Global Weirding Coming At Us All Change is rapidly propelling us into a century that will be radically different from everything humanity has known before. Who's at the wheel?
Rubens Barbosa Connecting America and Brazil U.S.-Brazilian cooperation needs careful tending in changing times.
Roberto Giannetti da Fonseca Getting Real Chinese currency manipulation is pushing Washington and Brasilia together.
President Fernando Henrique Cardoso Making Progress Walter Russell Mead talks with the former Brazilian president about the past, present and future.
Tuesday, July 16, 1861 General McClellan’s pursuit of retreating secessionists in western Virginia was a success, with Federal forces defeating Confederate troops in a quick and decisive confrontation at Carrick’s Ford.  Despite suffering a loss of 13 and forty wounded, Union troops killed fifty, … Continue reading Monday, July 15, 1861 Fresh from his overwhelming victory at Rich Mountain, General McClellan continues to vigorously pursue Confederate troops heading toward Cheat Mountain Pass. A dispatch from McClellan’s camp is confident the soldiers will move rapidly towards the rebels and boasts that although … Continue reading
Mohamed Nimer Islamism in America The immigration experience of Muslims in America tracks those of its predecessors in most ways—including the gradual normalization of even radical political currents.
Steven A. Cook The Radical Idealists Strike Again Did Bush's "forward strategy for freedom" birth the Arab Spring? Umm, no.
James Kirchick Playing With Fire The Tajik state is using the specter of Islamism to justify its ongoing authoritarianism.
Jeffrey White What Would War With Iran Look Like? An honest attempt at gaming out some scenarios..