Tracy Morgan Apologizes To Kevin Rogers, Gay Community For Homophobic Rant

Tracy Morgan

Posted: 06/21/11 01:51 PM ET

Tracy Morgan has taken another step in his apology tour for his June 3rd homophobic rant in Nashville, Tennessee, appearing in that city to meet with Kevin Rogers, the man who initially reported the rant on Facebook, and issuing a heartfelt apology at a press conference organized by GLAAD.

Morgan, who released a statement of apology following the public outcry that came upon news of his rant, in which he said, among other things, he'd kill his son if he were gay and that being gay is a choice, came under heavy criticism from outraged fans and fellow celebrities, including harsh statements from "30 Rock" co-stars Tina Fey and Cheyenne Jackson.

"I didn't mean it. I don’t have a hateful bone in my body," Morgan said in his statement at the press conference. "I don’t believe that anyone should be bullied or just made to feel bad about who they are. I totally feel that, in my heart, I really don’t care who you love, same-sex or not, as long as you have the ability to love. So now, at this point in my life, it's an opportunity to make a difference, I don't really see gay or straight, I just see human beings."

The meeting and apology was good enough for Rogers, who said he forgave Morgan.

"In the weeks since then and seeing what actions that Tracy has taken on himself to go out in our community and try to make a difference, and I had the opportunity to meet and speak with Tracy prior to coming to here, and he shared his genuine concern with his words and has promised me that his actions going forward are going to be positive and supportive of my community," Rogers said at the event.

Not everyone thought Morgan should apologize; fellow comedian Louis CK has defended Morgan on multiple occasions.

Watch the video below, and then read Morgan and Rogers' statements in full.

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The first thing I want to say is that I apologize to Kevin and people that were at the show for bumming them out. I want to apologize to my friends and my family and my fans and everyone in every community who were offended with this. I didn't mean it. I don’t have a hateful bone in my body. I don’t believe that anyone should be bullied or just made to feel bad about who they are. I totally feel that, in my heart, I really don’t care who you love, same-sex or not, as long as you have the ability to love. So now, at this point in my life, it's an opportunity to make a difference, I don't really see gay or straight, I just see human beings now. I pride myself on 20 years, 18 years of standup, of using it to heal people and not hurt. That was my whole thing. And I hurt people with this. So, from the bottom of my heart, I apologize to everyone who I offended with my words on stage, in Nashville and everywhere else. I want to take this opportunity, to err is human, to forgive is divine. Thank you Kevin, thank you everybody, for your support. I just want to take this opportunity to help and not hurt.


Certainly, on June the 3rd, when I went to see Tracy, I had no idea we'd be sitting here through this. I was very excited to see Tracy that night, and regardless of popular belief, I didn't leave angry or offended. I was mainly just saddened by the words Tracy had to say that night because I had always assumed that Tracy was an ally to the LGBT community. And so in the weeks since then and seeing what actions that Tracy has taken on himself to go out in our community and try to make a difference, and I had the opportunity to meet and speak with Tracy prior to comign to here, and he shared his genuine concern with his words and has promised me that his actions going forward are going to be positive and supportive of my community. And I greatly appreciate what he said and really appreciate him taking time out to try and right what I belief was just a huge mistake.


Tracy Morgan has taken another step in his apology tour for his June 3rd homophobic rant in Nashville, Tennessee, appearing in that city to meet with Kevin Rogers, the man who initially reported the r...
Tracy Morgan has taken another step in his apology tour for his June 3rd homophobic rant in Nashville, Tennessee, appearing in that city to meet with Kevin Rogers, the man who initially reported the r...
The Tracy Morgan Apology Tour video: a cinematic tour de force all its own
Tracy Morgan Apologizes For Anti-Gay Rant:
Tracy Morgan apologizes to Kevin Rogers:
Why Tracy Morgan, whyyyy????
Tracy Morgan Apologizes For Anti-Gay Rant (VIDEO) -
Starting at 9:45am, follow for live-tweets from Tracy Morgan's press conference.
SDGLN Poll: Readers find Tracy Morgan's apology was not acceptable | | by SDGLN Staff
New episode of THE Q is available...I defend Tracy Morgan, so listen to find out why!
1 day ago from web
Washington Watch Exclusive: Comedians Joe Torry, Ricky Harris And Larry Lancaster Discuss Tracy Morgan Rant -
Filed by Jordan Zakarin  | 
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Practicing my sarcasm management skills
2 minutes ago (4:22 PM)
"For homophobic rant..." WHAT??? It was a freakin' stand up comedy act not some random rant. This is ridiculous and Tracy Morgan is a sell out to cave to the pressure of this organizati­on. I guess I understand though, the man has to eat and feed his family. It's a shame that he has to do it as the expense of both his pride and his art/comedy­. SMH!
apparently, my micro-bio is empty
5 minutes ago (4:18 PM)
I think Tracy is being sincere and truly feels sorry for what he did.
16 minutes ago (4:08 PM)
Still think 30 Rock needs to hire someone who is genuinely funny. If he ever made me laugh I can't remember. Tracy, maybe at least this will help others use thier minds and heart before engaging thier mouths. maybe.
Here endeth the lesson.
13 minutes ago (4:10 PM)
I would settle for a hot leading lady.
17 minutes ago (4:07 PM)
Tracey Morgan is a comedian people!!!!­!!! He makes fun of everyone(b­lacks,whit­es,latinos­,asains,me­ntally challenged­,handicapp­ed,etc..). It is getting to the point where free speech is acceptable a long as homosexual­s are not offended. This is a joke.
Curious and curiouser.
20 minutes ago (4:04 PM)
Sounded heartfelt. More than many others have done. Good for him.
"and we are not saved..."
24 minutes ago (3:59 PM)
Wait what is the deal with the kid posing in "come get me" swim trunks for American Apparel in the middle of this article about the gay community?
My micro-bio tches
17 minutes ago (4:07 PM)
One of my favorite features of hufpoo is their inappropri­ate ads that accompany articles.
0 minute ago (4:23 PM)
TANGENT on a Tangent: I use the adblock plugin and avoid most ads online. It's available for many browsers and is free.
Lollie Com
Habit kicks willpower's rear seven days a week!! ~
31 minutes ago (3:52 PM)
First of all, that's the best apology I've seen from anyone famous in any field ever. Every politician­, athlete and celebrity should be taking notes.

Honesty, sincerity, taking responsibi­lity, admitting he was wrong, REPENTING of it, making a promise to never do anything like it again and to work hard to more than repair any damage he has done, so that before he's done his good works to benefit the gay community will far outweigh the hurt he caused.

He has taken massive action to correct his error and is not done yet. I said it before and i'll say it again. I love many, many gay, lesbian and transgende­r people. And I LOVE TRACY MORGAN. You are a great example to all of us in how to behave when we've made a profound error. Thank you Tracy. Thank you. Well done.

Imagine for a moment, a world where everyone broke up as well as Demi Moore and Bruce Willis, and everyone apologized as pitch perfectly as Tracy Morgan....­. hmmmm. Sweet world.
Reading comments messes with my ZEN, but I'm addic
32 minutes ago (3:51 PM)
I never thought he meant it as more than a joke. But I never found him funny. I am glad that's he's going way above and beyond what others have done in the same situation. He doesn't have to do all this, but it's good that he is,
35 minutes ago (3:48 PM)
gurkle gurkle
if it wasnt for TSA i wouden`t have a sex life at
35 minutes ago (3:49 PM)
was auch immer:)
I eat micro-bio with milk.
38 minutes ago (3:46 PM)
That was some of his best acting. I'm sure it took a lot not to pull a knife.
40 minutes ago (3:44 PM)
But jon Stewart would say... "Its just comedy!" Perhaps the lib media is a little too partisan when it comes to what is "Just comedy"
36 minutes ago (3:47 PM)
34 minutes ago (3:50 PM)
Do you watch Stewart? Did Stewart defend this? Has he ever done anything as cruel as this? If you want to cite anyone, cite Lois CK who basically said what you're saying. Otherwise, you're just putting words in other people's mouths.
30 minutes ago (3:53 PM)
Do you even watch the MSM media to make comments like this, or is this just another example of a person who can't think for them self so they just regurgitat­e whatever they heard from Fixed Noise?
You can accomplish what you will
18 minutes ago (4:06 PM)
You found a way to make this political? Wow, so sad!
I want my country forward
42 minutes ago (3:41 PM)
I need to see him hold a knife over his son and then put it back in the knife holder to know for sure he didn't mean it
42 minutes ago (3:41 PM)
Now could he apologize for not being funny??!!
You can accomplish what you will
17 minutes ago (4:06 PM)
only if you go first!
I eat micro-bio with milk.
43 minutes ago (3:40 PM)
Next he'll be apologizin­g to the rap industry and religious organizati­ons for apologizin­g to the LGBT community.