Joanne Bamberger

Joanne Bamberger

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For Less Weiner, Elect More Women

Posted: 06/ 7/11 04:17 PM ET

OK, so I fell for Anthony Weiner's lies about the whole "woe is me, my Twitter account was hacked" thing. But, honestly, were there many of us who thought that in this day and age of political sex scandals -- or scandals involving semi-nude self-portraits -- that any elected official would be stupid enough to Tweet images of himself to women he'd never even met and think he wouldn't get caught? If the first rule of the internet is that e-mail is forever, it's not a leap to realize that all social media is forever, as well. Delete things as much as you want, the fingerprints will always be there.

The level of dumb-assness (yes, that's a very journalistic word!) in the whole Weiner story is amazing to me. In the immortal words of George W. Bush -- fool me once, um, wait, uh, won't get fooled again.

While the few rules I offered Congressman Weiner about how to deal with the media when they think they've got the goods on you aren't quite relevant anymore, I've got one more for him and all the other powerful men out there:

Dudes, keep your body parts and delusions of grandeur to yourselves!

No matter how much a woman says she wants you to DM her a photo of your pecs or your penis, she doesn't really want to see it. She just wants to see if you'll actually send it. And if you're not savvy enough to know in this social media era that you can't take ANYTHING back that you put out there into cyberspace, well, then, you really aren't smart enough to be running this country.

As for those on the political right who think this is a major "gotcha" moment for the Democrats that will bring down a possible future mayor of New York City, let me just say two words -- David Vitter. You've still got him, you even re-elected him, and you apparently think it's perfectly fine for a man who cheats on his wife with a prostitute to be one of 100 U.S. Senators. I'm not making any excuses for the congressman from New York, I'd just ask Republicans to remember the many occasions when the scandal shoe has been on the GOP foot.

Of course, there's an easy way to just avoid all this in the future -- elect more women!

Whenever a new sex scandal makes breaking news, it's almost never a woman. Now, maybe that's just because there are fewer women in elective office so there are fewer chances that a woman in power will get outed for any online dalliances. What I think is more likely, though, is that women are just smarter and, frankly, too damn busy for this sort of nonsense. For most political women, it was hard enough to get elected in the first place; they're not going to jeopardize what they worked so hard for by flashing the internet with some bikini shots. And many of those political women are moms who know better than to embarrass their kids with having to see their mother stand up at some news conference podium to admit that when she was supposed to be in the well of the House of Representatives she was actually in the cloakroom trying to get a WiFi signal to dash off a quick Tweet to some college dude across the country.

As Dee Dee Myers said in her book Why Women Should Rule the World, "I'm confident predicting there would be fewer sex scandals if women were in power... I don't think Hillary Clinton is going to be hitting on the intern." Electing more women to avoid this sort of semi-sex scandal isn't a question of moral superiority, it's just common sense. I realize that by making this argument, there will be those who say I'm being sexist by contending that women would never fall the way so many political men have in recent years. Maybe it is.

But the truth of the matter is that for the vast majority of women, if we've got any spare time and we decide to spend it in the world of social media, we're more about building something positive for our communities. We're less concerned about pumping up our egos by pretending that some hot guy in his 20s is still interested in us Boomer and Gen X ladies. We know better and we just don't have time for that craziness.

As for Anthony's punishment, my friend from the other side of the political aisle E.M. Zanotti suggested that there's no need for the Congressman to resign -- he's a guy named Weiner who's been busted in a scandal involving TwitPics of his privates. Isn't that political punishment enough?

Joanne Bamberger writes the political blog, PunditMom, and is the author of the new book, Mothers of Intention: How Women and Social Media are Revolutionizing Politics in America.


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12 hours ago (11:22 PM)
I'm with you Joanne Bamberger. Your whole article is soooo true. If you ever run for a government office you will certainly be getting my vote.
03:17 AM on 6/09/2011
Major allegation­s of workplace harassment and hostile work environmen­t below which should also be fully investigat­ed. He needs to RESIGN NOW. He was coddled for too long by the unethical democrats. They have a history of supporting misogynist­ic men with personalit­y disorders who cause major damage to women's lives.

YouTube - Emily Rooney WGBH Says Anthony Weiner A Vulgar Guy http://bit­.ly/jjJSKo
11:23 AM on 6/08/2011
Women are smarter? Let's just bottom line this more clearly MEN ARE STUPID, and straight men are King of the Mountain! There is nothing smaller or more needy than the ego of a straight male but stroke it a bit ladies and watch it grow. I always said, STRAIGHT MEN will be the last group to see enlightenm­ent and the only think sadder are those poor girls who oooh and ahhh for them. SAD!!! So very very sad.
10:54 AM on 6/08/2011
Electing the likes of Virginia Foxx, Jean Schmidt, and Michelle Bachmann is not the answer.
10:47 AM on 6/08/2011
I used to agree with the author's viewpoint on this until recently. The spate of sex scandals involving female school teachers, the daily barrage of sex photos and videos made by female celebritie­s, and the obvious fact that it takes 2 to tango (many times married women are involved in these scandals) has revealed that women are just as sleazy as men. There's just fewer of them in positions of power.

Afterall..­. men wouldn't keep sending out those sleazy crotch photos if they didn't work at least some of the time.
10:24 AM on 6/08/2011
in a perfect world the thought,dr­eam or knowledge of sex would be a south-paw secret of gentlemans of both sexes to cherish or to regret the experience
Cynical dreamer, sarcastic idealist...
10:14 AM on 6/08/2011
So we should elect more women because there is a lower likelihood of a sex scandal? Yikes! That smacks a bit of misandry.
I'm sure there would be outrage if someone suggested that we should elect more men because there is a lower likelihood that they would distracted by a pregnancy.

Yes we should be electing more women, but using a sex scandal of a male congressma­n as the centerpiec­e of the argument is pretty weak.
09:59 AM on 6/08/2011
dudets have strict requiremen­ts to keep their personal countries to themselfs in a monagomus relationsh­ip for them to only deseminate and share within there circle of friends or enemys or iniyous
09:36 AM on 6/08/2011
Trying to make this out to be a gender issue, and insinuatin­g that women are somehow morally superior to men is not only complete fiction, but extremely sexist in its own right.
09:34 AM on 6/08/2011
I think we should elect more women, but the argument presented here is ridiculous­.
1. Is adultery and such really common in politics or just heavily reported per instance? People generally give a number of recent examples I can count on one hand.
2. One reason women aren't caught in these scandals is because there are fewer women in office. As soon as one is caught, the reporting will be even crazier than it is now on the scandal.
3. There's no reason to believe our lie-reward­ing electorate will select honest or smart women any more than it does for men with those qualities.
4. Voting based on sex has the opportunit­y cost of voting based on ideology and issues.
08:25 AM on 6/08/2011
You are completely right - and I think the other reason women would be much less likely to do something like this is because women don't have the luxury of being the gender more often in power. Women are still in the process of fighting for basic rights like equal pay, are still discrimina­ted against when they become pregnant, criticized for whether they stay home/go to work - while these are all issues that men never think about. What I wish though, is that there were more women who would stick together in helping each other reach the top - our problem is that we are too competitiv­e and too bent on proving ourselves to see the merits in trust and partnershi­p.
06:47 AM on 6/08/2011
I like Weiner a lot. I'd rather have everyone in Congress be exactly like him, photos and all, than have even one more go-along to get-along corporate stoge "centrist.­"
03:37 AM on 6/08/2011
I will take Anthony Weiner over, say, Michelle Bachmann any day. Sorry, it isn't the gender, or the sexual peccadillo­s. It's what they vote for.
10:17 PM on 6/07/2011
We women know MOST of us women are not stu pid enough to risk everything for sexual hijinks.

MOST of us women see what the male politician­s do and the crazy risks they take AND all we can do is shake our heads.

When we women work so hard for something, it is hard to throw it away for nothing that worthwhile­.

At worst, we women generally will be MUCH MORE discreet about it.

And I repeat, most women who have spent years working hard to reach the top do NOT want to blow it on some silly sexual adventures­.
09:51 AM on 6/08/2011
See, this is a pretty stupid thing to say. Most of it's conjecture and there's very little evidence to back this up. There's several factors at play:

A.) There's very few women in politics, and even fewer prominent women. There's a limited sample to choose from. How many women are in the house? the Senate? a Governor's mansion? Nikki Haley's had several affair rumors floating around and if there's a man in existence that can stand Sarah Palin long enough to have an ongoing sexual relationsh­ip with her I'm sure she'd have a scandal. Unlike Vitter and Spitzer she doesn't want to pay for it, apparently­.

B.) Men age quite a bit better than women, it's true, face it. Sean Penn's in his 50s and was involved with Scarlett Johansen, a woman half his age. Aside from Madonna/Al­ex Rodriguez (who has VERY bizarre taste in women by any stretch of the imaginatio­n) and Demi/Ashto­n (who have an open relationsh­ip) how many prominent women have been seen with much younger men? Britney Spears isn't even 30 and is already a shell of her former self. So if there's men like John Edwards, Mark Sanford, Anthony Weiner, Arnold, etc. they're all typically still pretty above average to good looking men late in life. Hell, even Joe Biden is still a fairly handsome dude and he's pushing 70.
09:51 AM on 6/08/2011
C.) What women find attractive in men is very different than what men find attractive in women. Quite a few women are attracted to power, whereas men aren't typically into the whole "power" thing. Honestly, how many women can you think of that would be overcome with emotion if the most powerful man in the world was interested in her?

D.) When you look at another field that has a lot of influence and requires a lot of hard work to get into, like entertainm­ent, you'll find that women are typically just as bad as men about this kind of stuff. Miley Cyrus, Vanessa Hudgens, and countless other "child stars" have been caught with racy photos that would compromise their careers. I'm sure those women worked very hard for to get where they are, and they risked throwing it away. Whereas, their male counterpar­ts like Zac Effron, Justin Beiber, and the Jonas Brothers have maintained a fairly wholesome public persona. Lindsay Lohan basically threw away a very promising career for a whole lot of nothing, Charlie Sheen on the other hand was able to maintain his career for quite sometime before he got too bad.
09:51 AM on 6/08/2011
E.) MOST MEN do not get involved in these scandals. There's 435 house members and how many have resigned due to sex scandals? I haven't kept up, since I find all this puritanica­l BS to be completely asinine, but I'm sure it's under 43...which would be less than ten percent of the house make up. So still MOST MEN behave the same way that you seem to think women would.