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Articles, online tutorials, and other technical resources on XML standards and technologies

Open standards to handle the data explosion

Find answers to data growth and its related analytics through standards designed to meet these challenges. In a sample scenario, examine a system that takes in, understands, and manipulates lots of data, and learn which standards promote integration and interoperability.  More >

Tabs showing featured content, columns, and key topics for developerWorks XML

21 Jun 2011 — Show descriptions | Hide descriptions

Recognizing developerWorks Contributing author Cynthia Saracco
Cynthia Saracco specializes in emerging technologies and database management software at IBM's Silicon Valley Laboratory. She has 23 years of software industry experience, has written three books, more than 60 technical papers, and holds seven patents.

About the Author recognition  achievement  program See all of Cynthia's developerWorks content.
See Cynthia's developerWorks profile.


  • Discuss: DB2 pureXML: What can you do with the native XML storage capability in IBM DB2? Post requests for help, tips, and any other relevant information about pureXML. This forum brings pureXML experts and novices together to advance pureXML education and development.

Featured community member: Jim Fuller, a software developer who focuses on XML technologies, has written several articles on developerWorks. Jim is a founding committee member for XML Prague and was in the gang responsible for EXSLT. He is an active developer of the eXist XML Database and the main architect of its emerging XProc implementation.

In his free time, Jim prefers to act like he knows nothing about computers, opting for long walks in the woods and to be with his family.

Jim owns Webcomposite, a small XML Database and XQuery consultancy and can be reached at

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