Arabian 'Unicorn,' White Oryx, Back From Brink Of Extinction

Arabian Unicorn White Oryx

JOHN HEILPRIN   06/16/11 10:21 AM ET   AP

GENEVA — The Arabian Oryx, whose distinctive horns are widely believed to have given rise to the unicorn legend, is back from the brink of extinction in the deserts of the Arabian peninsula.

About 1,000 of the wild Arabian or White Oryx now exist owing to nearly three decades of successful breeding, the International Union for Conservation of Nature said Thursday.

The global environmental network said efforts to breed captive oryx and release them back into the Arabian Peninsula, the only place this species is found, began in Oman in 1982, a decade after the last one was apparently shot in the wild.

It said the breeding program demonstrated that captive oryx could adapt to harsh wild conditions, first in Oman and later in the deserts of Saudia Arabia, Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and, most recently, in Jordan.

"To have brought the Arabian Oryx back from the brink of extinction is a major feat and a true conservation success story, one which we hope will be repeated many times over for other threatened species," said Razan Khalifa Al Mubarak, director general of the UAE government's Environment Agency-Abu Dhabi.

The Arabian Oryx – a large species of antelope with two long horns – is known locally as Al Maha, and figures heavily in Arabic poetry and paintings.

The creature can smell water from miles away, has wide hooves that let it easily navigate shifting sand and lives in small herds of eight to 10 animals.

When its long, narrow horns that curve slightly at the tip are viewed in profile, they can appear as one, like the fabled unicorn. But another antelope species, the Saola of Southeast Asia, is also seen as a possible source of the unicorn legend.

The improvement by the Arabian Oryx is reflected on the Gland-based conservation union's "Red List" of thousands of endangered plants and animals. The group operates in more than 160 countries, and has assessed the condition of 59,508 species.

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This year it was reclassified as "vulnerable," the best improvement to date for a species once thought to be extinct in the wild.


GENEVA — The Arabian Oryx, whose distinctive horns are widely believed to have given rise to the unicorn legend, is back from the brink of extinction in the deserts of the Arabian peninsula. Ab...
GENEVA — The Arabian Oryx, whose distinctive horns are widely believed to have given rise to the unicorn legend, is back from the brink of extinction in the deserts of the Arabian peninsula. Ab...
"Arabian 'Unicorn' Thrives Again in Wild"
The Arabian oryx, which inspired early unicorn myths, made a remarkable recovery from extinction.
RT - Nice! - Arabian 'unicorn' saved from extinction
1 day ago from web
Arabian 'unicorn' saved from extinction
Arabian 'unicorn' no longer extinct
Arabian 'unicorn' no longer extinct
Arabian 'unicorn' no longer extinct
'Arabian unicorn' saved from extinction
'Arabian Unicorn' Saved From Extinction
Filed by Travis Donovan  | 
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0 minute ago (5:32 PM)
It is refreshing to see some good news in the Green section.
11 minutes ago (5:20 PM)
The ones in Desert of Isreal, are they still considered Arabian Orxy?
empty on purpose
7 hours ago (10:29 AM)
I understand that headline integrity is low on the priorities for this site, but this is not a unicorn. It is a goat and it has two horns, which makes it definitely not a unicorn.
May you reap what you sow.
7 hours ago (11:02 AM)
I thought I was seeing double :))
ermmm...hmmmm....never mind...
4 hours ago (1:09 PM)
I think this is how locals described it form a distance, as the horns are straight and aligned - so sideways it would look like just the one horn.

But obviously, they knew it had two; it's only a name like Tasmanian Devil - nobody actually think it runs flaming rooms undergroun­d.
I connect the most dissimilar things
17 hours ago (12:41 AM)
I can't figure out how a pair of really long horns could get turned into a single horn in legends.

"There's a cyclops!"
"But he's got two eyes."
"Oh. Must be a bicyclops.­"
- Yellow Submarine
13 hours ago (4:18 AM)
If you view the animal from the sides you probably couldn't tell that there are two horns--the­y appear as one.
empty on purpose
7 hours ago (10:31 AM)
So it is a two legged goat as well. How does it remain standing?
Raymond Strand
4 hours ago (1:32 PM)
Have you seen an elephants skull. It looks like a monster that looks nothing like an elephant. So if you're an ancient explorer and you see one you just might think hey, what kind of animal was that.
Anne Mccormick
17 hours ago (12:25 AM)
if i'm ever lost in the part of the world i'm going to find a white oryx or two. then i'll just follow them to water.
19 hours ago (10:51 PM)
what a beautiful animal
19 hours ago (10:21 PM)
The animal when seen only from the side could easily be mistakenly having one horn. You have to live in the desert to get this image but if you want to impress an outsider you can do it easily.
20 hours ago (9:57 PM)
Uni---One. Anyone who would mistake this (beautiful­) animal for a unicorn is in dire need of an opthamolog­ist.
20 hours ago (9:26 PM)
I've seen them in a herd, moving fast. Marvelous.
20 hours ago (9:22 PM)
Where's my post? It was posted and then disappeare­d?? It met all your guidelines­, yet it disappeare­d. I agreed with another poster!!
empty on purpose
7 hours ago (10:32 AM)
Guidelines stated are for entertainm­ent purposes only.
20 hours ago (9:10 PM)
Doesn't UNI mean one, as in one horn?
21 hours ago (8:52 PM)
I don't know about anyone else, but I see 2 horns on this animal's head. Unicorn means one horn. Hmmmmm. If someone really did get the idea for a unicorn from this creature they either had a very vivid imaginatio­n or very poor eyesight.
20 hours ago (9:27 PM)
It's a play on the myth relative to the tall thin horns reminding us of the unicorn myth. Try Try to think.
empty on purpose
7 hours ago (10:33 AM)
If someone was thinking, they would not continue to lie about unicorns.
21 hours ago (8:48 PM)
We have oryxs here in Palm Desert at The Living Desert that have been involved in a breeding program. They are beautiful animals and, if you see them in silhouette­, they DO look like a unicorn! Love 'em.
21 hours ago (8:22 PM)
welcome back
little critter
i hope your tenure
here lasts
too many other
dying too fast:(
22 hours ago (7:49 PM)