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  • Aug. 7th, 2010 at 4:38 PM
Another chapter done.

And another character. This wraps up Yogi for the book. The Meereenese knot is hanging by a thread. One more good slash and it may finally part.

That's eight characters completed. Not counting the prologue or epilogue.

Course, there's still more to due. Got to get back to shoveling Snow soon, and there's still Fred hanging on, but first I need to hack at that blasted knot some more.

(Some year all this will make sense to you. Assuming anyone still cares).
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[info]bruisedgarden wrote:
Aug. 7th, 2010 10:39 pm (UTC)
We care. Keep at it. You'll be done with the knot soon.
[info]chiv wrote:
Aug. 7th, 2010 10:44 pm (UTC)
What I'm wondering, with all these mysterious characters is if the project has been taken over by Hanna Barbera. Who's next? Huckleberry Hound?
[info]hippoiathanatoi wrote:
Aug. 7th, 2010 11:03 pm (UTC)
Has to be Boo-Boo. I think I even know what character that would be...
(no subject) - [info]firstashore - Aug. 8th, 2010 03:28 am (UTC) - Expand
(no subject) - [info]userj - Aug. 8th, 2010 02:56 pm (UTC) - Expand
[info]danithesquirrel wrote:
Aug. 7th, 2010 10:48 pm (UTC)
We care.
[info]escarboucle wrote:
Aug. 7th, 2010 10:50 pm (UTC)
Closer from tying the Meereenese knot is not bad uh? ;) You've struggled a lot with it, so seeing it nearly done must be exciting ^^

It doesn't make much sense, but I guess when I'll read it, it will! Or at least, I hope... XD

8 characters done already... I wonder how many POVs have you got in this book? ;)
[info]thompsjt1 wrote:
Aug. 7th, 2010 10:51 pm (UTC)
George, I am not going to raise any speculation as I know where that can lead. However I cannot help noticing how much you have accomplished as of late. I have watched your blog for many many years and in the past you usually have so much going on, that the book can take a back seat for awhile. Well you still have a lot going on but I am now seeing at least a once a week frequency in your "Dancing". I just wanted to thank you for your time and dedication to it and look forward to it when it arrives. I have come to understand from you compared to other authors that quality is so much better then quantity. Thanks for all you do.
[info]kittycat22 wrote:
Aug. 7th, 2010 10:57 pm (UTC)
Slowly but surely making my way back through the whole series; currently in the midst of A Storm of Swords. How you manage to work with so many details is beyond me! Congrats and thanks- and I assure you people will still care!
[info]mizkit wrote:
Aug. 8th, 2010 08:39 am (UTC)
That's a beautiful icon. Is it snurchable?
(no subject) - [info]kittycat22 - Aug. 8th, 2010 09:33 pm (UTC) - Expand
[info]idemandjustice wrote:
Aug. 7th, 2010 10:59 pm (UTC)
I think I just need to reread everything, because I think more of that should've made sense than actually did.
[info]unechattenoir wrote:
Aug. 7th, 2010 11:01 pm (UTC)
Be sure, there're a lot of us, who DO cares a lot =)
[info]ariandar wrote:
Aug. 7th, 2010 11:02 pm (UTC)
We definitely care. Personally, I'm probably unhealthily interested in the process of writing, sometimes moreso than the product.
[info]barristans_sqir wrote:
Aug. 7th, 2010 11:08 pm (UTC)
we'll still care.
I hope you never have to split another book in this series (or any other). Seems so stressful. Of course if it happens. We'll still care. Most of us feel your pain I think. People breathing down your neck, your desire to knock it out of the park. Trying to untie that stubborn knot. Hats off sir. Not just for a great story but for hanging in there. I'd squire for you if I were not Ser Barristan's man already. ;)
[info]doh_rae_me wrote:
Aug. 7th, 2010 11:12 pm (UTC)
There's a huge pile of us who care and will continue to care. I imagine there will be many more once the show begins.
[info]weswilson wrote:
Aug. 7th, 2010 11:34 pm (UTC)
Thanks for all your hard work. I imagine that in the zoo of activity surrounding the HBO series, it's even more difficult to set time aside for your efforts. Thank you.
[info]satrapo wrote:
Aug. 7th, 2010 11:46 pm (UTC)
We do care! We're just trying to avoid putting too much pressure on you (at least we try...). :)
[info]hinka83 wrote:
Aug. 7th, 2010 11:48 pm (UTC)
nice one ;)
[info]lord_varys wrote:
Aug. 7th, 2010 11:49 pm (UTC)
Well, today seems to be a good day. You are solving knots, and I'm cleaning up my apartment for my guests tomorrow.

Anyway, this really seems to be the most encouraging post on this whole things for, well, years. It really starts to feel as if this book is no longer a never-ending or unwritable book.
We know of 12 regular POV characters, so if you have not secretly added a whole bunch of new POV characters, there should be only 4 characters left you write chapters about (if you already have finished the Epilogue). My guess would be Jon (obvious), Fred, Dany, and another POV connected to the knot business (or are another front, who knows).

I really am eager to see if I as reader will be able to see the problem of this knot business afterwards. But I'm sure you are going to explain it. After all, the writing process of FEAST and DANCE in itself is already worth a book (or two), at least if you still remember all the problems you faced in ten years ;-).
[info]skellington1 wrote:
Aug. 9th, 2010 02:49 pm (UTC)
If he remembers...and cares to relive them. :)
[info]estelindis wrote:
Aug. 7th, 2010 11:50 pm (UTC)
We certainly care. (We do read your blog, after all!)
[info]bubblessoc wrote:
Aug. 8th, 2010 12:03 am (UTC)
Of course we care! Thanks for working so hard <3
[info]mcross_inpdx wrote:
Aug. 8th, 2010 12:03 am (UTC)
I care! LOL! :D

Cheering you on from the sidelines. :D
[info]madbard wrote:
Aug. 8th, 2010 12:07 am (UTC)
Stop fishing for compliments! You know the arrangement. You give us pages, we give you adoration.
[info]justynv wrote:
Aug. 8th, 2010 12:10 am (UTC)
Nice, dude.
I have to assume you mean they don't count cuz they are done. I know the prologue has been read at appearances...but I also know how much you love us weighing, deducing, and ultimately ...assuming!
Well, it sounds like you're telling us you only have 3 or 4 more POVs to finish totally. Which is pretty f'n awesome. Either close.....keep pushing.
[info]onecrayon wrote:
Aug. 8th, 2010 12:12 am (UTC)
We care
We care, sir. We care very much. Thank you for your hard work.
[info]pasqui wrote:
Aug. 8th, 2010 12:14 am (UTC)
And even across the ocean, in small little Belgium, there are people who will still care. :)

I'm an aspiring writer myself (in Dutch though), and probably one of the many who will already be happy if they can get a small thing published for a limited audience. But even so, I can imagine all the effort you already put in this, besides everything else you've done and are doing. And while not all your readers might appreciate that because it takes "long" before the next book is written, many of us do appreciate it.

So, go Dance some more, but do it on your own pace. ;)
[info]mmepompadour wrote:
Aug. 8th, 2010 12:42 am (UTC)
Oh, we care. We care so very much. I find myself checking every day to see what is new... and while I get disappointed when you don't update for awhile, I get a different kind of excitement in hoping that it means an extensive amount of Dancing.

I've been reading this series since the age of 16, on a tour bus in the middle of rural France. The only one available to me at the time was Game of Thrones, and it wasn't even my own copy - one of my fellow travelers handed it to me and said I should read it. I found Clash of Kings, devoured it, and waited for Storm of Swords. I waited for Feast for Crows - which seemed an eternity - and saw you speak at my local Barnes and Noble. I had the honor to have you sign my hardcover. And now I wait for Dance. The way I see it, it's as long as I waited for Feast, anyway. :P Maybe a little longer, if you don't finish by the end of the year. hehe

Your series has dominated my high school, college, and young adult years - rising as the clear favorite. Something very difficult for one to say, when one has been a bibliophile since the age of two.

I care. We care. :P

Edited at 2010-08-08 04:35 am (UTC)
[info]shirkersama wrote:
Aug. 8th, 2010 12:53 am (UTC)
Good sir..
...I am offended that you could even think your loyal fans would give up caring. Many of them (but not me) have been waiting for years and still care. We don't give up so easily.
And congrats on the progress.
[info]xanath wrote:
Aug. 8th, 2010 12:54 am (UTC)
Of course I care. It's why I read your blog.
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