's safety after she was deported from Qatar. A U.N. human rights body called the deportation a violation of international law, because she was a recognized refugee.

Libyan authorities have alternately labeled al-Obeidi a drunk, a prostitute and a thief.

Marwa al-Obeidi maintained that Qatar was friendly with the family until the last few hours before deportation. She said that Qatari authorities gave the family five hours notice to get on a military plane and leave Doha.

"Iman wanted to travel directly to America from Qatar, but for some logistical reasons Qatar wouldn't allow it. That's when they didn't treat us very nicely," said Marwa al-Obeidi . She and her mother refused to let AP photographers or TV crews take their pictures.

Iman al-Obeidi's family said that while they had no plans to leave Libya, they encouraged Iman al-Obeidi to travel abroad because she constantly lived in fear there.

"Iman constantly felt scared and threatened even in Benghazi," said bin Ismail. "She was worried that at any moment Gadhafi's men would be near to kill her."

She said that the United States was one of her biggest champions since the beginning of her cause especially since it galvanized world opinion against Gadhafi and his record of alleged human rights abuses.

Marwa al-Obeidi said Iman's top priority in the U.S. would be to receive psychological treatment and to continue her studies there.

"I am sure they will greet her with such warmth and kindness." she said. "We are happy for her."


BENGHAZI, Libya — A Libyan woman who claimed she was raped by Gadhafi troops has left Libya on her way to the United States, her sister said Sunday. Marwa al-Obeidi said her sister Iman was flo...
BENGHAZI, Libya — A Libyan woman who claimed she was raped by Gadhafi troops has left Libya on her way to the United States, her sister said Sunday. Marwa al-Obeidi said her sister Iman was flo...
Filed by Adam J. Rose  | 
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Wish for a better world.
22 hours ago (12:20 AM)
I wish her all the best.
03:50 PM on 6/06/2011
Great, come to the USA and get your free medical. This is what is wrong with this country.
I love rainy days.
10:54 AM on 6/06/2011
This is just one story of the horrible and abusive treatment of women in places like that. I feel for these women because they live in a culture in which it is okay to abuse women and to treat them worse than second class citizens. Middle Eastern men sometimes treat their cattle better than they do women. It is shameful and disgusting­. It, however, is a way of life and in some instances may be all they know. But, as a country, we can't go in and try protect the rights of everyone. We have got to take care of our citizens first.
10:17 AM on 6/06/2011
Yes but if the concervati­ves has their way abortion, rape and incest will all be redifined. Where will anyone go to escape the violence on women and the agenda to do away with women's health in the future if those who are against giving women health care persist. We do offer safe haven to women of other countries while the drive to do away with Planned Parenthood and Medicare continue. A war is being waged on women here are our politician­s any better?
artist, writer
09:32 AM on 6/06/2011
She is seeking asylum. This is why here. We are great because we are diverse. We do not all dance to the same tune. We cannot save them all. This woman did what she had to do to get our attention. Great Britain has a caste system of their own, that is why not Great Britain. Let her come here, someone in American should have hope for a future.
10:38 AM on 6/06/2011
We do? What a proper caste system with untouchabl­es and everything­? Why have I not been told? I'll tell you what, it's very subtle, I've never even heard of it let alone experience­d it.
artist, writer
13 hours ago (8:51 AM)
You must be higher up the food chain. I am no expert on the Brit's but I'd be willing to bet good money that the son of a coal miner and waitress should never hope to be Prime Minister. I lived over there for a few months recently and I was shocked by what I learned. The son of a bartender told me he was a bartender because he had no other choices. Maybe you should actually check it out. There would be no Bill Clinton or Barrack Obama in the England of today. In fact, one of your prime ministers made a similar remark not too many years ago which is why it even came to my attention.
11 hours ago (10:43 AM)
Margaret Thatcher, daughter of a Grocer; John Major son of a circus performer, yep, no such thing as social mobility in the UK. I could go on...Princ­e Charles son of a penniless Greek immigrant and a German woman.
01:21 PM on 6/06/2011
My people were chased over here in 1623. Two hundred yrs from now her people will lay claim to 2011. Yes,welcom­e to America!
artist, writer
13 hours ago (8:40 AM)
Our ancestors were neighbors then. Funny the difference in reactions to this woman's plight. What you are forgetting is that there were already people here in 1623 and they didn't want us either as evidenced by the way they tried to murder us all. Eventually­, we pushed them off their land. I would be willing to bet this same discussion was happening then among the Native Americans.
09:27 AM on 6/06/2011
I hope your "God" makes you explain your posts on Judgement Day.
11:08 AM on 6/06/2011
Judgement day, just what day is that? Is that like the day the world sops turning?
09:21 AM on 6/06/2011
How is she going to pay for the shrink she needs to see? Ther goes health care costs going up again. Free treatment to non Americans.
08:44 AM on 6/06/2011
Wasn't that her goal from the start??
The truth is an absolute defense...
08:42 AM on 6/06/2011
This woman may need help BUT NOT HERE. Why isn't France or Italy or the UK or Germany stepping up to the plate? Why always the US. Another person to feed and clothe and care for - just what we need.
01:10 PM on 6/06/2011
we need brave people like her. she will come here and make a case for other women in her situation. I would honor someone like her to come to the states and live. She will make up for all the heartless, self serving, not in my backyard folk like yourself.
Wish for a better world.
22 hours ago (12:23 AM)
How come on,stop being foolish,ha­ving this woman in America won't take anything away from us.Serious­ly! And plus the Europeans are the doing all the hard work in Libya,not America.
The truth is an absolute defense...
15 hours ago (7:32 AM)
My question: Why America? Why not France or Spain or Italy or Germany or South Africa? Why always America? And, as far as other Nations doing more in Libya - it's about time! We are tossing enough money down the drain in Iraq and Afghanista­n.

Thing is - I love my country and my country comes first, not second. Once we get our house in order again it will be time enough to help and to give and to pay. We have a Congress wanting to toss old folks under the bus without medical care. This isn't the time to be 'all' to everyone when we can't even be compassion­ate with our own citizens.
08:07 AM on 6/06/2011
Keep her out.
10:31 AM on 6/06/2011
01:14 PM on 6/06/2011
Should have kept your family out.
Give her a break,you had yours!
07:59 AM on 6/06/2011
Mideast Obama Care. Are we going to take care of all victims over there and fly them to the states or is this just a publicity stunt?
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06:12 AM on 6/06/2011
This woman certainly knows how to stay in the news ... I wonder what her true agenda is.
11:51 AM on 6/06/2011
You know that is what I was thinking also. Something does not feel "right" -- think she is a "bug" or part of their "ploy"????­??????
06:11 AM on 6/06/2011
send her back
07:02 AM on 6/06/2011
America should be like Qatar?
05:30 AM on 6/06/2011
Qatar deported her why? sorry but something here is fishy to me.