Don Lemon Asks Rick Santorum If He Has Any Gay Friends (VIDEO)

The Huffington Post  Jack Mirkinson  First Posted: 06/14/11 08:39 AM ET Updated: 06/14/11 09:07 AM ET

Don Lemon Santorum

CNN's Don Lemon asked Republican presidential candidate if he has any gay friends on Monday.

Lemon, who publicly revealed he is gay in May, was speaking to Santorum in New Hampshire ahead of CNN's GOP debate on Monday night. Santorum is well known for his social conservatism and his opposition to gay rights. In fact, he is perhaps most famous for the vehemently anti-gay marriage comments he made in 2004 that resulted in his notorious "Google problem."

Lemon asked how Santorum could be for small government and a ban on gay marriage at the same time. "Some people see that as government intervening on people's rights," he said. Santorum said he was merely trying to enshrine what was already in many state constitutions.

Lemon then said that he had recently been on a show where Santorum had been called bigoted for his views on gay rights.

"I have a difference of agreement on a public policy issue," Santorum said. "That doesn't mean I'm, you know, I hate anybody. I don't hate anybody."

"Do you have any gay friends?" Lemon asked. "Yeah," Santorum said. "In fact I've had gay people work for me."

"Yeah. And friends?" Lemon asked again. "Yes!" Santorum insisted.

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"You know, when people say I have black friends," Lemon persisted.

"I was with a gay friend of mine just two days ago," Santorum said. "I mean, so, yeah, I do."

"You know that's a headline: Rick Santorum has gay friends," Lemon said, perhaps not knowing that the interview would later run with the chyron SANTORUM: I HAVE GAY FRIENDS underneath it. "It shouldn't be," Santorum said. "I don't know what the shock value is."



CNN's Don Lemon asked Republican presidential candidate if he has any gay friends on Monday. Lemon, who publicly revealed he is gay in May, was speaking to Santorum in New Hampshire ahead of CNN's ...
CNN's Don Lemon asked Republican presidential candidate if he has any gay friends on Monday. Lemon, who publicly revealed he is gay in May, was speaking to Santorum in New Hampshire ahead of CNN's ...
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4 minutes ago (3:10 PM)
I don't hate anyone-I just don't want them to have the same rights I do. Yeah, right. With friends like him...
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.
5 minutes ago (3:09 PM)
This is so simple its painful. Everyone deserves equal protection under the law, period. The only way you lose your rights is to violate the law, period.

Gays have the right to marry - equal protection under the law.
Gays have the right to serve in the military openly - equal protection under the law.
Gays have the right to adopt children - equal protection under the law.

I am as conservati­ve as it gets on most issues, but this is a NO BRAINER. Liberty is not an easy concept to everyone. It means I am free, and those whom I may disagree with are free. And, as long as we are not violating each others rights, we should be free.

Wake Up America!
Un-Holy Cow
1 minute ago (3:12 PM)
Here endeth the lesson.
5 minutes ago (3:09 PM)
Mr. Lemon, don't go the way of Rachel Maddow. Don't annoint and appoint yourself the champion of gay people. She isn't and you won't be either.
5 minutes ago (3:09 PM)
Ah Well, what do you expect from an Empty Shirt? Understand­ing?


Enshrine the Law? You enshrine Saints and Objects to make sure they never change... oh, wait! Conserve-a­tism... I get it... Change is bad. Cats and GOPers, I get it. I do!

Change is so bad for them that even when something is wrong, they don't want to change it, it's hard work keeping up with all that!
I'm really not angry...
8 minutes ago (3:06 PM)
"If you're black in this country, if you're a woman in this country, if you are any minority in this country at all, what could possibly possess you to vote Republican­?" - Cher
My maxi-bio is full.
0 minute ago (3:13 PM)
Stockholm Syndrome?
9 minutes ago (3:05 PM)
the problem with most politician­s from both parties is that they run
on a plank of what they would do for the people and when they are
elected they only do what the party they are in wants. I don't think
to many of them can think for themselves at all.
17 minutes ago (2:57 PM)
Equality for all or equality for none..Whil­e some of us find it difficult to accept two people of the same gender as married, (the operative word here is difficult) certainly the facts demonstrat­e that is exactly what has been common place throughout history. I'm not suggesting it's been anything approachin­g majority, I simply accept this as historic record. Judge not lest ye be judged would seem to apply here. Keep religion out of MY/OUR government and government out of religion. While people who have lived for many decades and are now senior citizens custom makes seeing all kinds of diversity in relationsh­ips as seen through our eyes as a small bit of an adjustment­. However, IF they LOVE one another as strongly as two people can possibly love one another,, in today's world? Then to H with all repressive judgement to the contrary and give them their RIGHTS AS FELLOW FULLY EQUAL HUMANS>
17 minutes ago (2:57 PM)
This is why I disagree with Homosexual­s, they attempt to justify & push their life styles on others .If your gay that's your right ,don't expect everyone to share your opinions and views, because the MAJORITY of us don't
Professional resource manager.
14 minutes ago (3:00 PM)
you disagree with equal rights?
you think how we are born is life style?
you think in a democracy it is the majority that determines civil rights?

you seem to be utterly unfounded in democratic principles­, which is of course, your right in a democracy.
Emperor, the Agitator
7 minutes ago (3:07 PM)
He didn't say that.

12 minutes ago (3:02 PM)
"They." As if they are all of the same mind and act the same. "They" is what bigots say.
11 minutes ago (3:03 PM)
Well said.
0 minute ago (3:13 PM)
If you want to be the poster-boy for homophobia­...
11 minutes ago (3:03 PM)
Majority does not make you right. Simply a bully. And our Constituti­on is set up to protect minorities against the tyranny of the majority in pursuit of equality.

This is why I disagree with heterosexu­als. They all go off and get married and breed then half of them run off and get divorced, leaving women and children below the poverty level and making my tax dollars go toward programs for their failures. Always shoving their opinions and lifestyle down my throat. Sheesh!
Farmer/Liberal Democrat
11 minutes ago (3:03 PM)
I darn sure don't share your opinions or views.Mino­rities are guaranteed rights in this country.
17 minutes ago (2:57 PM)
I just love how some of my posts are posted immediatel­y but some are "pending approval". Wonder what Huffington­Post/AOL 'buzz' words are that make the BIG difference as to whether you are worthy?
old hermit who lives in the woods
4 minutes ago (3:10 PM)
it has nothing to do with whether you are "worthy" or not. there *are* certain words that won't make it through. if you are not trying to be nasty, rude or crude, just become more creative in your spelling.
18 minutes ago (2:56 PM)
"I fit all the niches."

That's gotta be one the best politician lines I've ever heard. :)
I hope Orwell is getting residuals
19 minutes ago (2:55 PM)
I'm all for less governemen­t - unless it's related to who you love or a woman's body. Then the bigger the government the better.
Patrick Hatcher
21 minutes ago (2:53 PM)
Shouldn't we be bothered by a reporter for a suposidly objective news outlet who obviously has an ax to grind? Thank goodness we have so many sources of news today and the liberals don't have a lock on the mass media journalism as in the days when there were only the three networks.
Republicans can not be trusted.
16 minutes ago (2:58 PM)
Questions are justifiabl­y asked when you make man on dog comparison­s.
15 minutes ago (2:59 PM)
I do not think was an example of an "ax to grind" - if anything I think it was a softball question. There is only one answer - so in the end the reporter gave him cover for his intoleranc­e.
Professional resource manager.
13 minutes ago (3:01 PM)
Shepard Smith is probably bummed he didn't get to ask this question.
22 minutes ago (2:52 PM)
I am not and will never be friends with someone that believes that being gay is a choice, a lifestyle, or is against marriage equality. I will discuss with them, but not be friends. Why would I associate with anyone that does not agree with the way I was BORN.
15 minutes ago (2:59 PM)
Cause it's a sin doofus. Der! Don't you know yer goin to heel? May the power of crist compels yoo!
10 minutes ago (3:04 PM)
Very intolerant­!!!
AJ Hoffman
1 minute ago (3:13 PM)
There's a big difference between being intolerant of bigotry and being intolerant of someone based on who they are.
5 minutes ago (3:09 PM)
I guess you can be BORN anyway you PREFER, but what I really wondered about is . . . is that picture of you, before or after, Anthony Weiner's on titter?
23 minutes ago (2:51 PM)
I think the "Do you have any ________ friends?" Is really an unfair question. I am white and male. Who do I hang out witht he majority of the time? White, heterosexu­al (i assume) males. Do i go out of my way to exclude gay, black, latino or asian males? Nope. Just don't have alot in common with the majority of all these groups. Do I have any gay friends? More acquaintan­ces. I had a pretty good high school friend that didn't come out until after he had AIDS and then he died a short while later. One of my wife's best friends is gay, our neighbors are gay, our nanny is gay and so is our architect. I hired our architect and nanny because they seemed like nice, competent people. I don't really care what your color, religion or sexuality is. To ask someone if they have gay friends is a no win question because although they may have acquaintan­ces like me, they probably don't have any close friends who are not family members. The reason being that they really don't have much in common and who wants to hang out with someone else who doesn't get their jokes. Besides my wife would probably start to wonder if all my friends were gay males, just as she would if all my friends were heterosexu­al females.
Just saying that it seems like a silly question. (Sorry long drawn out comment)
17 minutes ago (2:57 PM)
WELL said!
1 minute ago (3:13 PM)
Except religion is a choice, unlike colour, sexuality, height, etc.
It was a silly question.
24 minutes ago (2:50 PM)
I guess he has Muslim friends too.