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BUGZ news...

We are anticipating another 100,000 or so pages to be soon added to BUGZ. Also there should be a bunch of PDF's added where they had been missing for various articles.


Updating publication files and database. In some cases page images will have been fixed up. New publications have been scanned and added. To date there is around 160,000 pages from almost 12,000 publications on the BUGZ site.


SEARCH page: now has paging (custom paging). Appears to be duplicate references of names on pages. Once in a while a result will show up in the TAXON search stating it found '2 pages in 1 articles' when actually only 1 page. 172 articles where reduplication has occurred. This will be fixed at some point.

Full text querying is still not quite there. Further work is needed for parsing more complex searches involving parentheses and the 'or' keyword


PAGE DETAILS page: further modification of 'Article Status' pane.

BROWSE page: Plans are to add a browse by year, or perhaps the ability to select a date range.

SEARCH page: Modified full-text search string for searches with 'OR' (ie, mites OR lice). Much faster now.


PAGE DETAILS page is being rearranged and the back button brings you back to original search. You can now only navigate within an article and if you want to view another article you have to go back to the search results.

Not sure how to approach the upper right details, ie. Total pages, Matched pages, dropdown, etc. I will leave it as is.

The uBio icon now hooks into uBio NameBank, opens up a separate window & displays data for this name. If the name has a Landcare logo you will find the Landcare LSID link on uBio. This link does not work, as the NZBUGS site has been taken offline.

Changed the link on the Names found on a page so that with one click it takes you back to the search page and performs the search for that name, using all the selected search types from previous search.

SEARCH page does not have paging yet.


The BROWSE page is now working properly and the page details back button brings you back to original search.


CONTENTS & TAXON search brings back faster results but only indicates number of pages containing search term, NOT a list of pages, as done previously.


Modified results of search to bring back only the number of articles and/or pages for 5 different search types: Title, Author, Year, Contents (of pages) and Taxon names (mentioned in article). Then one can select which of these 5 to display the citations, and then the actual pages.


Finished adding uBio names found on the remaining pages. Now 108,000 plus pages have names found on them. Transferred these over to the live database. Ideally the site needs to query uBio dynamically, using ajax, but the call to the uBio web service does not work for some reason, and I need to do things via a windows app.

Mike Cochrane developed a tool for adding articles and pages to a database. I am using this (modified for my needs) to troll through the article file system on disk to populate the database with the following:

  • Article details
  • Page details
  • Names found on pages using the uBio web service
  • Link existing PDF's to pages

Added link on Page details to the copyright details of the article. Sent site content over to our editor for checking. Added more contextual help on all the pages. Rotated the traffic light so it would be vertical instead of horizontal and added brief explanation in the help popup window, as well as a tool tip.

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