May 23, 2011 | Log In | Sign Up


HuffPost's Alex Wagner Discusses GOP Presidential Candidates On MSNBC's 'Hardball' (VIDEO)

Posted: 05/20/11 07:13 PM ET

HuffPost's Alex Wagner appeared Friday on MSNBC's 'Hardball' to discuss the GOP presidential contenders for 2012. She appeared alongside former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown (D).

Regarding Newt Gingrich's campaign so far and how he might be perceived by younger voters who don't remember his days as Speaker of the House, Wagner had this to say:

"It's a campaign in disarray, and I think that you are seeing some blowback from the donor base. I think you've now seen the Republican party letting out a collective youch with Democrats going at all the candidates on Medicare now and some real defense mechanisms. So to your point, for the younger voters that are just being introduced to Newt Gingrich right now, I'm not quite sure this is a case of putting one's best foot forward."

Summing up the possibility of Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels getting into the race, Wagner said, "he's the great hope for I think the Republicans right now. There's so much interest, you have Laura Bush calling Mitch Daniels' wife, who apparently is the linchpin to whether or not he's going to run for president, effectively giving out a sort of Luke Skywalker you're our only hope sort of message."

"Nobody is particularly happy about" the current GOP field of candidates, explained Wagner.


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HuffPost's Alex Wagner appeared Friday on MSNBC's 'Hardball' to discuss the GOP presidential contenders for 2012. She appeared alongside former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown (D). Regarding Newt Gi...
HuffPost's Alex Wagner appeared Friday on MSNBC's 'Hardball' to discuss the GOP presidential contenders for 2012. She appeared alongside former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown (D). Regarding Newt Gi...
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Recency  | 
13 hours ago (9:10 AM)
Please, if I may;
Constituti­onally, legislativ­ely, and morally, Ron Paul has no equal. His 22 year voting record speaks for itself.
Mr. Paul has not survived in politics for 22 years and maintain the ethics and morality he has by being anything other than stellar.
If You refute the above comment, then I please invite You to listen to him speak about key issues. He understand­s what is happening in the world and knows how to apply the basic principles of liberty to achieve the real change that America so desperatel­y deserves.
American to American we are all on the same team. So I present Mr. Ron Paul as my Candidate for 2011 and invite anybody to meaningful­ly and respectful­ly debate why he is not the best for American and its people in 2012.
Ron Paul = A real change, not for special interest, but for a America’s Interests!
Thank You for Your time
Ron Paul 2012
8 hours ago (1:55 PM)
Ron Paul's past failures in running for president speak for themselves as well. A vote for him would take this county back over 100 years as well - back to the days of indentured servitude, with women and minorities being treated as less than equal. Using his philosophy­, there would be no civil rights, no women's rights, heck, no human rights at all. Kinda sounds almost like anarchy to me - are you an anarchist? Let me guess, you're a white male, right, because only you would benefit under Ron Paul's way of thinking.
8 hours ago (2:20 PM)
With all due respect Sir;
those are unfounded and unsupporte­d statements­. Mr. Paul's ideas for liberty have nothing to do with 100 year back. Those principles in the Constituti­on are still the same existing principles to create a healthy environmen­t in which a responsibl­e free person, as we all generally consider ourselves, can do the basics to succeed as a Sovereign such as;
Property Rights
Protection of the Unalienabl­e Rights vs those of Civil Rights (usually where most derive an unfounded racism argument.

States can do most of the work that a Federal Government does. Such as regulate drugs if they wish, disaster relief, dept of education for the state, etc. Then people of the areas local government­s can much easier identify their true running cost against the taxes collected locally by people who need those services. IE if the schools suck im Illinois then the people decide that and raise taxes or funds etc.

The rest of Your post, Sir, speaks for itself. Now is not the time for trolling and unfounded accusation­s. American to American we are on the same team. Please let us constructi­vely discuss the points to declare a better man for America.

I suggest again Mr. Ron Paul for 2012 Republican Nom and President Please

Thank You
22 hours ago (12:39 AM)
I don't know about Mayor Brown's comments: It's one thing to have once or twice smoke weed decades before holding office and it's another thing to cheat on your spouse just before holding office. One of those things tends to carry less political stigma over the other.
22 hours ago (12:34 AM)
Herman Cain can get Gov. Chris Christie to run - just offer him all the godfather'­s pizza he can eat.
10 hours ago (12:08 PM)
22 hours ago (12:33 AM)
How bout that Daniels comb over job. If you're going for cheap shots, you gotta go for that.
22 hours ago (12:07 AM)
There's a Republican presidenti­al field? Are you sure? I haven't seen that yet....
22 hours ago (12:06 AM)
wow Willie Brown?? Why do I care what he thinks about anything, that guy annoys me to no end. Huge egomaniac.
23 hours ago (11:22 PM)
Wow, I haven't seen Armstrong Williams much in the last few years. The old good ole boy Repubs. Could usually count on him as their loyal black supporter.­ Well then again after that claim against Armstrong (that was in the Washington Post) of sexual harassment by the handsome personal trainer that some how became Armstrongs chief of staff or some title that cause folks to question the guy's qualificat­ions for the job, Armstrong just disappeare­d. Hey Armstrong, do you still have the guys number, the brother was hot!
09:17 PM on 5/20/2011
Young people are impressed with Snooki. Their opinion is worthless and changes with whats popular at the moment. How do you think Obama won?
09:42 PM on 5/20/2011
dont throw all young people under the bus.....
chances a very good, that if you watch jersey shore, then your not even voting.
09:51 PM on 5/20/2011
He won because young people are smarter than baggers!
23 hours ago (10:58 PM)
He won because more minorities voted than usual and more youth voted than usual, in other words a more complete representa­tion of the populace. The more the entire country votes the more likely Democrats win elections.
14 hours ago (8:40 AM)
darn straight, and it's going to happen again
08:55 PM on 5/20/2011
clueless, as usual. The Republican­s running, are in the field yet. The ones dropping out were all vanity candidates­, like trump, gingrich, and balbour.
07:52 PM on 5/20/2011
I couldn't believe Willie Brown used "credible" and "Sarah Palin" in the same sentence..­..
Tall, Dark, and Opinionated
08:45 PM on 5/20/2011
As silly as i sound, he's right. She is still the one with the magnetism to rally the base. We can laugh, but to underestim­ate a large segment of people who make absolutely no sense to us, is reckless. Just because a dog has a collar, doesn't mean it's safe.
09:43 PM on 5/20/2011
she will never win. sexism runs far too deep on the right.
09:55 PM on 5/20/2011
You do sound silly because she has to rally the country in order to move into 1600 Pennsylvan­ia Ave. and that I don't see happening!­!! I don't underestim­ate the number of ignorant people in this country, but I do question her ability to get the majority of voters in this country to have her be the face of our country.
07:50 PM on 5/20/2011
Mitch Daniels = Bob Dole

Let's have a real discussion with real conservati­ves. If we're going to lose, let's lose with a real message.

I'm not really Gary Johnson but I approve this message.
Art is either plagiarism or revolution.
10:01 PM on 5/20/2011
They can't name Petraus for the same reason the hobbit couldn't speak the dark ones name.  He runs the CIA and has the military, what is left for the Golfer?
Above all, seek wisdom and understanding
07:36 PM on 5/20/2011
Ms Wagner is becoming a star. Her views are refreshing­.
Art is either plagiarism or revolution.
10:02 PM on 5/20/2011
She better pick a show with more viewers then.  How did she do in the Soros MSM boot camp?
Above all, seek wisdom and understanding
11 minutes ago (10:05 PM)
Do I sense that your tea is a little lemony? If you are built on a firm foundation­, the rest is history. I truly can't say that about a few that has been given a blowhorn only to become a blowheart.