One way or another, UMass Boston’s verbal and visual messages will always convey an idea of the university to the communities it serves. The idea can be dim or clear, scattered or unified, false or true to what UMass Boston is at its best. When messages from the university reinforce each other—when all parts successfully speak for the whole—the idea they convey can be a powerful force supporting aspirations for UMass Boston.

The UMass Boston Brand Manual was developed to help university employees strengthen that idea by striving to meet high standards of quality, consistency, and focus as they tell the UMass Boston story. A PDF of the manual can be downloaded from this website. Other material here augments the manual and is intended to help users apply its standards. Currently available are:

  • downloads, including a PDF of the manual itself, artwork for the UMass Boston visual identifier, and several templates (PowerPoint and Word) reflecting the design ideas set forth in the manual. This page also includes information about the specified fonts.
  • information that supports the key messages described in the manual,
  • questions and answers that will help you understand the manual’s guidelines, as well as a way to submit questions of your own, and
  • information about a Brand Review Committee that addresses issues that may come up as the guidelines are implemented.