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Make Way! Walk and Roll to Work Day in SA Friday
Friday is Walk and Roll to Work Day with a big rally in Main Plaza. Click for more info. and what you can do free all day -- but just on Friday.
Hemisfair Driving Force Now a Pioneer of Solar Energy at 98
One of the most enduring, colorful characters in San Antonio celebrates his 98th birthday this week, a big party/fundraiser for his latest "baby" called Solar San Antonio. Randy Beamer talks with the man who was a driving force behind HemisFair, Goodwill, Public Housing, and now, Solar Power.
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San Antonio religious leaders on "the end of the world," Bin Laden's death & their own sins
Did you hear that Saturday the world is going to end? At least according to a California-based Christian radio network which has billboards up all over. Our Randy Beamer talks with local religious leaders about that, Bin Laden's death, and their very own sins. Video Watch
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