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Bachmann & John Quincy Adams

Jeff Lord is right (as is Mark Levin) to take George Stephanopoulos to task for saying the Founding Fathers played no role in the abolition movement.

However, what Jeff omits is that during the Stephanopoulos interview, Michele Bachmann identified John Quincy Adams as a Founding Father. The Declaration of Independence was adopted a week shy of his ninth birthday. Now Bachmann is correct in saying that John Quincy Adams was actively involved during the Revolutionary War Era. In fact, he was given his first diplomatic posting in Europe at the tender age of ten. It would have been more accurate for Bachmann to describe John Quincy Adams as a Son of the American Revolution.

Unfortunately, this episode will contribute (unfairly) to the perception that Bachmann doesn't have a firm grasp of early American history. Last March, while speaking in New Hampshire, Bachmann declared the first shots of the American Revolution were fired in the Granite State rather than in Massachusetts.

Yes, I am mindful of the fact that President Obama declared he had visited 57 states "with one left to go." And yes, I am also mindful that President Obama could tell the good folks of Beaverton, Oregon that he enjoyed his visit to the planet Zorkon and the liberal media wouldn't bat an eyelash. But as I have argued previously, it isn't going to do Bachmann much good in complaining about it. The deck is stacked against any Republican who faces off against President Obama. Bachmann surely knew that when she first contemplated making a White House bid. Thus she must take special care in avoiding these kind of mistakes. Of course, I realize that is an all but impossible task. Every candidate on the campaign trail makes mistakes but not all mistakes are treated equally. Unfortunately for Bachmann, her mistakes are going to get greater scrutiny than Obama. But life is not fair. This leaves Bachmann with two choices - get over it or get out.

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Purple Lips| 6.28.11 @ 3:48PM

It is hightime that Bachman hires a campaign professional. As much as she may hat to admit it, these kind of gaffes have a way of adding up.

And the first thing to go is all of this Founding History. Few people outside of blogesphere or some dusty classroom care a hoot about what Madison or Hamilton thought. And it is obvious that her off-cuff remarks reveal that she is no history buff. Besides, most people won't vote for her based on her knowlege of Federalist 39.

She needs to can the crap and get some professional spin doctors.

Louis Tully| 6.29.11 @ 8:36AM

She has pros. Ed Rollins among others.

WL| 6.28.11 @ 3:48PM

I actually kind of agree with you, for the first time, but STILL...I would have maybe dedicated this column to the fact that "dear leader Barry" is pimping out the white house chef now.......for fundraising...

Don't see any columns on that. But then again haggling over whether JQA was a founding father or not...or whether we WOULD HAVE EVER GOTTEN ANYTHING other than sneering and gotcha-ery from mr. Clintonwhitehouseanopolous....

Is more important isn't it.

The days of pizza diplomacy, or RIP this person or that are seeming pretty appealing about now.

Bob| 6.28.11 @ 3:49PM

I just heard Bachmann say the south won the civil war and Iowa was a rebel state. Based on her knowledge of US geography/history makes sense to me. Did Pickett's Charge occur in Ames?

PCP Smoker| 6.28.11 @ 10:54PM

You are a fucking asshole. Fuck you and your family.

martin j smith| 6.28.11 @ 3:50PM

Aron you are a flake!!!!!!!!!!!! And as I said in another related post say the following: I do not support Bachman and here is why. Then go on to smear if that is what you want. In the meantime it would be much better if you spent you energy fighting against our enemies of the LEFT. And the MSM as well. There is where you can use your talents to much better use.

Teflon93| 6.28.11 @ 4:19PM

Yeah, good strategy---we'll go with whomever the Left Wing Media likes in the primary so they can turn on them in the general.

It worked so well last time out....

Bob Grant| 6.28.11 @ 4:23PM

She's fast approaching her second strike.

Bob Grant| 6.28.11 @ 4:31PM

The inaccurate comments don't bother me as much as the outlandish ones she makes that are appropriate for talk radio show hosts who have 3 hours to expand on them, but not for presidential nominees who deal with sound bites and 15 minute interviews.

An example would be to abolish the minimum wage to drastically reduce unemployment. Although technically true, it requires a lengthy explanation that John Q Public wouldn't understand anyway. It's a moot point because the minimum wage will never be eliminated.

Being a lawyer, you'd think she'd avoid that kind of rhetorical mistake.

Bill Hussein O'Stalin| 6.28.11 @ 4:44PM


Ran| 6.28.11 @ 4:56PM

"Get over it or get out?" Rather Door #3 - ignore subtly hostile RINO-excusing ankle-biters such as you, Aaron and continue campaigning.

martin j smith| 6.28.11 @ 5:16PM

Again I say this: Who are you fighting exactly us or the Socialists. This kind of bickering is self destructive and then will you be happy with Obama four more years. You have to choose. Support your favorite candidate-just don not smear. Enough !!!!!!!

WL| 6.28.11 @ 10:34PM

I like you point of view, Mr. MJ Smith. Please keep commenting on the articles.

These folks will get it one day....

There are three theatres of operation in this world.


All of them follow the same laws.

And in this case...

Physics: You attack your own building foundation...your building falls.
War: You spend your time shooting your battle buddy, instead of the lose the battle.
Politics: You spend time criticizing Bachman, OBAMA GETS RE-ELECTED.

See how simple?

If only the AM Spectators and AARON could huh?

Bob Grant| 6.28.11 @ 5:41PM

Not sure of the smearing ....where is it?

Bob K.| 6.28.11 @ 6:45PM

Who cares? Let him go back to obits of sports figures until he learns his trade. Right now he is boring. Not to mention tone deaf when it comes to saying anything favorable about republicans.

Sarah| 6.28.11 @ 7:35PM

Michelle Bachmann is not ready to be president.

Paul McGrath| 6.28.11 @ 9:00PM

What she needs to do is not be an idiot. If you're not sure of the answer, don't make something up. John Quincy Adams. Jesus Christ. Is that all she's got?

WL| 6.28.11 @ 10:43PM

You are correct in some respects. However, we must understand one thing sir.

Think about how many people on our side of things that you can imagine being that perfect leader, interviewee, etc.

Probably a bunch huh? No doubt.

But why do they never make it to where "even Bachman" is????????

That's because their is a concerted effort to DESTROY ANYONE who threatens the power structure in place. And you don't even have to wear a tin foil hat to see that...

SO.....when one of our own gets through the wire... makes a break for the order to take it out (as Ms. Bachman might be right now)

We don't criticize them. We DEFEND them at all costs!!!!!

But you won't see that...

Thats why we have a democrat president and we are in a real pickle right now....

Because even the lowly welfare mobbish Democrats understand what you cant....

Now. ...quit being an "idiot."| 6.28.11 @ 9:05PM

How to get well-built body instead of fat body?

WL| 6.28.11 @ 10:37PM

Go away idiot.

PCP Smoker| 6.28.11 @ 10:53PM

"Unfortunately, this episode will contribute (unfairly) to the perception that Bachmann doesn't have a firm grasp of early American history. Last March, while speaking in New Hampshire, Bachmann declared the first shots of the American Revolution were fired in the Granite State rather than in Massachusetts."

Do you think 95% of the nation, including good conservatives, actually know early American History? They don't, but they do get the overall concept -- individual liberty-- and that's the message Michelle is brining.
You are so caught up in in inspecting the leaves that you are missing the whole forest. Quit nitpicking and get on the bandwagon.

Clint| 6.28.11 @ 11:22PM

Americans Will Vote Their Wallets In The 2012 Presidential Election.

This Is More Media Creep Agenda Crap.

Bachmann Can Beat The Economic Peter Principle Poster Boy, Obama.

The Tea Party Rebellion Escalates.

Carpe Diem.

Bo| 6.29.11 @ 9:42AM

She can campaign with Senators O'Donnell and Angle.

Clint| 6.29.11 @ 10:05AM

You Can Campaign With Arlen Sphincter & Mike Castle, Sport.

The Tea Party Rebellion Escalates

Carpe Diem.

Wayne| 6.29.11 @ 12:05AM

So she confused her Adams! Wow ! As if anyone else knew an Adams was a Founding Father! Oh she has a split end! Hell she's unelectable! Lets vote for the communist!

Johnny| 6.29.11 @ 6:33AM

The question here is, who really cares if she doesn't get these sort of things right? As long as she will fight the good fight now to end OUR slavery to the snobbish elitist that run our country at present I, for one will back her. She may or may not be the one I want for my candidate but I will not attempt to tear her down over stupid issues that matter not one bit to our current circumstances.

buckeyeman| 6.29.11 @ 7:00AM

I like her. I would vote for her. But I won't get the chance if she doesn't stop these stupid and completely avoidable gaffes. I took me less than one minute to discover that John Wayne was born in Winterset, Iowa, and not Waterloo. LESS THAN ONE MINUTE!

Fair or not, the media will pounce on this stuff but moreover, if she can't get these small and admittedly unimportant details right, what else will she get wrong. This raises concerns in the minds of even hard right wingers like me.

I don't like his liberal politics but Romney (just to pick one) doesn't make these kinds of mistakes. Three hundred million citizens to pick from and this is the best we can do?

Bob| 6.29.11 @ 10:52AM

A geography question for Ms. Bachmann
The capital of Minnesota is:
a. Bemidji
b. International Falls
c. Frostbite Falls
d. Duluth
e. None of the Above

Michele's Answer: c-Frostbite Falls
Right! she must have been a cartoon kid, Bullwinkle and Rocky's capital.

T D| 6.29.11 @ 1:21PM

"Unfortunately for Bachmann, her mistakes are going to get greater scrutiny than Obama. But life is not fair. This leaves Bachmann with two choices - get over it or get out."

Right. Right. Wrong. A huge piece of data missing from your analysis is Rasmussen's find that 61% of likely voters are not only dissatisfied with, but ANGRY at, the media. The push back is under way, and Gov. Palin has been mildly leading the charge among politicians with "quit making things up". Wait until someone starts to channel the 61%.

randyinrocklin| 6.29.11 @ 1:47PM


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