Spain Protests Draw Egypt And Tunisia Comparisons

Spain Protests

First Posted: 05/23/11 05:52 PM ET Updated: 05/25/11 02:22 PM ET


Two earthquakes have shaken Spanish political life in the past week. First were the massive sit-ins that had tens of thousands of citizens camping out in the public squares of major cities, in protest of the country's capsized economy and unresponsive political class. The second came last night, when voters in regional and municipal elections delivered a sound drubbing to the governing Socialist Party (PSOE). Now, in Monday's harsh light, no one seems sure whether the first phenomenon had anything to do with the second. And everyone is wondering what both mean for the future of Spain.

Read the whole story: TIME


Two earthquakes have shaken Spanish political life in the past week. First were the massive sit-ins that had tens of thousands of citizens camping out in the public squares of major cities, in protest...
Two earthquakes have shaken Spanish political life in the past week. First were the massive sit-ins that had tens of thousands of citizens camping out in the public squares of major cities, in protest...
Filed by Curtis M. Wong  | 
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Recency  | 
1 hour ago (10:39 PM)

REVOLUTION IN SPAIN ....Bruce Zimmerman (bgzcle) May 28, 2011

About the current revolution in SPAIN ...Tough times a com'in, everywhere­. Politics are just a distractio­n for most of us. Most everyone is in a cocoon now and even if they think the know something is going on, I believe they are in denial and wanting to remain optimistic­, no one can blame them for that. But, then not one of them should be surprised if events suddenly turn. We only have a certain amount of wealth in the world of things we think of as having value. The KOCH Brothers, and allot of other people like them as well as large global companies in the world are taking control and amassing all the wealth, the result will be none of the workers will have anything in the end.

The real danger comes when people do not have the things they were accustomed to like food, clean water, and money. Desperate people will do desperate things. Right now, the Spanish have nearly 25% unemployme­nt, The Portuguese and the Greeks near 30% and France and Britain around 20%. When you have so many without work, without money and without future, what can anyone expect of them? America has nearly 10% unemployed­, not desperate yet but certainly, on the edge. Now unrest is spreading around Europe and the the Middle East and in a year, I believe it will be global. It's coming...
06:26 AM on 5/26/2011
This is what the Mayans were really talking about.....­..........­..
Remember Dems..."civility"
10:40 AM on 5/24/2011
This is your government on Socialism.
09:00 PM on 5/23/2011
As long as whoever the govt is just lets em sit there, not much is gonna happen.
Marx / Fanon / Sartre / Robespierre / Che
06:26 PM on 5/23/2011
The revolution in Spain is kicking into high gear.

10's of thousands are still camped out in Puerta del Sol Square.