About the Tour

There are several Arabic terms that capture the essence of the word Tranquility.

Sakina has its own distinct appeal and is used to reflect the ideal of the home where one finds refuge from the troubles of the world.

Halim points us directly to the Messenger of God (peace and blessings upon him) who embodied its highest ideals.

He is reported to have said, “I am the most tranquil of all people.” Whether he was facing betrayal, treachery, or a formidable enemy, the Blessed Messenger was never perturbed because his heart was always in praise of his Lord.

Today, we would be lying to ourselves if we said we weren’t worried about the skyrocketing cost of gas, high unemployment, the rising cost of food and the future of our children and our communities.

This tour by Habib Umar bin Hafiz is remarkable in many ways. It comes precisely at a time when the poor and oppressed people of the world have decided to liberate themselves from tyrannical leaders.

Habib Umar’s own father was taken from him when he was only a child. His father’s body remains buried in an unmarked grave somewhere on God’s earth. Even so, Habib Umar embodies the highest ideals of our Prophetic tradition and even though he was raised in exile and although many of the people who inflicted cruel harm on him and his family are still alive, he exudes a stillness of character and a smile that comes to his face from a heart that is connected to the remembrance of God and His Messenger (peace and blessings upon him).

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