S 1783

Æthelred, king of the Mercians, grants ten hides (manentes) at Ealing, Middlesex, to Wealdhere, bishop [of London]. [A.D. 693 x 704]

Archive: London, St Paul's


In nomine Dei summi. Ego Ethelredus rex Merciorum cum consensu et licentia sapientum meorum do tibi Waldherio episcopo aliquam partem terræ in loco qui dicitur Gillingas, id est 10 manentium, ad augmentum monasterialis vitæ in civitate Londoniæ.

Edition: Charters of St Paul's, London, ed. S. E. Kelly, Anglo-Saxon Charters 10 (Oxford: Published for The British Academy by Oxford University Press, 2004), p. 137 (no. 2). For a detailed commentary see ibid., pp. 137-8.



In the name of God the Supreme. I, Æthelred, king of the Mercians, with the agreement and authorisation of my witan, give to you, Bishop Wealdhere, a portion of land in the place that is called Ealing, that is, of 10 hides, for the augmentation of monastic life in the city of London.

Translation: David A. E. Pelteret.