Ted Danson

Ted Danson


This Summer, Be Wary of Fish Fraud

Posted: 06/ 2/11 11:26 AM ET

It's almost summer, which means many of us will be heading to beaches -- and seafood markets and seaside restaurants -- in the coming months. Maybe you'll use a sustainable seafood guide to make a smart choice for your family. But what if the fish you find in the market isn't what you think it is?

According to a new report by Oceana, U.S. consumers are frequently served a completely different fish species than the one they paid for. "Bait and Switch: How Seafood Fraud Hurts Our Oceans, Our Wallets and Our Health" reveals that seafood may be mislabeled as often as 25 to 70 percent of the time for fish such as red snapper, wild salmon and Atlantic cod.

Using DNA testing, both scientists and amateur seafood sleuths have exposed fish fraud across North America and Europe. So how does it happen? While more than 80 percent of U.S. seafood is now imported, a small fraction of 1 percent is inspected by the Food and Drug Administration specifically for seafood fraud, and fraud can happen at each step of the supply chain -- the restaurant, the distributor, or the processing and packaging phase.

Plus, seafood consumption around the world continues to rise, as do the incentives to overfish the oceans and mislabel fish as more expensive species. As Oceana's Vice President for North America and chief scientist Dr. Mike Hirshfield told the New York Times, "If you're ordering steak, you would never be served horse meat. But you can easily be ordering snapper and get tilapia or Vietnamese catfish."

Not only does seafood fraud affect your bottom line, it also has serious consequences for your health -- and the health of the oceans, too. Here's how:

1. Seafood fraud can make people sick. Fish species might be swapped for another that could be riddled with allergens, toxins or contaminants.

2. Mislabeling fish makes it difficult for consumers to make eco-friendly choices. Market-driven conservation efforts -- like those seafood guides I mentioned earlier -- depend on the consumer's ability to make an informed purchase of particular species.

3. Seafood fraud misleads consumers about the true availability of seafood and the state of the marine environment. Mislabeling maintains the appearance of a steady supply of popular fish species despite possible overfishing.

4. Seafood fraud creates a market for illegal fishing by making it easy to launder illegally caught seafood products through the U.S. market. This undermines conservation efforts to prevent overfishing and accidental catch of marine wildlife and hurts honest fishermen.

So this summer, whether you're on the coast or not, familiarize yourself with some of the commonly mislabeled fish species from Oceana's seafood fraud report. And ask lots of questions when you're buying seafood: What kind of fish is this? Is this farmed or wild caught? Where was this fish caught? When was this fish caught?

Meanwhile, Oceana will be working to convince the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to implement a tracking system for fish that can trace seafood from your plate back to its original source. Together we can ensure that seafood in the U.S. is safe, legal and honestly labeled.

Ted Danson is on the board of directors of Oceana, the international ocean conservation organization. He recently published the book "Oceana: Our Endangered Oceans and What We Can Do to Save Them."

It's almost summer, which means many of us will be heading to beaches -- and seafood markets and seaside restaurants -- in the coming months. Maybe you'll use a sustainable seafood guide to make a sma...
It's almost summer, which means many of us will be heading to beaches -- and seafood markets and seaside restaurants -- in the coming months. Maybe you'll use a sustainable seafood guide to make a sma...
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Somebody make me a sandwich!
2 hours ago (2:55 PM)
Scallops is another seafood that is commonly fraudulant­. If you get an order of scallops at a restaurant and everyone of them is the same exact size, those aren't real scallops.
3 hours ago (1:45 PM)
All I find outside of the seafood counter in the grocery stores in Florida, are bagged fish, you can't see inside the bag, and the vast majority is from China.

I live in state surrounded on 3 sides by the Atlantic Ocean and or the Gulf of Mexico, and it seems the fishing industry must be dead. How can the Chinese supply the majority of fish to us, when are surrounded by salt water? Never have I seen a bag noting the contents were from U.S. waters.
2 hours ago (2:29 PM)
Don't trust the labels, much of the "fishing" and the catch that makes it to market are caught in US waters by foreign corps. We have allowed gillnettin­g and dragging for so long we have hurt the population severely but we only ban US fishers and keep much of the waters open to those who care even less for the stocks surroundin­g the US.
Somebody make me a sandwich!
2 hours ago (2:50 PM)
I'm in Ft. Lauderdale and there are TONS of locally fished seafood to be had.
Paul Houston
British and a London resident
4 hours ago (1:27 PM)
The same thing is happening here in the UK. Trading standards are reporting that some fish and chip shops are selling other fish but saying it is cod.
Semper Fidelis Tyrannosaurus!
4 hours ago (1:18 PM)
I've stopped eating seafood. I'm too concerned that I'm going to be served the Gulf seafood which is contaminat­ed with oil and corexit, rather than whatever they are claiming is being served.
7 hours ago (9:52 AM)
"And ask lots of questions when you're buying seafood: What kind of fish is this? Is this farmed or wild caught? Where was this fish caught? When was this fish caught?"

You're funny, Ted. I am lucky to get someone who knows where the restrooms are.
Somebody make me a sandwich!
2 hours ago (2:50 PM)
Then you're buying your fish from the wrong place.
Once snowmobiled over open water
8 hours ago (9:12 AM)
With all due respect, the FDA, an inherently complicit body in the collusion of corporate interests with their feigned concern on much, much more insidious breaches of public, health trust and safety, all contrived to appear like oversight.

It's oversight alright...­..I just don't think most of the sheep are ready to hear what they are overseeing­.
12 hours ago (5:03 AM)
Dont let them filet your soul Ted.
17 hours ago (11:48 PM)
It's been said if a fishmonger­'s lips are moving he probably lying.
Semper Fidelis Tyrannosaurus!
4 hours ago (1:19 PM)
I've heard the same thing said of conservati­ves!
No herd, no flock, no crowd ... just me.
18 hours ago (11:17 PM)
How about going outside and catching your own fish? Most of the time, I've no idea what I've caught, but I sure do know where it came from. I find the idea of bringing home a dead fish, worse yet only PART of a dead fish, fairly distressin­g.
18 hours ago (11:08 PM)
Thank you Ted!

18 hours ago (10:44 PM)
Steve Colbert thought maybe you were in the rapture. It's good to see you are one of us.
Laura Kabel
19 hours ago (9:49 PM)
I just donated ten dollars to Oceana. I hope it helps.
20 hours ago (9:18 PM)
Its all Mekong delta catfish.
Laura Kabel
19 hours ago (9:56 PM)
I hope you are wrong, cos that fish is endangered­.
17 hours ago (11:51 PM)
No idea if it's true or not. I heard that it was farmed.
Proud to not be republican.
20 hours ago (9:15 PM)
Go vegan!
Life after death, why wait?
23 hours ago (5:37 PM)
Asking $2 an hour servers what kind and where and when the fish was caught. Mankind's last fad.
ProgLibFemHumanist. Thanks tax payers for paying
21 hours ago (7:59 PM)
That is $2.oo tips, and you bet the servers know what they serve, if there is a switch, the kitchen staff laughs about it.
Life after death, why wait?
20 hours ago (8:47 PM)
Even the buyers have no clue half the time, asking the serves to be responsibl­e for knowing is a joke.