Wednesday, November 23rd, 2011

We’re All Gonna Die! Pt. 36

We’re all gonna die…unless we pay a 3% mini-tithe at the alter of “climate change”:

Governments must invest three per cent of world GDP – about £1.2 trillion in 2010 – annually for 40 years to stop climate change and famine, according to the UN’s department of economic and social affairs.

Just to put this in perspective, the world spent 2.6% of GDP on military expenditures in 2009.

Oh, and since this is a WAGD post, obviously we’re all gonna die:

Rob Vos, the lead author of the report, said that “business as usual is not an option” if the world were to “reverse the ongoing ecological destruction”.

His report said that to feed a rapidly growing number of mouths, farmers around the world will have to essentially double total international food production between now and 2050.

…”It is rapidly expanding energy use, mainly driven by fossil fuels, that explains why humanity is on the verge of breaching planetary sustainability boundaries,” the report said.

“A comprehensive global energy transition is urgently needed in order to avert a major planetary catastrophe.”

This kind of nonsense is not new. What the doommongers always seem to ignore is that innovation and productivity gains make their models irrelevant. The techniques we will be using to produce food in 2050 are likely unimaginable to anyone alive today.

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