Beck: I Would Be 'Uncomfortable' With Muslim In My Administration (AUDIO)

First Posted: 06/14/11 02:13 PM ET Updated: 06/14/11 02:20 PM ET

Glenn Beck agreed with GOP candidate Herman Cain on his Tuesday show, saying that he would be uncomfortable having a Muslim in his administration.

Cain has attracted attention for saying that he is worried about the spread of Sharia law in the U.S., and that he was worried that a Muslim might not be faithful to the Constitution.

On Tuesday, Beck said he understood what Cain meant.

"Do you feel comfortable in saying, 'yeah, you know what? I'm not even going to check that guy on his stance on Sharia law,'" Beck said. He started to say that, although it wasn't fair, he wouldn't ask the same of a Catholic or a Baptist, but then backtracked, saying that, in fact, he might be "uncomfortable" with people from any faith, explaining, "I don't trust anybody anymore."

However, Beck had a distinction to make. "Would I be more uncomfortable with a Muslim?" he asked. "Yes." The reason for this, he said, was because Muslim rights group had "wildly deceived" Americans--though he didn't say about what exactly.

"And a Muslim is more likely to want Sharia law in America than any other religion," Beck's co-host said. Beck was quick to say that not all Muslims wanted Sharia law.

"I have friends who are Muslim who are not for Sharia law," he said.

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Beck has made controversial statements about Muslims in the past. He has said that around ten percent of Muslims are terrorists and that some want to bring about the Antichrist. And, in 2006, he famously asked Muslim Rep. Keith Ellison to "prove to me that you are not working with our enemies."


Glenn Beck agreed with GOP candidate Herman Cain on his Tuesday show, saying that he would be uncomfortable having a Muslim in his administration. Cain has attracted attention for saying that he is...
Glenn Beck agreed with GOP candidate Herman Cain on his Tuesday show, saying that he would be uncomfortable having a Muslim in his administration. Cain has attracted attention for saying that he is...
Filed by Jack Mirkinson  |  Report Corrections
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7 minutes ago (2:59 PM)
Beck? Who is he? I don't recall this man? I must not remember, Better yet why must you remind us.
9 minutes ago (2:57 PM)
And so Virginia, every time you see a conservati­ve say something like " he is worried about the spread of Sharia law in the U.S" remember that they are not serious but just fanning the flames of fear for the ignorant.

The Law of the United States is the Constituti­on. No way, no how is anyone trying to get Sharia Law as the law of this country. And as Santa Clause Newts says, anyone who says so is a LIAR!
9 minutes ago (2:57 PM)
The vast majority of those "democracy­-seeking" Egyptian muslims flourishin­g in the much anticipate­d "Arab Spring" are demanding that sharia be the law of the land, along with all of the associated persecutio­n of copts, christians and other assorted "infidels"­. If you don't think it's starting to creep into the American mainstream­, just ask your Wells Fargo banker about their policy on "sharia banking".
Jennifer Mead
Girls dig unix
5 minutes ago (3:01 PM)
Christians get all kinds of privileges in this country. Are you requesting that they too shut the eff up? Because if that was the case you might have something there. All or nothing. Either pick on all religious special circumstan­ces in society or pick on none.
10 minutes ago (2:56 PM)
Well, I'd be uncomforta­ble with Glenn Beck being part of my administra­tion, so I guess we're on the same level with this one. So right back at ya Beck! I think I've gotten to a point in which Islamophob­ia isn't shocking anymore...­very sad to be so hated in the country you were born and raised in simply for being what you are.
10 minutes ago (2:56 PM)
I love how he proclaims he has Muslim friends. What a crock.
10 minutes ago (2:56 PM)
to say that the majority of the US would be "uncomfort­able" with glenn beck in any administra­tion ,would be a gross understate­ment
10 minutes ago (2:56 PM)
Beck: par for the course

Presidenti­al hopeful: Not so much
11 minutes ago (2:55 PM)
"sharia law" is not mandatory.­'s not different than JAMS or AAA arbitratio­n. If two people agree to resolve their disputes according to divination by chicken bones, so be it.
Can't pretend a stranger is a long awaited friend
14 minutes ago (2:52 PM)
14 minutes ago (2:52 PM)
14 minutes ago (2:52 PM)
And do your "Muslim friends" appreciate that you wouldn't trust them in the government­?
15 minutes ago (2:51 PM)
Perhaps the time has come for the media to start ignoring him.
Jennifer Mead
Girls dig unix
8 minutes ago (2:58 PM)
It has come and passed.
My brain hurts.
16 minutes ago (2:50 PM)
Did he go on record saying that he won't hire Muslims?
Bradley Walter
Culture War Veteran
16 minutes ago (2:50 PM)
Aren't his 15 minutes up already?
I am the Jesus Christ of sin & vice.
16 minutes ago (2:50 PM)
Why are you giving Beck free publicity?