Saturn's Known Satellites


 Saturn Satellite Data 
Name                           a        i       e       Peri    Node    M        Period  mag    H      Size Year
                              (km)     (deg)            (deg)   (deg)  (deg)     (days)        (mag)   (km)
Regular Satellites                                      
Start of Inner most Ring (D)   66000   
                   S/2009 S1   117000   0.000   0.000   0.0     0.0     0.000    0.000   28            0.3  2009 
XVIII  Pan         S/1981 S13  133600   0.000   0.000   0.0     0.0     122.0    0.575   19            20   1981 
XXXV   Daphnis     S/2005 S1   136500   0.000   0.000   0.0     0.0     000.0    0.594   24            7    2005 
XV     Atlas       S/1980 S28  137700   0.000   0.000   0.0     0.0     186.5    0.602   18.5          32   1980 
XVI    Prometheus  S/1980 S27  139400   0.000   0.002   212.8   0.0     335.7    0.613   15.5          100  1980 
XVII   Pandora     S/1980 S26  141700   0.000   0.004   68.2    0.0     13.9     0.629   16            84   1980 
XI     Epimetheus  S/1980 S3   151400   0.335   0.021   100.9   335.0   56.0     0.69    15            119  1980 
X      Janus       S/1980 S1   151500   0.165   0.007   27.9    303.8   236.5    0.70    14            178  1980 
LIII   Aegaeon     S/2008 S1   167500   0.001   0.000   00.00   00.00   00.00    0.808   27            0.5  2008 
I      Mimas                   185600   1.566   0.021   322.9   177.5   100.2    0.94    12.5          397  1789 
XXXII  Methone     S/2004 S1   194000   0.000   0.000   00.0    000.0   000.0    1.01    25            3    2004 
XLIX   Anthe       S/2007 S4   197700   0.100   0.001   00.0    000.0   000.0    1.04    26            1    2004 
XXXIII Pallene     S/2004 S2   211000   0.000   0.000   00.0    000.0   000.0    1.14    25            4    2004 
II     Enceladus               238100   0.010   0.000   334.7   137.1   162.0    1.37    11.5          499  1789 
XIII   Telesto     S/1980 S13  294700   1.158   0.001   80.7    126.1   7.9      1.89    18            24   1980 
III    Tethys                  294700   0.168   0.000   149.2   149.2   28.8     1.89    10            1060 1684 
XIV    Calypso     S/1980 S25  294700   1.473   0.001   43.6    209.2   201.8    1.89    18.5          19   1980  
IV     Dione                   377400   0.002   0.000   174.0   57.7    109.2    2.74    10            1118 1684 
XII    Helene      S/1980 S6   377400   0.212   0.000   80.4    10.2    10.0     2.74    18            32   1980 
XXXIV  Polydeuces  S/2004 S5   377400   0.000   0.000   00.0    000.0   000.0    2.74    25            4    2004 
End of Outer most Ring (E)     480000   
V      Rhea                    527100   0.327   0.001   205.9   1.095   238.7    4.518   9             1528 1672 
VI     Titan                  1221900   1.634   0.029   172.7   44.05   192.1    15.95   8             5150 1655 
VII    Hyperion               1464100   0.568   0.018   262.1   273.9   52.96    21.28   14            266  1848 
VIII   Iapetus                3560800   7.570   0.028   275.9   75.58   350.3    79.33   10.5          1436 1671 
Irregular Groups   
XXIV   Kiviuq     S/2000 S5  11111000   45.71   0.334   82.87   359.5   221.2    449.2   22.0          16   2000 
XXII   Ijiraq     S/2000 S6  11124000   46.44   0.316   85.46   136.4   64.55    451.4   22.6          12   2000 
IX     Phoebe                12944300   174.8   0.164   337.5   237.1   174.6    548.2   16            240  1898 
XX     Paaliaq    S/2000 S2  15200000   45.13   0.364   238.3   327.2   352.0    686.9   21.3          22   2000 
XXVII  Skathi     S/2000 S8  15541000   152.6   0.270   201.8   284.0   144.6    728.2   23.6          8    2000 
XXVI   Albiorix   S/2000 S11 16182000   33.98   0.478   55.48   102.3   58.72    783.5   20.5          32   2000 
XXXVII Bebhionn   S/2004 S11 17119000   35.01   0.469    6.09   194.4   262.8    834.8   24.1          6    2004 
XXVIII Erriapus   S/2000 S10 17343000   34.62   0.474   282.1   150.8   323.2    871.2   23.0          10   2000 
XXIX   Siarnaq    S/2000 S3  17531000   45.56   0.295   65.44   47.09   224.6    895.6   20.1          40   2000 
XLVII  Skoll      S/2006 S8  17665000   161.2   0.464   198.3   300.0   79.60    878.3   24.5          6    2006 
XXI    Tarvos     S/2000 S4  17983000   33.82   0.531   273.5   102.9   283.6    926.2   22.1          15   2000 
LII    Tarqeq     S/2007 S1  18009000   46.09   0.160   30.97   82.04   337.9    887.5   23.9          7    2007 
LI     Greip      S/2006 S4  18206000   179.8   0.326   202.4   41.83   322.4    921.2   24.4          6    2006 
XLIV   Hyrrokkin  S/2004 S19 18437000   151.4   0.333   278.1   50.60   289.0    931.8   23.5          8    2004 
XXV    Mundilfari S/2000 S9  18685000   167.3   0.210   310.1   83.51   108.3    952.6   23.8          7    2000 
L      Jarnsaxa   S/2006 S6  18811000   163.3   0.216   245.7   24.16   177.1    964.7   24.7          6    2006 
XXXI   Narvi      S/2003 S1  19007000   145.8   0.431   178.5   182.3   203.7    1003.9  23.8          7    2003 
XXXVIII Bergelmir S/2004 S15 19338000   158.5   0.142   138.9   206.2   248.9    1005.9  24.2          6    2004 
XXIII  Suttungr   S/2000 S12 19459000   175.8   0.114   35.73   228.4   340.1    1016.7  23.9          7    2000 
XLIII  Hati       S/2004 S14 19856000   165.8   0.372   25.57   327.6   79.3     1038.7  24.4          6    2004 
XXXIX  Bestla     S/2004 S18 20129000   145.2   0.521   87.11   295.3   148.6    1083.6  23.8          7    2004 
XL     Farbauti   S/2004 S09 20390000   156.4   0.206   350.0   140.1   176.0    1086.1  24.7          5    2004 
XXX    Thrymr     S/2000 S7  20474000   176.0   0.470   63.45   223.9   18.03    1094.3  23.9          7    2000 
XXXVI  Aegir      S/2004 S10 20735000   166.7   0.252   250.8   186.0   262.8    1116.5  24.4          6    2004 
XLV    Kari       S/2006 S2  22118000   156.3   0.478   170.9   286.5   106.7    1233.6  23.9          7    2006 
XLI    Fenrir     S/2004 S16 22453000   164.9   0.136   126.6   230.5   299.7    1260.3  25.0          4    2004 
XLVIII Surtur     S/2006 S7  22707000   177.5   0.451   22.60   313.3   294.0    1297.7  24.8          6    2006 
XIX    Ymir       S/2000 S1  23040000   173.1   0.335   22.58   194.0   244.1    1315.4  21.7          18   2000 
XLVI   Loge       S/2006 S5  23065000   167.9   0.187   39.61   349.8   126.3    1312.0  24.6          6    2006 
XLII   Fornjot    S/2004 S08 25108000   170.4   0.206   330.8   264.9   299.9    1490.9  24.6          6    2004 

 New Discoveries yet to be named:
                  S/2004 S07 19800000   165.1   0.580   00.00   000.0   000.0    1103    24.5          6    2004 
                  S/2004 S12 19650000   164.0   0.401   00.00   000.0   000.0    1048    24.8          5    2004 
                  S/2004 S13 18450000   167.4   0.273   00.00   000.0   000.0    906     24.5          6    2004 
                  S/2004 S17 18600000   166.6   0.259   00.00   000.0   000.0    986     25.2          4    2004 
                  S/2006 S1  18981135   154.2   0.130   00.00   000.0   000.0    970     24.6          6    2006 
                  S/2006 S3  21132000   150.8   0.471   00.00   000.0   000.0    1142    24.6          6    2006 
                  S/2007 S2  16560000   176.7   0.218   00.00   000.0   000.0    800     24.4          6    2007 
                  S/2007 S3  20518500   177.2   0.130   00.00   000.0   000.0    1100    24.9          5    2007 

a - The mean semi-major axis.
i - The mean inclination.
e - The mean eccentricity.
Peri - The argument of Pariaphis.
Node - The longitude of the ascending node.
M - The mean anomaly.
Period - The time of one revolution around Saturn
mag - The optical magnitude of the object (R-band).
H - The absolute magnitude of the object.
Size - The diameter of the object.
Year - The year of discovery.

Note: The spelling of satellite Erriapus was originally Erriapo until changed in 2011.


Orbital data is from JPL at

See info on all the planetary satellites at The Giant Planet Satellite Page