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Document: 2008-07-08 08/00295/FUL Darley Moor Airfield, Darley Moor





see minute


Parish Council:     Rodsley & Yeaveley     Date of receipt:   04.04.2008


     & Edlaston & Wyaston     Case Officer:     Mr. W. Shaw


Application type:     Full






The application relates to the Darley Moor airfield site premises located to the east of the A515 Ashbourne to Sudbury Road at Darley Moor.  Access is along an unmade narrow track off the lane leading to Hales Green and Yeaveley.  In the south-west corner of the site are a cluster of buildings/structures that include portacabins, metal storage units and tubular frame enclosures covered by canvass sheeting.  The larger portacabin has a timber decking sitting out area and there is hardstanding for vehicle parking.  To the west of the structures stands a line of trees and the access track encircles the level, grassed airfield area.  The premises are used by a flying club and comprise offices, workshop, aircraft hangers and clubhouse.






The existing buildings/structures are to be removed and replaced by two, larger permanent buildings.  An ‘ancillary flight building’ is to be sited where the existing clubhouse portacabin is currently located.  It will be a part two storey building with a mono-pitched roof and glazed sides at its higher end.  It will measure 24 metres in length by 12.5 metres wide with walls of vertical timber boarding over a limestone plinth and have a profiled metal sheeting roof.  At ground floor level will be a reception and shop area, together with offices, storerooms, lecture/briefing rooms and toilet facilities.  Foul sewage is to be discharged into a septic tank.  Access ramps, lift and toilet will make provision for disabled persons.  At first floor level will be a kitchen and a café/viewing area.  Seventeen parking spaces will abut the building.  To the south side of this building will be a larger, three bay hanger building measuring 45 metres in width and 24 metres in depth.  Two of the bays will be hangers, with the central one including a workshop, the third bay will be for repairs.  Each bay will have vertical timber boarded twin sliding doors and the building will have vertical timber boarded sides over a block plinth, and profiled metal sheeted roofing.  Each of six roof slopes will house eight roof lights.  Nine further parking spaces will serve this building.  




In support of the application, the following information has been submitted by the applicant’s agents.




Airways Limited currently rent the premises to run the business, and they intend to purchase the site.  The existing temporary buildings are not weatherproof and the hangers are not secure.  The applicant intends to purchase more modern, quieter and economic microlights and would be unable to insure them in the present hangers.  The proposals are also aiming to provide more modern facilities for the flying club which provides the local community with a recreational amenity being the only airpark of its kind in Europe and the only facility for training hang gliding, paragliding and microlight flying for people with a range of disabilities.  The proposals will also provide year round employment for local residents and improve the use of local bed and breakfast establishments by students learning to fly.  The development will give a considerable enhancement to the appearance of the property and its setting, with the removal of the unattractive temporary hangers and portacabins.  The proposal will sustain the use of the airfield as a recreational facility.




Disabled parking spaces, wide doors with level access and a lift will enable people with disabilities to use the facilities.







04/02/0104:          Erection of Single Storey Classroom Building and Associated Car Parking – Deemed Withdrawn.





01/05/0382:          Certificate of Lawfulness – Use of Land for Hang Gliding, Paragliding and Microlight Aircraft Training – Certificate Issued.






Local Highway Authority:


Whilst the submitted details indicate that there will be a significant increase in the size of the replacement buildings and consequently additional floor area will be provided for retail, café, office and aircraft storage/repair, the use of the site is quite specialised and it is not considered that the proposals would result in a significant increase in associated traffic compared to the current activities.  In particular, it is anticipated that the café and retail areas will be predominantly used by persons already using the site’s main facilities.




On this basis the Highway Authority has no objections in principle and recommend a condition be attached to any approval to ensure sufficient space for parking, manoeuvring, loading and unloading for visitors staff, customers, service and delivery vehicles and is laid out and maintained for its intended purpose.




Parish Council:


The response from Rodsley and Yeaveley Parish Council will be reported at the Committee meeting.  Edlaston and Wyaston Parish Council comment that the site is adjacent to the main A515 and is a major distraction to passing traffic.  The road between Ashbourne and Sudbury is already a dangerous stretch of road and indications are that a further extension of activities will cause even more distraction for passing drivers.  Serious noise is experienced from microlight engines which fly slowly over local properties.  They only fly during the better weather when residents wish to enjoy outside leisure time.  The noise is particularly annoying when towing flights are taking place, as they appear to use full throttle for some considerable time as they climb.  It would appear that a further extension of activities will exacerbate the situation.  There are already extensive activities already taking place on Darley Moor which create extreme noise levels, namely motor cycle activities organised by Darley Moor Motor Cycle Road Racing Club Limited and autograss racing by Pennine Autograss Club.




Environment Agency:


Note that foul sewage is to be discharged into a septic tank.  They refer to the requirements of Circular 3/99 which indicates that the planning application should be accompanied by a full and detailed consideration of the eleven environmental, amenity and public health factors referred to in paragraph 6 of Annex A.  (This enable the acceptability of more sustainable methods of drainage to be assessed as a septic tank or package treatment plant may require a discharge consent from the Agency, which may not necessarily be granted.  Where any assessment shows that the proposal will not lead to a significant environmental problem, the Agency would have no objection to the proposals.  In the absence of additional information as advised by Circular 3/99, a condition is recommended to prevent any development commencing prior to a scheme being submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority for the provision of foul drainage works and implemented in accordance with the approved details.




Derbyshire County Council’s Development Control Archaeologist:


Advises that the proposed development lies within the historic airfield at Darley Moor (HER 19505), active between 1942 and 1954.  Buildings and other elements of the historic airfield survive in a number of locations, but the proposed development does not threaten any of this historic fabric.  As such, there is no need for an archaeological requirement to be placed on the applicant.




Head of Environmental Health (Derbyshire Dales District Council):


Advises that in recent years a few complaints from local residents have been received regarding noise from microlights whilst in the air.  This Council does not enforce legislation with regard to noise in the air from aircraft.  There has not been complaint regarding noise from the general aircraft buildings or taxing of aircraft.  There are no objections to the proposed buildings, though local residents may be concerned about an increase of noise if the capacity of aircraft space will be increased.






Four letters have been received from Hales Green residents.  Their comments may be summarised as follows:-





Noise and disturbance from microlight flights directly affect our property as they fly over us and are often very low.





Any expansion should be strictly controlled.  The proposed buildings are significantly larger than the existing temporary buildings.  The existing buildings can be clearly seen from our driveway, we are anxious to ensure any permanent buildings are in keeping with the surrounding countryside, both in terms of materials and size.





The size of the proposed building indicates more flights by microlights, there are often more than one in the air at the same time.