Peoria Chiefs Mock LeBron James With NBA Championship Ring Giveaway

Peoria Chiefs Lebron

Posted: 06/15/11 08:09 AM ET

The Peoria Chiefs, a Single-A affiliate of the Chicago Cubs, came up with their own way to mock LeBron James' loss in the NBA finals.

According to Chiefs spokesman Nathan Baliva, the minor league baseball team will hold a "LeBron James NBA Championship Replica Giveaway night" on Thursday. The joke is that the rings, just like the one LeBron didn't win, are non-existent so fans won't really receive anything.

It is explained in the team's press release that the "giveaway" will be a part of a real promotion celebrating the Chicago Bulls' six NBA titles in the 1990s:

The Peoria Chiefs have added a LeBron James 2011 NBA Championship Replica Ring Giveaway to all fans on Thursday June 16 to enhance the Salute to the 1990s Chicago Bulls Championship Teams Night. The replica ring, which like LeBron's is non-existent, will be handed out to all fans through the gates prior to the 7:00 p.m. game against Wisconsin.

Throughout the night the Chiefs will be celebrating a true champion, the 1991, 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997 and 1998 Chicago Bulls. Despite having the greatest player of all time, the most decorated coach in NBA history and two other Hall of Famers, the Bulls always played, and won as a team. There will be video clips of the Bulls titles along with audio highlights and trivia while the team will take the field to "Sirius" by the Alan Parsons Project.

In addition to the LeBron replica ring, the Chiefs are looking into whether or not the game can skip the fourth inning to honor King James who took off the fourth quarter of every finals game.

Vice president of ticket sales Eric Obalil told that they aren't sure if the league will allow it, but if "LeBron doesn't need to show up for the fourth, maybe we won't either."

After the Mavericks won their first NBA championship on Sunday, the two-time MVP said the loss feels like a "personal failure" and made some controversial comments after being asked if it bothers him that "so many people" want to see him fail.

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"All the people that were rooting for me to fail, at the end of the day, tomorrow they have to wake up and have the same life that (they had) before they woke up today," he said.

On Tuesday, James tried to backtrack his remarks and said it was "interpreted different than what I was trying to get out there."


The Peoria Chiefs, a Single-A affiliate of the Chicago Cubs, came up with their own way to mock LeBron James' loss in the NBA finals. According to Chiefs spokesman Nathan Baliva, the minor league ...
The Peoria Chiefs, a Single-A affiliate of the Chicago Cubs, came up with their own way to mock LeBron James' loss in the NBA finals. According to Chiefs spokesman Nathan Baliva, the minor league ...
Filed by Michael Klopman  | 
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6 hours ago (11:08 AM)
I don't anyone who told their present employer that they had another job until they had it. What LBJ did was exactly the same. The main difference is he left a horrible organizati­­on and an armpit of a city...Cle­­veland!!!­!­!!

Cleveland is a win-less city and don't deserve an allstar. The owner Gilbert is a straight hypocrite, how can you be willing to pay someone 100+ mill today and then the next day say that he's this, he's that simply b/c he chose another employer that's much better!

The CAVS must build a team thru the draft b/c no elite player will play for this hypocrite of a owner! Also I'm curious to see if players that they draft will stay there after their contracts expire. Probably Not....
the fastest swimmer
20 hours ago (9:00 PM)
I am going to labeled one way or another so....

I admit to putting up with a lot of things when LBJ played with Cavs ( former resident sometime fan, draw your own conclusion ), however, my feelings towards him are not sour grapes.

To gain my respect back ( not saying he in any way wants to ), LBJ must show me it is really about the ring and concentrat­­e on late game performanc­­e in the clutch. Learning how to use his unique talents to turn the team around him into the best it could be as another #23 once did. Be it driving the lane to draw fouls ( and hitting free thows ), or driving the lane to dish off, drawing double coverage, whatever it takes. If it means taking a few extra min. before and after halftime to be there phsyically in the forth, then sit down and let your team cover.

BTW from a Clevelande­r point of view, with only about ten weeks between the Boston 2010 series and the "Decision" with it's odd restrictio­ns placed on ESPN, tells me that LBJ's ( let's say indifferen­t play ) play reflects that a "decision" had already been made.

If not be honest and admit it IS the money and I will respect that too.
the fastest swimmer
20 hours ago (9:03 PM)
" get labeled...­"
the fastest swimmer
18 hours ago (11:05 PM)
"...( let's say indifferen­t )..."
My best comments have been deleted.
22 hours ago (7:15 PM)
thanks for a great first season wade, lebron, bosh. a brighter future lies ahead.
11:01 AM on 6/16/2011
What did LeBron James ever do to Peoria?
Born 1947. USAF 1966-1970 Taught High School for
10:43 AM on 6/16/2011
Nike will recall its new shoe Air James. They seem to go flat in the last quarter.
08:47 AM on 6/16/2011
What I can't believe is how the NIKE company pays so much money for this guy. He is not a role model material instead he is quite the opposite.

So NIKE do you hear? He is not a role model material!!
07:58 AM on 6/16/2011
Keep kicking some one when their down

I'm glad Dallas won but God this is sports not politics
08:06 AM on 6/16/2011
it is when you're having a lebron jordan debate
08:18 AM on 6/16/2011
Isn't that more of an opion
15 hours ago (2:03 AM)
"someone when they're down".
07:22 AM on 6/16/2011
You would think that LeBron James was a killer or pedophile. People kill and harm children everyday and they do not receive this level of public ill will. All he does is play basketball­. It goes to show you people are too focused on sport and play. The banks have caused tens of thousands to loose their homes and all people can do is hate on LeBron.
edit your micro-bio here
15 hours ago (2:21 AM)
We can do both; lose our homes and make James jokes.

I couldn't resist the joke. I hear what you are saying.
07:18 AM on 6/16/2011
Well deserved for what he did to Cleveland. Sorry Lebron, you have to realize that the choices you made have consequenc­es. Deal with it and hope you never win the big one.
10:12 AM on 6/16/2011
What exactly did he do to Cleveland? He fulfilled his contract and chose to leave.
10:47 AM on 6/16/2011
Which is fine that he left but because he busted their balls he left himself open to well deserved ridicule. In the end Lebron is still a gazilliona­ire so it really matters not at all. He has only proven that he is an allstar, not bad, but he is NOT one of the all-time greats
6 hours ago (11:00 AM)
I don't anyone who told their present employer that they had another job until they had it. What LBJ did was exactly the same. The main difference is he left a horrible organizati­on and an armpit of a city...Cle­veland!!!!­!!
Member of the reality-based community
04:59 AM on 6/16/2011
Always Conservative
Keep your change...
02:19 AM on 6/16/2011
Curse of the goat will now be the Lebron curse... I did hear Lebron is contemplat­ing an autobiogra­phy, but cannot come up with a TITLE...

Lame, I know, but what the heck. It beats Weiner jokes...
02:32 AM on 6/16/2011
I heard the book would be 4 chapters long, but that LeBron doesn't even appear in chapter 4.
02:13 AM on 6/16/2011
I really feel sorry for Lebron...I think he is really a pretty good guy, I am getting sick of all this hating.
05:14 AM on 6/16/2011
Talk the talk... walk the walk. The Decision??­? That whole "introduct­ion" circus??? Right, it's not deserved at all. You clearly don't watch sports, it should stay that way with the clueless comments like that... "he's a pretty good guy" compared to who? He's never amounted to anything despite all his trash-talk­ing and overrated press all that's come of it is his immature reactions to his epic failures. Basically, he's a 5 year old brat in a man's world.
10:31 AM on 6/16/2011
Whether you like the guy or not he is amazing!!! If you are a true basketball fan. The whole decision thing, get over it! It may not have been your style, what people choose to leave out of the story is he did not make this decision alone. He worked with NIKE, ESPN, The Miami Heat, his management team and other sponsors and that is what they came up with. So don't charge him with that. It was a marketing ploy that didn't work, but to hate over it is ridiculous­. As far as being a good guy, he does plenty for charity and philanthro­pic causes. He donates his time and his money. He has yet to break any laws and has never been accused of breaking any. As far as we know he is a good dad. So no, he is not public enemy number one! As for "He has never amounted to much" well Cleveland sucked before he got there and where did they finish this year? He took them to the finals and the eastern conference finals. He left they didn't make the playoffs and his team went to the NBA finals. He man is living his dream, so not amounting to much, how many people can honestly say they at the age of 25 they are living their dream? You might not like his style but he is a exceptiona­l athlete.
He Ain't Heavy, He's my Brother
02:02 AM on 6/16/2011
H0ly C0w!

But they'll be mouth breathing Americans at the gate demanding a ring.
12:26 AM on 6/16/2011
I have to say, I am getting tired of the LeBron hate. To be sure, he's made more than his fair share of misstateme­nts and mistakes, including the national soap opera that was his decision to leave Cleveland. But the notion that he is evil because he went to Miami to try to win a champioshi­p is pretty ridiculous­. Owners and fans are big on player loyalty - as long as it's a great player - in his prime. But they generally could care less about other players. Those guys can get cut or traded no matter how much they "want to play in Cleveland.­" And let even that great player get hurt, get older, or lose a step or two and the same owners and fans will often run him out of town on a rail. How many hall of fame athletes end their careers with the same teams they started with? Loyalty in major league sports can be a dangerous one-way street. LeBron had every right to go to Miami. He helped get his team to the NBA finals. He'll likely do that a few more times before he's through. There's nothing wrong with that.
08:07 AM on 6/16/2011
just as chicago was tired of the jordan hate
Ret Navy Intel/Ops
12:11 AM on 6/16/2011
A baseball team celebratin­g the championsh­ips of a basketball team?

Oh wait...ano­ther already chimed in. They're affiliated with the Cubs. That explains it.
08:09 AM on 6/16/2011
c'mon you're a retired intel officer. this is not hard to figure out:

Chiefs->Cu­bs->Bulls-­>Jordan/Le­bron arguments over greatest player to play the game.

Oh, and, Go Cubs!! even though they are 12 games out in their division..­.....
11:30 AM on 6/16/2011
This makes no sense.