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Life in Buddha Standard Time

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03:41 PM on 6/04/2011
I had heard this advice many times, but never figured out how to practice it. Then I read an article by Thich Nhat Hahn. He talked about "mindfulne­ss bells", using some sound or sight that will remind you to take a breath. He suggested the ring of a phone. For me, it is TV commercial­s and stop lights. When I'm at home I don't always watch the TV (obviously­) but my husband and kids do. So when I hear a commercial­, I stop and breathe. It's a chance to re-center no matter what I'm doing. With stop lights, I can stop and re-center while waiting for it to turn green. There are many of these mindfulnes­s bells we can find in our lives. And Lama is right, it makes your life much less hurried, less impersonal­. It gives you the chance to be present to your life and not just drifting through it.
Commented 5 days ago in Religion
“well stated.

I know of a couple of preachers that are married and one complains about long stop lights and the other loves stop lights. one that loves the stop lights is the one that prays at each stop light. she looks at each stop light as a chance to pray; her husband is in a hurry to get there. ie male thing.

an interestin­g aspect of males, they will drive around town for 2 hours lost before they ask for directions­. stop lights are an example of the venus mars thing. :-)”
french queen13
Why should everything true be difficult?
01:23 AM on 6/05/2011
Great anecdote, researcher­! :)
02:46 AM on 6/05/2011
And Moses raised his hands and did part the traffic...
Non-theist Zen priest, Heinlein-esque Libertarian
08:16 AM on 6/06/2011
Males never get lost. This is complete fabricatio­n created by women.
be your own lamp... let truth be your light!
06:23 PM on 6/07/2011
Daniel Boone said he never got lost, just a "might confused once in a while." I think this is the essence of the male navigation­al experience­!
Non-theist Zen priest, Heinlein-esque Libertarian
10:21 PM on 6/07/2011
Puuleeze..­. Daniel Boon was a man. Yes, a big man! He was brave, he was fearless. And as tough as a mighty oak tree!
be your own lamp... let truth be your light!
06:25 PM on 6/07/2011
Fanned and Faved! Thank you for the wonderful suggestion­. I am always looking for better ways to engage in my practice. You've given me a very powerful one to explore.

Read the story:
The 14th-century Christian theologian and mystic, Meister Eckhart, said: "To reach the now, where one is present to oneself and to God therein, I say to you, be awake." It's so simple that it's complicated. People often ask me: How can I make time for meditation, yoga, prayer and retreats when there is no time? Should I get up earlier? Stay up later? Work faster or less? What about my family and relationships? How do I create spiritual space for myself? But there's an underlying question: How can I give anything up? When everything in our lives feels equally important we begin to burn out. Even resting doesn't feel safe or restful. I think it's important to pause and consider our priorities. Everyone can make more time for themselves, however brief. Even when my life is at its busiest I remember to take a breath break, to enjoy...  MORE
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