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California Education Service Workers Will Take 'Midnight Ride' To Sacramento

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A Chara
11:08 AM on 6/06/2011
Typical T_GOP False Morality..­.protect life from inception to birth (it does not cost them anything only words) After birth you are on your own little buddy ..........
If life is worth protecting would you not agree that sustaining life after birth is also worth protecting­.
Corporatio­ns have no heart ...and thats were the T_GOP are at. !
11:58 AM on 6/06/2011
Your idea of sustaining and mine are different.
Commented 3 weeks ago in Education
“I'm sure it is ..until you need help one day !”
Read the story:
Barbara Torres says she was a "troubled child" growing up in the Los Angeles public school system. But, at age 14, an administrator gave her a chance, setting her up with work as a student aide. Torres has remained an employee of the Los Angeles Unified School District for the past 16 years. She works as a special education assistant, helping children with autism adapt to mainstream classrooms. With the financial stresses on education, though, she worries that the next troubled child to come through LAUSD's public schools may not be quite so lucky. "Kids have issues but we can work through them, they can graduate. You just have to have that push," Torres told The Huffington Post. "We're overworked, morale is low, there are furloughs and there are pay cuts. We all have to do extra. It's hard on us but it's even harder on the...  MORE
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