Lost Rights

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U.S. Army's 101st Airborne Pays High Price For Afghan Surge Year

Lost Rights
Commented 5 days ago in World
“"They have to accept that it was worth it," said Col. Andrew Poppas, commander of the 1st Brigade Combat Team, which lost 39 soldiers. "It was a fight that needed to happen and no soldier died in vain."

What a demented attitude, they did die in vain, in a war that has no meaning except to the Oil companies. Tell it to the families!”
12:43 PM on 6/06/2011
An attitude that makes a Man with a spine. Not a whiner nor a sniveler, but with contempt at bleeders who are given freedom in this country with their blood. Its a volunteer Army, those with a backbone are there for God and Coutry. I did my stretch, I doubt you did.
Read the story:
JALALABAD, Afghanistan — The soldiers of the Army's famed 101st Airborne Division deployed to Afghanistan confident their counterinsurgency expertise would once again turn a surge strategy into a success but are headed home uncertain of lasting changes on the battlefield. As the division's 24,000 soldiers return to Fort Campbell from their one-year deployment, doubts remain in the military that security in Afghanistan can last without a significant U.S. military presence for years. The division brought effective counterinsurgency lessons from Iraq, but is still waiting to see whether those strategies can take hold in Afghanistan.  MORE
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