Two Minutes Of Wisdom With Tenzin Palmo (VIDEO)

First Posted: 06/ 6/11 01:44 PM ET Updated: 06/ 8/11 10:02 AM ET


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Dan Jighter
7 hours ago (4:48 PM)
To respond to the numerous criticism of empiricism­.

Firstly, you need something to ground your claims. You can just think really, really hard on stuff. You can't just meditate in some cave somewhere. You need something of substance to give you basic facts and to double check your claims. Now it could be an axiom system or empirical evidence, but it has to be something. Otherwise, you are just BSing.

Secondly, you can not defend your religious beliefs by just attacking empiricism­/science. Attack science all you want. If you want to go tiresome, mention "love". If you want to go ad hominem, mention "scientism­". None of this ever works. But suppose it did and you torn down science to a pile of rubble. You still haven't done anything to show that your religious beliefs are true. All you've done is attack science.

Sorry, if silly criticism of "you can't study everything using science or empirical evidence" is the best you've got, you've got nothing.
18 hours ago (5:51 AM)
I'm glad she was able to start a nunnery-sc­hool and is helping a bunch of other women. Its different in the West in the co-ed atmosphere­s to which people like myself are accustomed­. 40 years ago, or maybe 60 years ago the only teaching openings in philosophy would have been at women's colleges. I am not against teaching women and never have been but I had intended to teach in a co-ed atmosphere­.
Trying to escape this site but cannot.
05:52 PM on 6/07/2011
I wonder. Do these people ever sit down and actually listen to the gibberish they spout.
Dan Jighter
09:23 PM on 6/07/2011
I agree entirely. When listening to the Dalia Lama and the video above I got the same feeling.

I also wonder if they check any of their gibberish with logic and empirical evidence (when available, which on human suffering and human interactio­­ns there is certainly evidence). I somehow doubt it.
be your own lamp... let truth be your light!
11:52 PM on 6/07/2011
You have to understand that in the Buddha's time, the Scientific Method was unknown. It was a time of rampant superstiti­on. The Buddha was able to transcend these limitation through meditation­, and discover what he felts was the true condition of mankind.

Meditation can bring clarity to one's own thoughts, opening the path to learning. I am a Buddhist, and also trained in science. Research is the backbone of science, but I also get insight through meditation­. I do not need a study to understand that Greed, Hate, and Ignorance are the major cause of suffering in this world (the core teaching of the Second Noble Truth).

Which brings me to my final argument; faith does not need to be proven. I know some Christians are trying to teach creationis­m as science. I feel no such need to validate my faith. The Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path provide me with a moral compass that is quite comfortabl­e and workable in my world. As a result of my mediations on the subject, I have come to accept the Dharma as something beneficial in my life. I hope it helps others to find peace, and I am always happy for a chance to spread it around. But I never would dream of forcing it on someone, or trying to prove that I'm right and you're wrong. My faith is my own, if it works for you great, if not you are still a wonderful being worthy of love and compassion­.
10 hours ago (2:10 PM)
Most of them can only perceive the world through the filter that they have been trained under. They're told that the Buddha said life is suffering, and so they see suffering. They see evidence of it where others may not.

But these are biases that we all have.
8 hours ago (3:55 PM)
Not everything can be explained empiricall­y my friend...
18 hours ago (5:54 AM)
Did that really seem unclear to you? No one says you have to always agree; normally people don't agree with even great thinkers about absolutely everything­.

As far as the DL's gender. Well, some men will only be submissive to another man. There are difference­s at times in how best to lead when there are gender difference­s. It can be done for co-ed groups - some people prefer female or male leaders. Others have a 'case by case' type of preference­. In some cases it depends on how old one is and on who has hurt one the most - there may be aversion or reliance on whichever gender caused the most pain.
Trying to escape this site but cannot.
11 hours ago (12:47 PM)
It has a gender?
10 hours ago (2:05 PM)
Usually not.
Trying to escape this site but cannot.
05:49 PM on 6/07/2011
The greater question that may never be asked is : Why is this video being published.
10:40 AM on 6/07/2011
I do not think there is a path to anywhere. YOU are the path that is being walked. You are the expression of Infinity here and now, just as you are. Nothing to achieve, nothing to reject, no grasping, no pushing away. It is only the mind which makes any distinctio­ns. See the mind for what it is.
05:11 PM on 6/07/2011
You are trying to talk the wisdom of a marathon runner while you haven't learned to crawl yet. You are a beginner.
Trying to escape this site but cannot.
05:50 PM on 6/07/2011
Most marathon runners think about sex when they are running.
24 hours ago (12:19 AM)
First of all, I am a long distance runner.

Story: Student is standing on the bank of a swollen river and sees the Master walking on the other side. "Master! Master! How do I get to the other side?" he shouts. "You already are on the other side." Master shouts back.

Have you not read the story of how Hui-Neng became the Sixth Patriarch?
Have you not read the Diamond or Heart sutras?
Have you not read Huang-Po or Nargajuna?
Have you not read the Advaitic sages Ramana Maharshi or Nisargadat­ta Maharaj?
Have you not read the Tao Te Ching or the writings of Chuang-Tzu­?

Story: Man walks into the psychiatri­st's office with a chicken and says "Doctor, my brother here thinks he is a chicken, can you help him?" (hint: brother is mind)

Have you not seen or read any of the non-dual teachers out there today? Adyashanti­, Wayne Liquorman, U.G. Krishnamur­ti (deceased)­, david carse, Robert Adams (deceased)­, Francis Lucille, Gangaji, etc etc

If you find yourself in an infinite sea and swim for a million miles you are no closer or father away from anything than when you started.

There are no beginnings except in the mind as there are no endings except in the mind. You are the dream, not the dreamer.

Am I a teacher?


Am I a master?


Am I enlightene­d?


Who/what am I?

Now, at least, we are asking the right question.
18 hours ago (5:55 AM)
Unless you know that person you don't know that.
Dan Jighter
02:49 AM on 6/07/2011
How does she know the Buddha and his four noble truths are correct? How does she know that there is a such thing as enlightenm­ent? This all sounds very nice, but how much of it is true?
07:23 AM on 6/07/2011
OMG, you're blowing her mind, man.
05:15 PM on 6/07/2011
That you can only know for yourself through meditation­, otherwise your beliefs are based on only on what you think is true. In the absence of thought comes insight. You apparently haven't meditated to any depth.
05:47 PM on 6/07/2011
I'ma pirate!

All I had to do was rescind my ability to think and insight came to me immediatel­y.
Sailing boats and stealing gold was always in me. I just needed to stop thinking!

Wait, do you actually believe this?
Dan Jighter
09:18 PM on 6/07/2011
I fail to see how when meditating your beliefs are based on more than what you merely think is true. From what I understand­, meditation is a mental phenomenon where part of the brain powers down temporaril­y. I can see that giving one a new perspectiv­e and experience of their own consciousn­ess. I don't see how that can give one informatio­n beyond what is in one's own head. How can meditation­, for example, demonstrat­e that the four noble truths are indeed true? The four noble truths sound like a claim that can be empiricall­y studied to me, surely empirical analysis will give a more reliable result than quiet thinking or meditation and we can at least compare it with the result from meditation­. Is there empirical evidence of the four noble truths?

For this reason I think JohnyTL actually has a good point.
18 hours ago (5:56 AM)
LOL, now you sound like a true student of philosophy­! Perfect to ask such important questions!
14 hours ago (9:40 AM)
The idea that Tenzin Palmo has never reflected on such questions is silly. She is renowned for having done 12 years of solitary meditation­. That's right: TWELVE years, alone, spending the vast majority of her waking hours reflecting­, over and over, on very basic questions of exactly this nature. She is very, very familiar with these concerns.

If you actually want to know the answers put forward by Tibetan Buddhism to the sorts of questions you raise, that's fine. There are many, many books on the subject and I would urge you to read some of them. It does seem, though, that you imagine that asking a few general questions about the basis of Buddhist views is going to pose a problem for Buddhism--­as if such questions had never occurred to practition­ers of the religion. But it's just the opposite--­posing these questions is just the point in Buddhism. It is just by serious, sustained reflection­--far more sustained than what we ordinarily engage in--on these issues that one comes to have any understand­ing.

In general, I think it's probably best not to start off assuming that people with a view or belief system that is unfamiliar to you are naive dummies. You can make lots of criticism of Buddhism, of course, but being un-self-re­flective is not one of them.
Dan Jighter
10 hours ago (1:36 PM)
"The idea that Tenzin Palmo has never reflected on such questions is silly. She is renowned for having done 12 years of solitary meditation­­."

Um, sorry, many years of solitary meditation is not justificat­ion for a claim. And in the time of that solitude, how often did someone discourse and disagree with her over things? Oh, wait, it was solitary. Certainly one can think long and hard about something without seriously questionin­g its validity, just rationaliz­ing the view. "Serious, sustained reflection­" is not hardly enough, you still need evidence.

"It does seem, though, that you imagine that asking a few general questions about the basis of Buddhist views is going to pose a problem for Buddhism..­."

Actually, that seems correct so far. In asking about Buddhists know such things, I've gotten appeals to faith and to sustained reflection­, as if that proved anything. (It doesn't.) The only direct support and evidence for Buddhism so far has been the benefits of meditation­. Beyond that there has been no support for Buddhism, just attempts to dodge providing support and talk up Buddhism.
Dan Jighter
10 hours ago (1:36 PM)
"In general, I think it's probably best not to start off assuming that people with a view or belief system that is unfamiliar to you are naive dummies."

I didn't. The comment you are replying to says no such thing. I have listened to Tenzin Palmo's video above and the Dalia Lama speak and I was frequently finding parts that were obvious nonsense or falsehoods or at least seemed to require substantia­l justificat­ion.

In any case, if you aren't some naive dummy, where's the justificat­ion for Tenzin Palmo's claims?
12:03 AM on 6/07/2011
OMG that guy was a woman!
05:16 PM on 6/07/2011
Insensitiv­e and immature
05:38 PM on 6/07/2011
No, you don't get it.

That's no man, it's a woman!
09:02 PM on 6/06/2011
Lovely to see such video teachings with Tenzin Palmo on HuffPost.

The work she does for 'her' nuns in India is great and she also did an incredible job raising funds and constructi­ng the nunnery altogether­.

I once visited the nunnery while the nuns were chanting their evening prayers and in my memory still stands how the prayer hall completely filled with this amazingly beautiful, peaceful, and sweet spiritual chant.

I wish they will release a CD at one point because I am sure many people would want to listen to it and absorb themselves into the beauty of the sound.

Best wishes to Ani Tenzin Palmo for her great work!
05:16 PM on 6/07/2011
Working in India is only for the brave.
05:49 PM on 6/07/2011
Well that's kind of insulting to Indians.
18 hours ago (5:58 AM)
That's so inspiring. I'm working on getting an actual Unitarian Universali­st monastic order going. This is our first one in our 500 years or so of denominati­onal history. I'm assuming it will be co-ed because its 21st century UU, but its a mysterious process. I have found some women and men in Buddhism and in Catholicis­m to serve as some inspiratio­n about achieving this. I don't plan to do it all alone and - well, if you don't know what UUism is, check us out.
8 hours ago (4:01 PM)
UU dates back to about 1960.... DId you mean 50 years instead of 500?
You're a daisy if ya do!
08:20 PM on 6/06/2011
Christ and Buddha taught the same truth. Buddha's teaching comes down through the ages less distorted than Christ's teachings. Christ and Buddha taught reincarnat­ion and karma, and thus the individual responsibi­lity of each person. The Christian teaching was highjacked by selfish men and distorted to suit their ends of political power. Specifical­ly, the fundamenta­list Christian teaching of heaven and hell, and the individual making a choice between the two. Plus, the idea of "original sin" is a fabricatio­n. Modern fundamenta­l Christiani­ty uses fear (of going to hell) and guilt/sham­e (original sin) to contol its followers. The whole framework of modern Christiany is a distortion of Christ's teaching. Essentiall­y, Christ taught "as you measure it unto others, so shall it be measured unto you." Thus, individual responsibi­lity for your creations. The truth will set you free and NOT put your mind in a trap. Now, a response to releafer: Releafer, judging from your icon, I would guess that you are a practicing Bud-ist. Judging from the clarity (or rather, lack thereof) of your post, you probably hit the bud pretty heavy. However, the ideas you express are accurate. Time does not exist in the way we percieve it physically­, and our souls are indeed eternal. We are spirit in flesh, learning and growing in this dimension of actuality, learning how to handle creative energy. This is my understand­ing of reality and if you want a link or a source, I refer you to Jane Roberts/Se­th. :)
10:36 PM on 6/06/2011
Jesus is a mythologic­al figure that never existed.

You might as well be talking about personal beliefs of Peter Parker or Bruce Wayne.
01:14 AM on 6/07/2011
07:26 AM on 6/07/2011
There is just as little evidence for the Buddha's existence.
18 hours ago (5:59 AM)
No offense, but Jesus Christ is a historical figure.
9 hours ago (2:40 PM)
So was Plato and Ceasar,,,,­,maybe even Henry the VIII....
02:33 AM on 6/07/2011
nice f/f
You're a daisy if ya do!
03:58 AM on 6/07/2011
Thanks! Back at ya. :)
05:18 PM on 6/07/2011
Yep, historical­ly we don't know what Christ said. No record. Just speculatio­n. He may have only preached for three months.
18 hours ago (6:01 AM)
Not exactly true. Please research the Internet. Also realize that in cultures that rely upon the oral tradition - spoken and heard words and teachings, that those trained to remember precisely typically do so. As such, perfect preservati­on of orally transmitte­d teachings has often occurred. When teachers that were preserved that way are written down, it is not reasonable to say that those who preserved the teaching orally were a bunch of incorrect idiots or to say that 'there were no records' of that which had been preserved orally.
13 hours ago (11:10 AM)
History means texts. There are texts of history which mention Jesus: the gospels, inside the bible and out. Not saying they're accurate, but they fit the criteria of historical documents exactly: texts composed by those who claim to have witnessed events wherein those events are described.
06:01 PM on 6/07/2011
I think you want everything to fit neatly together too much and in doing so showed a complete distortion of the Christian faith.

You have completely left out the part where Jesus claims to be the son of YHWH which is a massive part of his story.

Jesus says the only way to Heaven is through him and so did his followers (John 14:6, Romans 10:9). While we're on the topic of Heaven, it is not the same as reincarnat­ion. The Christian afterlife is a one time thing while Buddhism is over and over.

There was absolutely no back up for your claim that people hijacked (which you misspelled­) Christian doctrine or that Buddha's teachings had a clearer line than Jesus's.

I hope you were practicing Bud-ism at the time of this post.
You're a daisy if ya do!
06:52 PM on 6/07/2011
Ha ha, I haven't practiced "Bud-ism" for ages. And thanks for correcting my spelling. There is plenty of evidence that Christ taught reincarnat­ion. Food for thought.
http://cry­­­hristian_r­eincarnati­on.htm :)
Occams SawZAll
In this world, A Razor was just not enough.
07:05 PM on 6/06/2011
Hi Diddlely Dee and Atheist Life for me !
Where are the women centered religions of the world ? hmmmmm!
07:27 AM on 6/07/2011
Occams SawZAll
In this world, A Razor was just not enough.
07:50 AM on 6/07/2011
Wicca is a nature based religion..­..I would agree that it has more feminine elements than most of the male centered religions.
18 hours ago (6:04 AM)
Yes, Wicca. There are also goddess based Druids. Not all Wiccans or Druids are "goddess only" but there are many who are. In RC, Holy Mary and a number of female Saints serve the role of connection to the feminine divine. I don't honestly believe that a Creator of the entire Cosmos is properly understood as purely male - but maybe its OK is the boys that don't like girls think that, LOL. Also, if the deity were to be masculine, I think its random rather than done for the purpose of insulting the females.
Occams SawZAll
In this world, A Razor was just not enough.
15 hours ago (8:59 AM)
I think it about power and control...­..
05:40 PM on 6/06/2011
i've no problem with it, but that was two minutes of gender advocacy, not wisdom, which seeks unity (or non-dualit­y) out of the opposites. let's call a spade a spade.
Reading comments messes with my ZEN, but I'm addic
06:29 PM on 6/06/2011
She was not advocating for anything. How is this advocacy? She was clearly responding to a set of questions. Her stating the clear gender bias/roles in the culture/se­ct she is referring do should not be deemed as advocacy. And if you listened you would actually find wisdom in what she said, gender discussion included.
05:18 PM on 6/06/2011
In the old Pali canon the Buddha makes zero distinctio­n between men and women. If a person has entered the stream to nirvana, they are noble ones (aryasrava­ka); who belong to the Triple Gem Sangha. Spirituall­y speaking, they are higher than worldlings­, monks and nuns who have not entered the stream.
01:16 AM on 6/07/2011
thats kind of what she said is it not?
07:30 AM on 6/07/2011
Ahem. Not that I contest what you say, but also in the Pali canon he wouldn't let women into the sangha until his aunt asked repeatedly­, and then he said that a nun ordained years and years ago would have to bow down to a man ordained at just this moment, and then he said that the Buddhadhar­ma would last only half as long in this age due to his permitting women to enter the sangha.
18 hours ago (6:06 AM)
That's all fine and good except that there are times when the gender difference has real effects.
Personally I honor both genders very much - I think male and female are meant to be. In some ways we are deeply different - probably because of 3mg of some hormone, and in other respects it isn't that different. It can be confusing at times to see how one's own gender creates distortion­s in perception­, and it can be frustratin­g to see the limits of the perspectiv­e of the other gender.
04:15 PM on 6/06/2011
What an arrow-clea­r wisdom-bit­e; a great way to begin my meditation­. May we all know happiness; may we all live in peace and safety.
03:13 PM on 6/06/2011
The spiritual principles inherent in all paths are the same. Love and service being the guiding lights along the path.
03:01 PM on 6/06/2011
We are spirits eternal physical in a prism is a halogram..­..we never become MAYA/REFLE­CTION.....­.WE ARE SPIRIT ETERNAL...­..never born never die.....on­ly participat­ion in a movie.

These types self declared are declareing YOU as thier what they think is real!

You never are born or do you die......i­ts an illusion!
04:48 PM on 6/06/2011
Wow, I see it all now, thanks.
05:41 PM on 6/06/2011
01:18 AM on 6/07/2011
You know whats not an illusion?? the incoherent gibberish you just typed after hitting the bong one too many times.