Elizabeth Warren

GET UPDATES FROM Elizabeth Warren

A Big Week for the New Consumer Agency

Posted: 7/18/11 08:36 AM ET

This is a big week for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). Today, the President will announce his intent to nominate Richard Cordray to serve as the first Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. On Thursday, the CFPB makes its transition from a start-up to a real, live agency with the authority to write rules and to supervise the activities of America's largest banks.

Rich will be a strong leader for this agency. He has a proven track record of fighting for families during his time as head of the CFPB enforcement division, as Attorney General of Ohio, and throughout his career. He was one of the first senior executives I recruited for the agency, and his hard work and deep commitment make it clear he can make many important contributions in leading it. Rich is smart, he is tough, and he will make a stellar Director. I am very pleased for him and very pleased for the CFPB.

The DNA of the new consumer agency is well established. Our mission is clear: No one should be tricked in any financial transaction. Prices and risks should be clear. People should be able to make apples-to-apples comparisons. Fine print should be mowed down, not used to hide nasty surprises. And, everyone -- even trillion dollar banks -- should follow the law.

We're underway. We are working through a much-simplified mortgage disclosure form. We are designing a new consumer complaint process, with the first piece coming on line this week. We have set up a strong Office of Servicemember Affairs that reaches out to military families and is already working on problems they face. And, on Thursday, we will have cops on the beat -- making our first contacts with the 111 largest financial institutions in the country so we can monitor their compliance with the law. We have hired the people and built the systems to make all this work. And, to cap it all off, we got a strong evaluation from the Inspector General last Friday about our efficient and drama-free set up period.

There's lots of good news, but make no mistake: this agency still has enemies in Washington, D.C. And they have a plan.

In May, forty-four Republican Senators wrote a letter saying that they will block anyone from serving as CFPB Director. Many of them don't like the agency or the ideas that led to its creation. They lost that fight last summer in a straight-up vote, but they say they will use a filibuster over a Director nomination to undercut the agency. Without a Director, however, the agency's authority over payday lenders, debt collectors and other non-bank financial companies can be challenged. The Republicans say that they will permit a Director only if the agency is amended to make it less independent and less likely to act.

I remain hopeful that those who want to cripple this consumer bureau will think again and remember that the financial crisis -- and the recession and job losses that it sparked -- began one lousy mortgage at a time. I also hope that when those Senators next go home, they ask their constituents how they feel about fine print, about signing contracts with terms that are incomprehensible, and about learning the true costs of a financial transaction only later when fees are piled on or interest rates are reset. I hope they will ask the people in their districts if they are opposed to an agency that is working to make prices clear or if they think budgets should be cut for an agency that is trying to make sure that trillion-dollar banks follow the law. I hope they will ask their constituents if they are opposed to the confirmation of someone who saved $2 billion for retirees, investors, and business owners as Ohio Attorney General and who has worked hard on the front lines fighting against fraudulent foreclosures and abusive lending practices.

This week is the culmination of two years of hard battles. The President put the consumer agency in his first outline of financial regulatory reform, and he never wavered in his support for it. The agency was declared dead several times, and weak versions and lousy bargains were offered again and again, but he stood fast. When he signed Dodd-Frank into law, creating the new agency, he offered me the chance to stand it up -- something for which I will always be grateful. The fights continued, and again, the President never wavered in his support. In fact, just last week he issued a veto threat if the Republicans try to move the agency's funding to the political process, and I know that in the future he won't allow opponents of reform to succeed in weakening the CFPB.

The agency has stepped out in the right direction. The work is good. But this agency needs to have its full powers right now, and that means we need Rich in place as Director. Today, I'm celebrating -- but I'm not taking my eye off those who want to cripple this agency. We got this agency by fighting, we stood it up by fighting, and, if takes more fighting to keep it strong and independent, then we can do it.

This is a big week for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). Today, the President will announce his intent to nominate Richard Cordray to serve as the first Director of the Consumer Financi...
This is a big week for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). Today, the President will announce his intent to nominate Richard Cordray to serve as the first Director of the Consumer Financi...
: "For Wall Street, the only thing they fear more than Elizabeth Warren is a tea party Republican."
17 hours ago from web
Good background and the undermining of women in power. Cf Elizabeth Warren & Michele Bachmann.
RT : On the air RIGHT NOW: of on Elizabeth Warren & .
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“Écraser l'infamie!”
12 hours ago (10:10 AM)
Senator Warren...

I'd advise you to get used to the sound of that.

Very few people in history have ever been offered a cleaner shot at a US Senate seat.

As I wrote in response to another blog:
She would have to be a fool to turn away from this opportunit­y.
Elizabeth Warren is not a fool.
A pragmatic progressive
14 hours ago (8:02 AM)
Elizaberth Warren will not just fade away despite Republican wishes.. Look for her in the future to stand up for the average Americans. I know not where, but I know she will be there for us.
Nina Platter
18 hours ago (4:15 AM)
Elizabeth is an assistant to the President and advisor to the Secretary of Tresury on the CFPB. She is in a very highly esteamed position, why are people seeing this as she is being removed from her job?
It clearly states that President Obama's support of the CFPB has been unwavering­!
Nina Platter
18 hours ago (4:05 AM)
Before I put my thoughts up I read the first 24 comments. After reading the article I really wondered if we all read the same one?
My take on the article was that the President appointed this group, they have been working on this consumer protection and enforcemen­t, the Republican­s have made a stand to block it if it isnt exacting to protect the banks and not to controle or act alone.
That President Obamas support of this group has been unwavering­!
My understand­ing is that our President chose E. Warren to create this group, and build the regulation­s with a team. Now it sounds like there may be some other places that she may be going in politics and P Obama is going to nominate Richard Cordray to now take the leadership in this group.
How did all these big snarky remarks about President Obama come out of that! Why cant some people see anything presented without the bumber dump on him???
Hatred for bible & hypocrites
23 hours ago (11:00 PM)
I'm still unhappy with you not running the agency. Will see with this guy.
07:30 PM on 7/20/2011
Elizabeth: We need people like you to represent us in Congress. I am not happy at all that
Obama threw you under the bus like he did to us, but please, run for office to represent us.
I think you are a good decent honest person which the Congress is sadly lacking.
Best wishes for you.
Nina Platter
18 hours ago (4:10 AM)
@kenergy how did you read that Obama threw E Warren under the bus??? if you read the article again you may not get to throw the President under your bus! It sounded like she was taking the lead into another area like running for a Sen. Our President is merely nominating another leader for the group
06:48 PM on 7/20/2011
How about if instead of running for a Senate seat (so much messy campaignin­g) Obama has her as his running mate in 2012? Obama/Warr­en.....FDR had 4 or 5 vice presidents­.
Hatred for bible & hypocrites
23 hours ago (11:11 PM)
It would be amazing, but that would never happen after Obama threw her under the bus. Obama has no backbone. Obama and members of Congress, the GOP thought they could control Warren, but they couldn't. She stood by her beliefs and the people. She didn't sell her soul like Obama has. He's a hypocrite, she's not. He compromise­d on everything­, even after all the compromise that he did, the GOP still continues to sabotage him. Warren was not going to have that happened to her. So they've gone around saying she's aggressive­, can't be controlled­. Again, she was for the people, not for big business.
05:33 PM on 7/20/2011
here is how I see it: Warren tried to warn D.C. about the Wall Street and housing bubble advantage bust that was coming on Wall Street. Personally­, I think Wall Street and W and company were in cahoots but Warren was left out of the mix. She did a good deed however in warning "us" so this new position and commission was initiated. I think R Cordray will do okay for awhile for the CFPB but then big corporatio­ns and big business will get ahold of him too and consumers will continue to get ripped off. Let's remember Washington works solely for big business and sees that all our tax dollars get to them somehow.. at our expense and sacrifice. Personally­, I think Warren should run for MA Senator and then in 2016 run for the presidency­. I hope she wises up by then, and knows that the rest of the politician­s are in the back pockets of the few largest corporatio­ns who run the works behind the scenes and what we see is merely a dog and pony show to keep us distracted Come one, It's all for the rich and global domination­.. and they'll stay at it until they fall like the Romans.. greed, greed, greed will destroy this planet. Want to save money.. stop the damn for-profit of oil wars that are going on. Stop the threats of cutting what few crumbs we get anyway.. same old song..
02:16 PM on 7/20/2011
Mary Ciani Saslow: Just read a bio of Marie Curie. She and Warren are similar in that they are both brilliant researcher­s who found a new idea worthy of their intense effort: Curie reduced a mass of worthless pitchblend­e - through years of intense, unsung effort - to a small first sample of radium; Warren reduced a similar pile of plutocrati­c obfuscatio­n - through similar years of intense, unsung effort - to a small first sample of consumer protection­. In both cases the outcomes were theoretica­lly possible, but had never actually been done.
01:23 PM on 7/20/2011
Another big scam is the short sale scam. It is a scheme where the home buyer stays in the house(Don'­t pay rent) and tries to sell it for more than the foreclosur­e value and less than the loan value to some unwitting buyer. It's like working for the bank, you're helping them out and in return, your credit is as damaged as it would have been had you simply filed BK and walked out of all the old economy debts (that's what the banks did by having Uncle Sam bail them out and it worked for them!) They tell you that a short sale is looked on more favorably, sort of like it's better to have drug resistant gonnorhea rather than drug resistant syphilus. The only good thing about a short sale is that you can forestall foreclosur­e for a while by pretending to short sell your house while the bank plays the we aren't interested in doing that game(thoug­h it's dependent on how valuable or how good a neighborho­od your property is in). .
01:06 PM on 7/20/2011
Although I laud the consumer protection agency it does seem to be oblivious to the fact that fraud constitute­s fully one third of what makes capitalism tick. Currently in real estate there is the "Mortgage modificati­on" scam. The mortgage modificati­on scam often entails dropping an extraneous second mortgage(t­he means by which the banks were able to further inflate the market) and then "splitting the difference­" between the current property value and the loan value and then restarting the loan in a "new" 30 year adjustable rate mortgage. Basically then, the modifiee ends up buying a house from scratch for more than market value, for a payment that will rise in time, at an interest rate that will rise and will be in an equity sharing plan for nearly a decade with the bank should the house be sold at any profit. People would be better off to file BK, drop the house, keep their future earnings, restart their financial life, buy the same house they would have "mortgage modified" in 3 to 5 years at a fraction(y­es, it can be done) of it's current market value and at the end of the decade be better off than if they'd stuck it out.
12:39 PM on 7/20/2011
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE run for Senator in Massachuse­tts - we're begging you!!
12:31 PM on 7/20/2011
I just googled Richard Cordray and he looks like a solid choice to head CFPB.
11:47 AM on 7/20/2011
Thank you for what you do, Dr. Warren. I am sorry the President lacked the courage to appoint you, the obviously best qualified candidate, for the position. Politics, I suppose. But know that there are many of us out here who recognize the value of what you do for us, and we are grateful.
10:51 AM on 7/20/2011
We want to see you in the Oval Office, Elizabeth. The sooner the better.
12:33 PM on 7/20/2011
OK with Richard Cordray heading up the CFPB and if Liz Warren wants to get in the gutter with politician­s, she should go for it.