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Oprah's Mindful Eating Coach Talks Diet And Money

Commented 5 days ago in Healthy Living
“Why do so many readers not understand the real issues people have with food? It's either "you have no self control or willpower" or "McDonald'­s makes people fat."
As babies we cry for food and are rewarded and comforted We reward good behavior, soothe broken hearts and scraped knees­d. We need good, healthy food but we also need to be kind and compassion­ate about "food issues" to other people and to ourselves. As a dietitian I see people with food issues (soothing/­celebratin­g/rewardin­g/controll­ing with food) and it's NOT about willpower or self control. I mean seriously, does anyone really think that Oprah has self control issues? She manages a multi-mill­ion dollar empire...I doubt she has issues getting out of bed or returning emails on time.
I like Ms. Roth's approach. I like her books and think they can help people. I also know that dealing with "emotional eating" is best handled by dealing with the emotions, then the eating.
If you manage your weight by eating a little less and moving a little more, then you're lucky and probably see food as food and not as reward/esc­ape/comfor­t/safety/t­he enemy. People that KNOW every calorie and have done Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Atkins, Grapefruit diet, HcG, low fat, low carb and still can't lose weight are NOT "willpower impaired" and may find that Ms. Roth's approach can help.”
12:05 AM on 6/08/2011
I disagree with your advice. Food should not be a reward for behaving well, coping with sadness or scraped knees. Praise and loving comfort are what is needed. When food is a substitute for any of these things, weight problems develop. Once in a while, as a group reward, it's okay to reward children with a treat. It's really the opposite of depriving someone of dessert for bad behavior.
09:27 AM on 6/08/2011
I didn't say that rewarding or soothing with food is good; that is NEVER my advice. I said that is what tends to happen in our society. I DID say that when babies are hungry they scream and are soothed when they are given food.
You are very right about the mindset of using food when someone is "good"; it implies that they will not get food when they're "bad."
Read the story:
Whether the ultimate episode of "The Oprah Show" was really the end or just the beginning, the daytime talk-show diva has clearly moved on. If you're afraid that Oprah's mindful-eating coach, Geneen Roth, has moved on, too, rest assured. The best-selling anti-diet book writer who inspired Oprah to stop dieting is not abandoning food issues for money problems as some fans fear. But after losing her life savings to Bernie Madoff (of all people) and living to write about it, Roth has expanded her focus to include food and money. Her new memoir, "Lost and Found," not only...  MORE
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