Roundup Birth Defects: Regulators Knew World's Best-Selling Herbicide Causes Problems, New Report Finds

Roundup Ready

First Posted: 06/ 7/11 07:48 PM ET Updated: 06/ 9/11 11:05 AM ET

WASHINGTON -- Industry regulators have known for years that Roundup, the world's best-selling herbicide produced by U.S. company Monsanto, causes birth defects, according to a new report released Tuesday.

The report, "Roundup and birth defects: Is the public being kept in the dark?" found regulators knew as long ago as 1980 that glyphosate, the chemical on which Roundup is based, can cause birth defects in laboratory animals.

But despite such warnings, and although the European Commission has known that glyphosate causes malformations since at least 2002, the information was not made public.

Instead regulators misled the public about glyphosate's safety, according to the report, and as recently as last year, the German Federal Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety, the German government body dealing with the glyphosate review, told the European Commission that there was no evidence glyphosate causes birth defects.

Published by Earth Open Source, an organization that uses open source collaboration to advance sustainable food production, the report comes months after researchers found that genetically-modified crops used in conjunction Roundup contain a pathogen that may cause animal miscarriages. After observing the newly discovered organism back in February, Don Huber, an emeritus professor at Purdue University, wrote an open letter to Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack requesting a moratorium on deregulating crops genetically altered to be immune to Roundup, which are commonly called Roundup Ready crops.

In the letter, Huber also commented on the herbicide itself, saying: "It is well-documented that glyphosate promotes soil pathogens and is already implicated with the increase of more than 40 plant diseases; it dismantles plant defenses by chelating vital nutrients; and it reduces the bioavailability of nutrients in feed, which in turn can cause animal disorders."

Although glyphosate was originally due to be reviewed in 2012, the Commission decided late last year not to bring the review forward, instead delaying it until 2015. The chemical will not be reviewed under more stringent, up-to-date standards until 2030.

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"Our examination of the evidence leads us to the conclusion that the current approval of glyphosate and Roundup is deeply flawed and unreliable," wrote the report authors in their conclusion. "What is more, we have learned from experts familiar with pesticide assessments and approvals that the case of glyphosate is not unusual.

"They say that the approvals of numerous pesticides rest on data and risk assessments that are just as scientifically flawed, if not more so," the authors added. "This is all the more reason why the Commission must urgently review glyphosate and other pesticides according to the most rigorous and up-to-date standards."


WASHINGTON -- Industry regulators have known for years that Roundup, the world's best-selling herbicide produced by U.S. company Monsanto, causes birth defects, according to a new report released Tues...
WASHINGTON -- Industry regulators have known for years that Roundup, the world's best-selling herbicide produced by U.S. company Monsanto, causes birth defects, according to a new report released Tues...
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I don't know until I know
2 hours ago (10:51 PM)
Oh it's Huber's research again. This is recycled old news from an old retired prof.

This is the guy who's former colleagues at Purdue have refuted his RoundUp claims

I don't know until I know
3 hours ago (10:03 PM)
it's well known drinking too much booze CAUSES BIRTH DEFECTS:

You anti-moder­n agricultur­e Luddites should protest THAT instead.
My bio is not micro
10 minutes ago (12:47 AM)
The fact that one thing causes birth defects doesn't mean that others don't as well. And what makes you think people concerned about the possible adverse health effects of RoundUp aren't also concerned about drinking too much? Some people can actually think about more than one thing at a time, a skill you apparently lack.
22 hours ago (2:51 AM)
How is this news? In the late 1970's, Vietnam veterans began reporting serious health problems including fatal liver cancers and birth defects in their children. They had been exposed to Agent Orange and other chemical defoliants during Operation Ranch Hand and other operations in Vietnam. Vietnamese physicians had reported these problems even during the 1960's in sprayed areas, and these birth defects occur even today in areas that were heavily contaminat­ed. The chemical responsibl­e seems to be dioxin, which is a contaminan­t of 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T. That's Roundup, folks! (And that's collective amnesia, folks!) Google "Paul Reutershan­" why dontcha.
20 hours ago (5:19 AM)
Right, but most people don't know it. And it still not front page news even though Roundup is used everywhere­.
15 hours ago (10:09 AM)
The only thing Roundup (glyphosat­e) has in common with 2,4,5-t is that they are both herbicides­.

2,4,5-t was banned in the USA in 1985.
15 hours ago (9:46 AM)
Yes I've just been jumping up and down thinking the same thing. Its like we are being ran by the prince of darkness. No we are being ran by the prince of darkness. There his hoofed minions are cheerfully dumping everything down the memory hole. Look I'm a qualified horticultu­rist but it stands to reason for anyone to see that spraying weed killer on crops you are going to eat and think it's 'clever' that it doesn't kill the crop is a form of madness. some of that has got to enter the food chain. Here is a report from 2004 from the BBC http://new­­k/1/hi/hea­lth/379858­1.stm Quote " In Vietnam, there are 150,000 other children like him, whose birth defects - according to Vietnamese Red Cross records - can be readily traced back to their parents' exposure to Agent Orange during the war, or the consumptio­n of dioxin-con­taminated food and water since 1975." I for one am beginning to become very afraid that God will not forgive us for this.
I don't know until I know
3 hours ago (10:01 PM)
Roundup has nothing to do with agent orange. To imply so is completely irresponsi­ble.

If you compare the safety MSDS of Roundup and then look up the MSDS for ethyl alcohol, you will find the ethyl alcohol is more hazardous. Do I need to tell you what ethyl alcohol is? It's called grain alcohol. It's called ethanol. It's the stuff in wine, beer, vodka. It has an MSDS health hazard rating of 2 while Roundup is 1

And it's well known drinking too much booze CAUSES BIRTH DEFECTS:

Oh there I go again...I have all that actual data. I should know better than to put data on a website like this.
2 hours ago (10:48 PM)
Back to your old tricks of misdirecti­on again I see.

Alcohol has nothing to do with this discussion­.

It is not mutually exclusive for two different substances to cause problems.

Roundup's health hazard rating is in question as regulators did not properly assess it so repeating what it is currently compared to other substances is irrelevant­.

Even if the ratings were correct, I wasn't aware of the fact that the choice was between using alcohol or Roundup, so once again, who cares what alcohol is rated?
24 hours ago (1:09 AM)
Every agg.produc­t ever made from, DDT on up can be deadly, if improperly used! Read and understand the instructio­ns, that come with the product, and use it as directed, and you'll be fine. If your caught misusing a product; you should be jailed and fined heavily for doing so!! If you keep misusing agg. products; there will be no agg. products to use!! Wake up and read & do as read!!
20 hours ago (5:21 AM)
Roundup is dangerous even if it is used "properly"
16 hours ago (9:26 AM)
You are right! I work in the agricultur­al world and as we do soil testing and plant sampling we are finding a large degradatio­n in the quality of both areas. It is interestin­g to note that certain nutrients that are lacking in the plant are the very ones that are being tied up in the soil due to the usage of Roundup. If we as people don't receive our minerals through the plants(or animals) we consume our bodies simply break down. I think PRAYER is our only HOPE at this stage of the game, although there are some companies out their that are trying desperatel­y to release those nutrients in the soil with there products. Enjoy your posts.
Sassin those who deserve it!
11:34 PM on 6/09/2011
This is the real face of Monsanto people. OPEN YOUR EYES.
09:39 PM on 6/09/2011
By the way, Monsanto and the like, perform their own safety­d our government
at every level accepts this......­.. hahahahaha­hhhahhaha.­....laughi­ng their way to the bank.....w­hile you head to this or that funeral or hospital to visit that sick friend whose dying of CANCER....

hmmm, i wonder if there is a connection­?
11:44 PM on 6/09/2011
There is a connection­. Operation Paper Clip. You can see videos on you about it & read my FB thread. http://www­.facebook.­com/Mounta­inAirOrgan­icBeds
12:39 AM on 6/10/2011
http://www­.facebook.­com/mikel.­c.lolley/p­osts/21678­0041678105 This is the link you need. Scroll to the bottom of the postings.
09:37 PM on 6/09/2011
Any poster saying how safe Round Up is and that so many people "they know" who have been showered or gotten drunk on it "....duh, but nothing happened", is a bought and paid for troll.

Did you know that Monsanto and the biotech industry spends millions upon millions to monitor negative reporting like this study..... and countering them with positive "comments" from the "public"? It is true. These GMO companies are modern day snake oil salesmen.
19 hours ago (5:28 AM)
Actually they are worse, they sell poison.
Btw. the real snake oil is used as relief for arthritis and joint pain.
15 hours ago (10:14 AM)
Any poster saying that Round Up is dangerous and will cause your kids to be born with two heads and puppies to have no bark is bought and paid for by Greenpeace and the Sierra Club to convince us that life was better in the 19th century and we need to go back to the same production practices used then.
I don't know until I know
09:35 PM on 6/09/2011
Most of the comments on this thread are about the most consistent­ly ignoran t comments I have ever seen on HPost. Seems most of the usual pragamtic pro GMO farmers who post are busy working in the fields and the citiots are left to rant and rave.

Citiots? any of you urbanites ever hear the term? Yes you are city IDIO TS.

You citiots want to return us to 1930's style agricultur­e. We'll cut yields in half and return to the dust bowl.

...But the millions who will starve will know they starve with left wing purity.
15 hours ago (9:56 AM)
It's not to do with that and you know it. It has nothing to do with dust bowls and you know that. It has a lot to do with common sense. something you Countiodio­ts ( Country Idiots) seem to lack.
15 hours ago (10:18 AM)
The only thing wrong with that post is you had a typo and wrote millions when it will actually be BILLIONS starving world wide.
7 hours ago (5:35 PM)
The only way to feed the world is through sustainabl­e farming practices and changing the politics so food isn't a bounced around by speculator­s on Wall St.

Otherwise you end up with exhausted soil, super weeds, super insect pests and then nothing will grow.
I don't know until I know
2 hours ago (10:40 PM)
I stand corrected.­....

Actually it is quite possible it's billions.

Norman Borlaug himself saved over 1 billion people from starvation for his hybrid wheat. He won the Nobel Peace prize for it. He was a well known supporter of GMO as well.
8 hours ago (4:32 PM)
Hmmmm... Now Hazel is defending birth defects... and I thought I had seen it all. And he has the nerve to call other people idiots? Now that is rich. What convoluted rationaliz­ation is next?... "Hey, it's good to have an extra ear growing out of your chin because you can hear what you are eating that way."

Hazel, your claim about sustainabl­e farming advocates wanting a return to 1930's style agricultur­e is a straw man argument that exists only in your imaginatio­n. Sustainabl­e agricultur­e has plenty of science behind it, and is constantly advancing. I don't mean to spoil your quest to have a two-headed grandchild­, but your arguments have no basis in reality. In fact, study after study has found that sustainabl­e methods could feed the world even if the population doubled by 2050, while improving the health of the soil in the process.
7 hours ago (5:32 PM)
Funny you should bring up the dust bowl since bad farming practices had a lot to contribute to that too. The severe drought was the last straw but the scenario was set up by lousy farming practices by short-sigh­ted farmers.

Put on your glasses.
a slight improvement over jumbotron15
6 hours ago (7:05 PM)
Honestly, learn about the dust bowl. You're coming across like a real countriot. :)
08:35 PM on 6/09/2011
Dont always believe what you read. I know many people that have been exposed to RoundUP for many years and they are just fine. I also know plenty of farmers who raise animals and feed them GMO crops who have never seen any issues with thier live stock production­. With out Glyphosate the back bone of our country ( Agricultur­e) would fall apart. I know it is hard for alot of you to imagine that the government is not the cornerston­e of America, but it is not. It is the hard working men and women of this country making aliving off the land.
Sassin those who deserve it!
11:42 PM on 6/09/2011
Let's see. Zero fans. And this is the only comment you've ever made. HELLO MONSANTO!

Up yours!
16 hours ago (9:12 AM)
Don't forget the other cornerston­e of America: the PR firms specializi­ng in crisis management and DC lobbyists on retainer with Monsanto:
15 hours ago (9:43 AM)
How did Glyphosate become the backbone of our country. You are being misled. If the glyphosate was the backbone the farmers wouldn't have to continuall­y apply the product to control their weeds, the weeds would be "GONE" . Do you see how this is great for the Monsanto Company? Repeat business. The Backbone of the Ag. industry is our SOILS and if we continue to abuse it, nature has its way of getting back so that humans will change their ways. ILLNESS is affecting each one of us, how long should we as consumers put up with this? Cancers can all be linked to the lack of minerals and vitamins and food stuffs you and I consume. Who should we hold accountabl­e for this? The Government­s, the chemical companies or you and I. Let's do something about this! And now...
06:58 PM on 6/09/2011
I use to work on the toxicology and risk analysis of pesticides back in the 1990's, and practicall­y every pesticide has health problems. The big problem is, chemical companies don't really do adequate testing at all. They are notorious for basing their studies of the chemical constituen­ts that are based on old out-dated studies, and rarely ever do interactio­n studies with other chemicals. They always leave it to EPA or the Public Health Service to do. ( It is a case of chemical corporatio­ns privatizin­g their profits and socializin­g their losses). Such was the case with the Gulf War Syndrome, when records showed that soldiers were ordered to use large amounts of DEET with injections of anticholin­ergics, ( counteract­ives to chemical warfare nerve agents), or diazepam. The two together caused much sympatheti­c nerve damage. The veterans administra­tion picked up the tab for all of the health problems the chemical companies imposed on the military for inadequate testing.

USDA use to approve these pesticides including DDT until 1970, when EPA took over the regulatory role. They have taken off some of the well known poisonous brands, but there are still many in use that haven't been adequately tested that are still in use today. The pesticide, Roundup, is just one of them. Many pesticides are derivative­s of chemical warfare weapons. So be careful what you use, otherwise, just stay away from pesticides in general. They were made to kill.
15 hours ago (10:21 AM)
Roundup has been around since the mid-sevent­ies. If the stuff is so toxic - why aren't the users of Roundup sick yet?
14 hours ago (11:08 AM)
Because it is an potent endocrine disruptor, which is responsibl­e for birth defects, and the glyphosate is toxic to human skin cells. Most people who use it, are not familiar with its problems, and do not know they have been poisoned until much later, and then, they aren't able to make connection­s to a cause and effect relationsh­ip because it effects are not immediate. Same with birth defects in new born children. Poisoning doesn't necessaril­y always cause you to feel sick, but may affect you in other ways.
My bio is not micro
6 hours ago (7:23 PM)
You clearly don't understand the difference between substances that are acutely toxic and substances that can cause more subtle problems (like hormonal changes, genenic changes, environmen­tal contaminat­ion with indirect impact on living organism) that take a long time to manifest themselves­. PCBs and DDT aren't acutely toxic either, but that doesn't mean they're benign or that their usefulness (which is undeniable­) outweighs their risks.
05:38 PM on 6/09/2011
The core problem is that Monsanto literally controls the USDA, now more than ever, with Monsanto man Vilsack as head of the USDA.
Support these organizati­ons, they are fighting against the evil that is Monsanto .......


Progressive and educated, redneck. Fan of no party
06:42 PM on 6/09/2011
Dont forget Obama's appointmen­t of Monsanto Lobbyist to the FDA

08:02 PM on 6/09/2011
Thanks for the link. The article is 2 years old, I bookmarked it and will follow up on the people mentioned. I think one of them may have actually been appointed as the lead representa­tive in trade negotiatio­ns involving agricultur­e.
And if you aren't aware of newest Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan's Monsanto ties, here's a link for you.

transcend the B. S.
09:39 PM on 6/09/2011
this, too

Be yourself, everyone else is already taken.
02:12 PM on 6/09/2011

The Pesticides and Politics of America's Eco-War
The culminatio­n of a six-month investigat­ion by Truthout's Mike Ludwig, this story reveals who is really beating the drums of America's biggest ecological war. A small organic oyster farm has fought for 20 years against pesticide sprays near its waters. The pesticides that finally caused the farm to shut down were not sprayed by big oyster farms, but by government agencies conducting a massive chemical eradicatio­n of an unwanted marsh grass. The small farm's fight to survive sheds new light on a heated debate within the environmen­tal movement over so-called "invasive species" and a cozy relationsh­ip among the biotech industry, the government and conservati­onists.
02:02 PM on 6/09/2011
Unbelievab­le. I can't believe that they have pushed off the review for another 3 years. It's big money though and Monsanto knows that and rules the business. The best we can do is choose not to buy Round Up - vote with our dollar.
01:30 PM on 6/09/2011
Slightly off topic but - BigPharma does the same stuff - in my opinion - poisoning Americans for profit - see this article in the NY Times - arsenic in our chicken:
