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Oprah's Mindful Eating Coach Talks Diet And Money

Commented 3 days ago in Healthy Living
“It's funny that this article comes up at this time. I actually wrote to Oprah during her last week on TV, having a similar yo-yoing problem all my life. When Oprah went on Medi-Fast so did I.. gained it back!! And, so the story goes. However, my problem is I don't plan and I grab for anything. As I explained to Oprah she has full time staff and there is absolutely no excuse why she doesn't get on a program and stick to it. I mean really. If someone was cooking for me 24-7 and I had the best trainers in the world, why wouldn't exercise and sensible eating be a main stay. Get with it Oprah, the world is watching you... we want you to be around for many, many years to come. And, please get rid of the dead weight, like Stedman!! There are reasons people overeat but let's face it Oprah has enough money to solve this problem for herself once and for all. Tell her to go see Michael Thurmond, he can teach her to eat for life, a sensible way to eat and cheat once a week too boot! :)”
Read the story:
Whether the ultimate episode of "The Oprah Show" was really the end or just the beginning, the daytime talk-show diva has clearly moved on. If you're afraid that Oprah's mindful-eating coach, Geneen Roth, has moved on, too, rest assured. The best-selling anti-diet book writer who inspired Oprah to stop dieting is not abandoning food issues for money problems as some fans fear. But after losing her life savings to Bernie Madoff (of all people) and living to write about it, Roth has expanded her focus to include food and money. Her new memoir, "Lost and Found," not only...  MORE
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