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ABOUT: Back to Top

What is Gen: Change?

Generation: Change is a movement dedicated to inspiring businesses to donate their services to deserving causes, giving tangible resources to empower organizations to better affect change.

Many great ideas and organizations go to waste due to lack of funding or resources. By bringing corporate resources to non-profit organizations, we are giving them the tools to better serve their cause, and truly make a difference in the world.

Generation: Change is founded with the intent of encouraging people from all walks of life, bridging the "generation gap," and creating one generation— a generation united to make a difference in the world.

"Many great ideas and organizations go to waste due to lack of funding or resources."

"We are giving them the tools they need to better serve their cause."

PROJECT: AmpSurfBack to Top


"Imagine that you are told you will never be able to walk on your own two feet again. Now imagine being told you can surf."

Think about how digital media can increase the awareness and accessibility of an organization like AmpSurf. Generation: Change is making that happen.

Hathway, a creative digital agency, is initiating Genration: Change's first project, an innovative digital media campaign for the Association of Amputee Surfers (AmpSurf).

AmpSurf is a non-profit organization that empowers amputees and people with limited mobility, especially veteran heroes, through adaptive surfing and other outdoor activities.


"The mission of Generation: Change is to inspire businesses to leverage their resources to empower a deserving cause."

1.) Join the Gen: Change Team

Donate your services to our project with AmpSurf and be recognized as an integral part of the Foundation.

2.) Be a Gen: Change Sponsor

This can entail (but is not limited to) product donations for Generation: Change giveaways (which will be incorporated in our social media awareness campaign), media coverage, and promotional funding for Generation: Change. You are part of the foundation.

3.) Volunteer for the November 13 Clinic

Come out and volunteer for the November 13 surf clinic. Ideally we need a two to one ratio of volunteers to participants sometimes four to one. If you would like to volunteer, contact us today.

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