Tagi » Book Art

The details of suit, which book cover

The details of suit, which book cover

[also in this form: For]

for The Fictional VolunTier Project

by Goura Fotadar

date typed up: 22118… 155 słów więcej

The Art of Marbling

The average person on the street will tell you they don’t know what marbling is. But I bet they’d recognize it if they saw it. You know those colourful endpapers that look like someone painted them? 608 słów więcej

Book Art

The Girl from Alabama / / Cigar-Tin Stories Number Seventy-Nine

There was a girl from Alabama in our hot tub. There were two other kids as well (I say ‚kids’ because they all look like kids to me, when in fact they’re probably old enough to drive) but they quickly fled. 613 słów więcej

Original Paintings

Sketch 4: Human Document

” I ignore everything,

I kept listening to something inside me.

I closed my eyes,

wanting the moment go on forever,

and I stay until I make up stories in my head.”

Photo: by me

#Library Haul for the Week of 12 February 2018 | #amreading

I don’t know about you, but when it’s time to check books out from the library, it’s kind of like a Lay’s potato chip thing—I can never „eat” just one. 1 907 słów więcej
