Conservative Underground is available for free, though it does have some expenses (maintaining the website, mailing list service, etc.) Won't you consider making a donation to help keep CU up and running?

Conservative Underground Archives

Below is the archive for our bi-weekly newsletter, Conservative Underground. This publication has a dual purpose:

1) It seeks to strengthen conservatives in their understanding of why we, as conservatives, believe what we believe - Conservative Underground seeks to present the underlying bases for our political philosophy from history, reason, and worldview.

2) It seeks to then give conservatives the knowledge and arguments to successfully engage their leftist friends, co-workers, and neighbours and help these individuals to see the light.

Conservative Underground is distributed bi-weekly by email in PDF format. New issues are published Tuesday evening. To read the issues in this archive, you will need to have Adobe Acrobat installed on your computer (should be standard on most PCs).

I would like to encourage you to begin receiving Conservative Underground for FREE as it is published every other week, by signing up for our mailing list. Our mailing list operates on a "double opt-in" principle. When you sign up, you will receive an email asking you to verify that you have asked to join. This is to ensure that spambots don't sign up to gain access to the list, and also keeps folks from signing other people up without their knowledge.

Why should you sign up for Conservative Underground?

  • It's FREE! And will stay that way. We're not suckering you in, only to start charging you later.
  • It's informative! We seek to bring high-quality discussion of conservative worldview and philosophy across a wide range of issues to you.
  • It's available! By signing up, you will start receiving access to new issues as they come out, instead of having to wait two weeks.

Conservative Underground will not publish, sell, or in any other way divulge your information to any individual or other entity. We will also refrain from sending you tons of email - no "special bulletins" or advertisements, like you may get from other publications. I.e. no SPAM! You will receive one email every other week, except in an emergency when the list needs to be informed of something newsletter-related.

Back Issues (Click to jump to a particular issue)

Vol. 1 (2008): Issue 1 - Issue 2 - Issue 3

Vol. 2 (2009): Issue 1 - Issue 2 - Issue 3 - Issue 4 - Issue 5 - Issue 6 - Issue 7 - Issue 8 - Issue 9 - Issue 10 - Issue 11 - Issue 12 - Issue 13 - Issue 14 - Issue 15 - Issue 16 - Issue 17 - Issue 18 - Issue 19 - Issue 20 - Issue 21 - Issue 22 - Issue 23 - Issue 24 - Issue 25 - Issue 26 - Issue 27 - Issue 28 - Issue 29 - Issue 30 - Issue 31 - Issue 32

Vol. 3 (2010): Issue 1 - Issue 2 - Issue 3 - Issue 4 - Issue 5 - Issue 6 - Issue 7 - Issue 8 - Issue 9 - Issue 10 - Issue 11 - Issue 12 - Issue 13 - Issue 14 - Issue 15 - Issue 16 - Issue 17 - Issue 18 - Issue 19 - Issue 20 - Issue 21 - Issue 22 - Issue 23 - Issue 24

Vol. 4 (2011): Issue 1 - Issue 2 - Issue 3 - Issue 4 - Issue 5 - Issue 6 - Issue 7 - Issue 8 - Issue 9 - Issue 10 - Issue 11 - Issue 12 - Issue 13 - Issue 14