SOMALIA: Puntland President fires Mudug governor, dissolves Galkaio district council

By: Abdalle Ahmed

Galkaio (RBC) The president of Somalia’s semi-autonomous state of Puntland Dr. Abdurrahman Mohamed Farole on today [Thursday] fired the governor of Mudug region Ahmed Ali Salad and dissolved the district council in Galkaio.

The president also fired the two deputy governors of Mudug region following growing insecurity in Galkaio town, A presidential decree confirmed.

“After seen the security threats in the region and lack of cooperation between regional administrative officers in Mudug region, the president of Puntland state fires the governor of Mudug region Mr. Ahmed Salad Ali and his two deputies”, said in the presidential decree dated today on April 21, 2011.

“As the cause of insecurity in Galkaio, the president from today-on dissolves the district council”, the statement added.

In other presidential decree issued today, President Abdurrahman Farole appointed interim regional committee which its mission should be dealing with the wide spread insecurity cases in Galkaio town. 

RBC Radio correspondent in Galkaio, Awil Mahamud says the firing of the regional administrative officials came after the town experienced cases of planed killings and mine explosion that targeted senior government officials.

Residents in Galkaio, a key trading town in central Somalia had been blaming the administration for not dealing with the criminals.

RBC Radio



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