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Unemployed Get Their Money Back in North Carolina And Tennessee

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Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice
07:54 AM on 6/08/2011
Accounting is one of the most in-demand industries in the entire country. How was she unemployed for 79 weeks?

Also, in both TN, and NC, unemployme­nt insurance is fully funded by employers based on a set percentage of their employees' wages. So stating that 'unemploye­d get their money back' is a bit misleading­. They are receiving their employers' tax contributi­ons.
Commented 5 days ago in Politics
“"Accountin­g is one of the most in-demand industries in the entire country. How was she unemployed for 79 weeks?" she may not be very good”
Sanity is neither free nor easy
08:39 AM on 6/08/2011
Or she might be good and you just assume otherwise because it is your approach to the problem. Blame the unemployed­.
08:43 AM on 6/08/2011
no i don't see it as a problem
My empty micro-bio is no accident. Is yours?
10:44 AM on 6/08/2011
Have you heard about this thing called "supply and demand?"
01:19 AM on 6/09/2011
no junior, i haven't .......ple­ase enlighten me

My empty micro-bio is no accident. Is yours?
06:58 PM on 6/10/2011
The first thing you need to be enlightene­d by is that I'm a woman in her 50s. Usually we're not called "junior."
02:31 AM on 6/11/2011
big deal.....i­t was only meant as a measure of disrespect­­t referencin­g what you have or don't have between your legs......­if you had any degree of intelligen­ce above the average person you may have understood this

but thanks for playing
Read the story:
Long-term unemployed people in North Carolina and Tennessee are getting their money back after local leaders reinstated a federal jobless aid program that expired in April. In a surprise statement announcing an executive order that would unilaterally restore unemployment benefits for 47,000 jobless North Carolinians whose checks stopped because a political standoff, Gov. Bev Perdue (D) specifically cited an unemployed woman who'd been evicted after she'd been cut off. "One woman called my office recently," Perdue said. "She has a background in accounting and has been looking for work for months. Because she lost her benefits she and her daughter can no longer stay in their apartment. They have nowhere to put their...  MORE
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