Jaleel White: Steve Urkel From 'Family Matters' Talks Money, Physical Maturation, William Shatner

First Posted: 06/15/11 12:55 PM ET Updated: 06/15/11 01:50 PM ET

Steve Urkel

Keep this in mind: for all the rejections from Laura Winslow, the painful transformations into Stephan and the pants that did his "sack" no favors, it's good to be Steve Urkel. After all, he's beyond loaded.

Jaleel White, the actor who turned suspenders into universal symbols of geekdom and made the term "Did I Do That?" into perhaps the most obnoxious thing a trouble-making child could say, is proud of his run as the nerd from next door. Especially what it did for his bank account -- he's the highest paid black kid in the history of television, he told Vanity Fair in a new interview.

And he worked damn hard to earn that cash -- even if it meant some physical struggles.

"The fact is that I was maturing," he remembered of his teenage years growing up as Urkel. "I knew physically I had made certain sacrifices to keep that property alive that just couldn't be made anymore. I wasn't changing my hair; I was staying out of the gym. To be honest, I was retarding my own growth as a man in order to maintain the authenticity to what I thought that character should be."

That retardation literally included his manhood, too. Painfully and unfortunately.

"I was getting network notes on the bulge of my sack! I wore my pants so freaking tight and it was like, after awhile, we got a problem there," White said. "So, literally, the last season we loosened up his pants."

Now, having just starred in the kid-focused "Judy Moody & The NOT Bummer Summer," White is setting out to make his own film. And unlike Urkel, he may have his way with romance in this one. Or at least can direct somebody else at it.

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"I'm keeping it under wraps, but I will tell you it's a romantic comedy that Joel Zwick is producing," White revealed. "He directed 'My Big Fat Greek Wedding.' I wrote the script four years ago and I'm really excited about this project. We're shooting in Canada later this summer."

Perhaps he has Captain Kirk to thank for all the encouragement. While working on "Boston Legal," White said he had quite an interesting interaction with William Shatner himself.

"It was funny because he had no idea who I was," White said. "After a take he says, 'You should stick with this, you've got some chops.' So Captain Kirk just told Urkel he should stick with this and he's got some chops."

To be fair to White, Shatner didn't just miss "Family Matters" all those years ago; White has had a busy career as an actor since leaving that family classic. He's done both voice work -- as Sonic the Hedgehog in all those 90s cartoons! -- has featured in two live action series in "Grownups" and the web series "Fake It Til You Make It."

He even blogged for The Huffington Post about giving everything he had to make that web series.

Not bad for the geek next door.

For more, click over to Vanity Fair.


Keep this in mind: for all the rejections from Laura Winslow, the painful transformations into Stephan and the pants that did his "sack" no favors, it's good to be Steve Urkel. After all, he's beyond ...
Keep this in mind: for all the rejections from Laura Winslow, the painful transformations into Stephan and the pants that did his "sack" no favors, it's good to be Steve Urkel. After all, he's beyond ...
Filed by Jordan Zakarin  | 
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2 hours ago (1:51 AM)
Is it weird that I'm reading this in the Steve Urkel voice?
4 hours ago (12:22 AM)
Jaleel White: Steve Urkel From 'Family Matters' Talks Money, Physical Maturation­, William Shatner http://bit­.ly/f4xUcl
9 hours ago (6:51 PM)
May be the Obama comparison is because one of them is nerdy, consistent­ly ineffectiv­e and in no way resembles someone who could lead so much as a marching band; and the other one is, well, pretty much the same.
Wanna Raise Some Hell
7 hours ago (8:59 PM)
The Urkel character may have been a dork, but he was also a genius.
7 hours ago (9:19 PM)
I never said either one was dumb, neither one of them is a leader though.
Susan Osterhout Troiano
11 hours ago (5:28 PM)
I loved this show and still do. The show always had me laughing so hard. Jaleel grew up to be a fine looking gentlemen.
This Day, This Moment, Right Now!
12 hours ago (4:09 PM)
Family Matters was an incredible show, wholesome, positive and always an uplifting message. My little seven year old daughter loves to watch it in the mornings while eating breakfast and I have to admit I enjoy it too. Jaleel White is one of the few positive examples of child stars that reach such an enormous level of fame. Good for him!
14 hours ago (2:09 PM)
huh? I thought he was elected POTUS in 2008.
13 hours ago (2:58 PM)
You mean repubs still think that all blacks look alike.
13 hours ago (3:27 PM)
16 hours ago (12:27 PM)
Glad to read this about Jaleel White. Family Matters was a regular in my house on Friday's. Wish him much success in the future..
13 hours ago (3:28 PM)
Yep, those were the days when kids and parents could watch primetime together. Sadly, not anymore.
16 hours ago (12:09 PM)
Hey HufPo, how about a current pic?
11 hours ago (5:09 PM)
You will be fed Bing search results and like it!
17 hours ago (11:12 AM)
Back when the show was on the air I met him on Ellis Island of all places, I remember him being very humble and nice. All that to say I am not surprised by his success, we need more guys like him in Hollywood.
18 hours ago (10:01 AM)
good for him love that guy,
Paul Sta
19 hours ago (9:32 AM)
Some would say, he is our current president.

17 hours ago (10:55 AM)
Wow that was a gut-buster­! if Hee-Haw ever makes it back on the air you are a shoo-in!
Arthur Spooner
Conservative govnmt is organized hypocrisy
15 hours ago (12:55 PM)
Yeah we get it..they all look alike. Lame O.
19 hours ago (8:56 AM)
Jaleel was good as Steve, but even more awesome as SONIC THE HEDGEHOG!
Pandoras Folly
released thousand of years ago by foolish mortals
19 hours ago (9:13 AM)
Is a pork chop greasy?
20 hours ago (7:53 AM)
Nice to see he is transition­ing into a smart businessma­n, adult actor, doing films. Most child actors vanish after that first show, or wind up on drugs or whatever. Way to go Jaleel.
Moderate is the new liberal.
20 hours ago (7:45 AM)
I didn't like Urkel, but that just meant the actor playing him was doing a good job. Gotta have some respect for that.
Hydrogen, given enough time turns into people.
21 hours ago (7:35 AM)
Urkel said so much for so many of those not in the 'in crowd.' I always liked that character.