Peter Diamond Withdraws Fed Bid After Republican Opposition

Peter Diamond Republicans

First Posted: 06/ 6/11 08:02 AM ET Updated: 06/ 6/11 08:03 AM ET

WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Mark Felsenthal and Kristina Cooke) - Nobel Prize winner Peter Diamond said on Sunday he planned to withdraw as a nominee for Federal Reserve governor, after his nomination was repeatedly opposed by Republicans.

"It is time for me to withdraw, as I plan to inform the White House," Diamond, an economics professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, wrote in an opinion piece published in the New York Times titled "When a Nobel Prize isn't enough."

The top Republican on the Senate Banking Committee, Richard Shelby, has criticized Diamond, saying he lacks monetary policy experience.

Diamond's withdrawal, a recognition that Republican objections could not be overcome despite three committee votes approving him, leaves the White House with two vacancies to fill on the seven-seat Fed board as the central bank debates what to do about a weak economy recovery after its $600 billion bond buying program ends this month.

Diamond's nomination fell victim to Republican score settling -- under Democratic control, the Senate in 2008 blocked a nominee of Republican President George W. Bush. Another factor was a newly invigorated opposition to government and monetary intervention to stimulate economic growth during recessions.

The failure of the nomination of the MIT professor, an expert on pensions and behavioral economics, is also an indication of deep partisan divides over economic issues on Capitol Hill.

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Disagreement over spending cuts has stalemated efforts to raise the U.S. debt ceiling, raising the possibility, however remote, of a U.S. debt default.

"It's a pity since Diamond's work on labor markets would be of importance to the committee," said Michael Gapen, a former Fed economist now at Barclays Capital. "This was a case of politics winning out over pragmatism."

The shaky U.S. economy -- in which unemployment is over 9 percent two years after the formal end of the recession -- is a major liability for President Barack Obama as he prepares to seek reelection in 2012.

Data on Friday indicated the economy may be in for a long period of soft growth after employers hired the fewest number of workers in eight months in May.

In his article, Diamond bemoaned the rise of political pressures on central bank decision-making.

"We should all worry about how distorted the confirmation process has become, and how little understanding of monetary policy there is among some of those responsible for its Congressional oversight," he said.

"We need to preserve the independence of the Fed from efforts to politicize monetary policy and to limit the Fed's ability to regulate financial firms."

Among names that have been mentioned for Fed vacancies in the recent past are Raphael Bostic, an economist at the Department of Housing and Urban Development who has worked at the Fed and William Spriggs an economist at the Labor Department who also worked on Capitol Hill.

(Editing by Ron Popeski & Kim Coghill)

Copyright 2011 Thomson Reuters. Click for Restrictions.

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WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Mark Felsenthal and Kristina Cooke) - Nobel Prize winner Peter Diamond said on Sunday he planned to withdraw as a nominee for Federal Reserve governor, after his nomination wa...
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Mark Felsenthal and Kristina Cooke) - Nobel Prize winner Peter Diamond said on Sunday he planned to withdraw as a nominee for Federal Reserve governor, after his nomination wa...
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1 hour ago (4:07 PM)
The dumbing down of America ladies and gentlemen.

Perhaps Sarah Palin would loan one of the kids to head up the Fed. I'm sure she knows few math skills are necessary and her kids never seem to be in school anyway.
Remembering your past gives power to the present.
9 hours ago (8:16 AM)
"The top Republican on the Senate Banking Committee, Richard Shelby, has criticized Diamond, saying he lacks monetary policy experience­...Dimond'­s nomination fell victim to Republican score settling -- under Democratic control, the Senate in 2008 ...The failure of the nomination of the MIT professor, an expert on pensions and behavioral economics, is also an indication of deep partisan divides over economic issues on Capitol Hill." AMERICA FIRST However, I guess that a professor at MIT that is an expert on pensions and behavioral economics not to mention Nobel Prize winner "lacks monetary policy experience­" to those that have no idea what monetary policy experience is. Then again, just another sorry outcome of our divided nation and another nail in its coffin. Story continues below
12 hours ago (4:47 AM)
Don't cry for me, Argentina, the truth is, I never left you!...
15 hours ago (2:17 AM)
Now is the time for the President to appoint Peter Diamond to replace his departing Chief Economic Advisor Austan Goolsbee. Mr. Diamond would provide credibilit­y, sound advice and profound understand­ing of the labor market that would counter the deficit oriented views in the White House.
17 hours ago (12:12 AM)
Too bad for us. So sad.
18 hours ago (11:32 PM)
Why is everyone that doesn't get what he/she wants is a "victim"?
16 hours ago (1:05 AM)
like "conservat­ives", whining about "Obama" for another 4 years?
15 hours ago (1:55 AM)
when has a conservati­ve be described as a "victim" of the Dems or the leftist?
19 hours ago (10:31 PM)
Simply put the Republican­s absolutely do not want anyone with intelligen­ce, education, a leaning towards the common people, or experience near their financiall­y rigged game. They are not there to govern, they are there to keep the money flowing and their nests well feathered.
Hwrd Sprague
19 hours ago (9:58 PM)
you talk like a nobel prize is a big deal - they only give them to liberals anymore and Obama getting a "peace" prize ?? Puleeze
3 hours ago (1:52 PM)
21 hours ago (8:28 PM)
Best way to get yourself eliminated from considerat­ion for public service is to actually know what you're talking about. Nothing scares the no-nothing GOP more.
Liberal Democrat
21 hours ago (8:20 PM)
Won the Nobel Prize?

"Forget it!! He must be an elitist.
19 hours ago (9:47 PM)
Or at least intelligen­t. We don't want any intelligen­ce in gov or on the Fed board, now, do we.
Ann Starke
21 hours ago (8:20 PM)
Need a little dinner. Later.
Mostly optimistic.
21 hours ago (8:18 PM)
Time for an interim (recess) appointmen­t.
Ann Starke
21 hours ago (8:16 PM)
There is absolutely nothing to say.
Liberal Democrat
21 hours ago (8:34 PM)
Yes, finally the millionair­es come out and set the record straight!
Liberal Democrat
21 hours ago (8:37 PM)
oh sorry, wrong thread
22 hours ago (7:12 PM)
This is part of the GOP strategy to wreck the economy in order to hopefully put an extremest in the white house in 2012. It didn't work in 1937, it won't work now.
22 hours ago (7:16 PM)
I hope it doesn't work. I'm shocked they still have the support that they do.