
Welcome to xHL7 - The eXcessively Simple Health Level-7 Processing Platform using XML and XSLT

xHL7 is a set of HL7 v2 Related Tools that use Java/XML Technology, SAX, and TRAX to process HL7 messages. Need an "interface engine" to convert message formats? Well, that's a transformation now isn't it? And the best language I have ever seen for the purpose of creating transformations is XSLT. But HL7 v2 is traditionally not an XML format, so how can we use XSLT? Easy: we can write ourselves an XML parser that take traditional HL7 encoding ("vertical bars") and read that as if it was XML. So, we are not using the new HL7 v2 XML format, which is actually not so easy to convert to, but instead, we can work with plain old HL7 messages as if they were XML.


  • HL7XMLReader - An HL7 v2 parser that produces XML/SAX events.
  • HL7XMLWriter - An HL7 v2 builder that outputs traditional HL7 v2 from XML/SAX events.
  • MLLPServer - A multi-treaded TCP/IP server that understands the HL7 Minimal Lower Layer Protocol (MLLP) to handle message streams using an XSLT transform.
  • MLLPDriver - Implements the MLLP on a pair of Input/Output streams that can be used for driving a client connection.

See also the API documenation.

Where is the Code?

Subversion: here!