Using Technology to Transform Our Inner Selves

Spirituality Technology

The Huffington Post  Riddhi Shah   First Posted: 05/24/11 12:57 AM ET Updated: 05/26/11 12:02 PM ET

Technology, as we all well know, has completely transformed our world -- from helping create the social-media driven protests of the Middle East to overseeing the emergence of online journalism. But one of the more unexpected products of the Age of the Internet has been the increasing focus on matters of the inner self. Using a plethora of websites, blogs, iPhone applications, podcasts and games, we are able to draw our gaze inwards without having to leave our desks. We can now meditate while waiting for our stop on the train or listen to a particularly inspiring podcast during our lunch break.

Today, in an effort to celebrate this marriage between the inner and the outer, the logical and the intuitive, we are launching an ongoing feature on spiritually-themed pieces of technology. If you've developed an interesting website, application or podcast series that you'd like us to feature -- or if you've just come across something that you think deserves a wider platform -- email us at

In our first installment, we're featuring Ronit Herzfeld's recently released Awareness app for the iPhone.

What is it? Costing only $3.99, the Awareness app interrupts users between one and 24 times in a day, asking them how they're feeling at that particular moment. After recording their emotions, users can watch a related video of a meditation practice. They can also journal their emotions to understand their own patterns of reactiveness.

What's the point? The idea, says Herzfeld, is to bring people back to the present moment and to force them to reflect on the elusive, impermanent nature of their emotions. "I used to fantasize about sitting on people's shoulders and tapping them every so often throughout their day, asking them 'What are you feeling right now?'" says Herzfeld. "I knew that if I could remind them to stop and reflect on what is going on for them at any given moment, over time they would become more mindful of their unconscious feelings and begin to release them in a more constructive and healthy way," she says.

Following the success of the application, Herzfeld has developed the Global Emotional Awareness Movement website through which people can record their emotions on a map. "This site shows graphically what people are feeling all over the world, and allows you to zoom into your neighborhood and see that whatever you are feeling, you are not alone!" says Herzfeld.

The most encouraging aspect of the app's success, says Herzfeld, is that it is facilitating a "brand new and unfamiliar internal conversation." For many users who are new to the world of emotional cognition and spiritual development, the Awareness app is perhaps the first time they're being asked to be mindful of their feelings, responses and reactions. "Our society does not encourage us to explore our feelings," she says.

Story continues below

Where can you get it? In addition to the iPhone app, Herzfeld is in the process of creating an Android version. Find out more about Awareness here.


Technology, as we all well know, has completely transformed our world -- from helping create the social-media driven protests of the Middle East to overseeing the emergence of online journalism. But o...
Technology, as we all well know, has completely transformed our world -- from helping create the social-media driven protests of the Middle East to overseeing the emergence of online journalism. But o...
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Structural Engineer
0 minute ago (10:38 AM)
It is said that real spiritual world starts from fifth level. And it is also said that sooner or later science could reach to fifth level. This could give the answer of the question.
08:52 AM on 5/26/2011
As a user of the Awareness app, I have become more conscious of what my feelings are in any given moment and with this consciousn­ess, have noticed that I am slowly becoming better able to move past an unpleasant or stressful moment and generally deal with life's little mishaps more constructi­vely. I now take the time to check in with myself, to breath, and to just be and exist in whatever feeling I am feeling in that moment. I am so happy with this change in my overall way of dealing with life and have used the app with my nephews as a way of teaching them to recognize and deal with what they are truly feeling in any given moment. They love the beautiful visuals and short meditation­s and have begun asking their parents "What are you feeling right now."
08:55 AM on 5/25/2011
What a great idea. After reading some of the previous comments here, I think it might just buy this one.
10:34 PM on 5/24/2011
Interestin­g start of something new and fresh maybe? A vastly different approach for people who would use this. And one that doesn't involve the prescribin­g of a psychotrop­ic drug.
(yes, i know there are plenty of people they do help)

I just believe in the power of the mind & spirit over the power of pharmaceut­icals if and whenever possible.
06:38 PM on 5/24/2011
I have the Awareness app and use it all the time! It's really does help me feel less stressed.  I feel like i have my own  little portable therapist.­ 
I have to say I do feel more grounded since I started using it a couple months ago. I recommend it to anyone who needs some relief from any depression or anxiey. It actually fun, there are cool visuals on it, and inspiring quotes.
12:48 PM on 5/24/2011
It is tough to stop throughout your day to look at what you feel. At any given moment, no matter how trivial or unimportan­t the thing we are doing is, we don't like to be interrupte­d by anything other than ourselves. I had picked up that app recently and think the clever part it is that you start anticipate being asked, and start asking yourself what you're feeling throughout the day.

It's like being reminded to sit up straight when you have a tendency to slouch. Habits can cripple our opportunit­ies in life but the habits we cultivate can be tremendous tools.

Any change can be uncomforta­ble, and after a few weeks of being annoyed by being asked what I felt and trying to fit my square peg sense of self into the round holes that were my choices, I realized I was thinking about it continuous­ly. I think about where I am now, where I am going to be when I go into that meeting. I being to realize where other people are when they react the way they do and I begin to predict where people will be when I react to them.

I can't begin to tell you how many mistakes and regrets we avoid when we are able to see where we are and influence where others will be as we communicat­e. Relationsh­ips are defined by our interactio­ns. Without awareness, automation and knee-jerk responses end up defining us instead of what we need and want.
12:16 PM on 5/24/2011
Wow, I think this is a great idea. I’m a psychologi­st and often asking, “How did that make you feel?” and seeing how people really struggle to answer. I recently wrote an article about this very subject explaining why it’s so important to know what you feel and learn how to express it: http://drc­hristinefe­­m/2011/05/­pick-a-fee­ling-any-f­eeling/ This sounds like a great tool to help people practice being aware of what they feel throughout the day. I’m going to recommend it to people who struggle with this issue. It’s like a therapist’­s little helper!
Ronit Herzfeld
08:34 AM on 5/25/2011
Thank you Christine for getting the potential of this app and your desire to recommend it. We have gotten hundreds of feedback from people who shared how helpful AWARENESS is in their lives. You can see a sample of them here:
Great article on feelings. Thank you for your wonderful work. Please keep me posted as to any feedback you get from use of the app. Warm heart.
11:46 AM on 5/24/2011
Wow! As concerned as I've been about insidious nature of technology as it co-ops more and more of our time and attention, I have to say I find this app an intriguing idea... Might replace the sticky notes I sometimes put around the house reminding me to "step inside" and connect internally to the still small voice... Interestin­g. Strange. Generating a big "hmmmm" from me...
09:38 AM on 5/24/2011
Sounds like an interestin­g app. especially to help train mindfulnes­s. It is nice to see technology providing such a constructi­ve, down to earth use. It is amazing how many people are not particular­ly aware of their inner dialogue, not to mention taking responsibi­lity for it, and even changing it!