spatial information administration details regulation details habitat details login to submit of modifications click here, or press F1 for help
Area Name: Abashiri
Location: Japan (Pacific Ocean Coast)
Admin Country: Japan

Designation information
Date first designated
Current site details
effective from
Date site degazetted

Site legally designated under:
National Law
National Law URL

pop-up national law web site
International Convention
Convention text URL
Total Site Area
Marine Portion
Marine components

Spatial Information
Polygon available   Latitude
Is the MPA zoned for different uses?  
(see regulations tab for documented zones)

No-take Regulation
Is any part of the MPA no-take?    
No take Area
IUCN Category

showMain site=3246 step=0
Country within whose jurisdiction MPA occurs. In the case of overseas territories, the territory name, not the administrative country, is used here.

Example: Galapagos Islands for Galapagos National Park (not Ecuador); Ecuador for Isla Santay
Area Name using only Latin alphabet

Example: Karlsoevaer / Kraakvaagsvaet / Archipielago de Colon (Galapagos)
Area Name including non-latin symbols, e.g accents etc

Example: Karlsøvær / Kråkvågsvaet / Archipiélago de Colon (Galápagos)
Date at which information provided in this record took effect.

Generally this is the same as the date the site was originally establised, but for sites that have changed in e.g. size / designation type, this date refers to the onset of the most recent situation.
Date on which the MPA was first legally/statutorily designated

This is the date upon which the site was first declared/created in legislation or through some other formal/informal mechanism.

It should NOT be assumed that human activities within the MPA were subjected to regulation immediately upon designation of the MPA, or as a direct result of MPA designation. It should also not be assumed that any such regulations, if and when they were created, were effectively implemented and complied with from this date.

Multiple layers of regulatory protection often develop within the first 5-10 years of an MPA’s existence, ranging from regulatory rule-making to active, and eventually effective, management with high levels of compliance.

This is an important consideration when using this date to determine the age of MPAs, and caution should be exercised accordingly.
Has the site undergone functional / physical change(s) since it was originally designated?

Examples: designation type changed, area increased / decreased, marine area created as extenstion to terrestrial site
Official designation type of site; refers to national and international sites

Examples: Marine National Park, Special Area of Conservation, World Heritage Site, Special Nature Reserve
Designation status of site

Options available: designated / informally designated / degazetted / proposed / recommended / unknown
Is site designated under national legislation?

*This includes legislation from a more local level than national, e.g. provincial, municipal, state, district etc
Name of national legislation used to designate site

*This includes legislation from a more local level than national, e.g. provincial, municipal, state, district etc. Examples: Fisheries Act, Forestry Act, Wilderness Areas Protection Act, Provincial Law No. xxx, Royal Decree No. xx
Year of national legislation used to designate site

URL of national legislation text

Is site listed under an international convention?

International convention site listed under

Examples: World Heritage Convention, Ramsar, Barcelona Convention, Habitats Directive
Is there a polygon (georeferenced shapefile) depicting the boundaries of the MPA currently available?

Latitude of central point of site (decimal)

Longitude of central point of site (decimal)

Total area of site in kmsq. Iincludes terrestrial area

Used on Main form; area data provided in TOT_AREA & TOT_AREA_UNIT used to calculate this field where area is not already available in kmsq
Total area of site in unit defined by TOT_AREA_UNIT. Includes terrestrial area.

Available only in edit mode to facilitate data entry by third parties
Unit used to measure total area of site in TOT_AREA.

Available only in edit mode to facilitate data entry by third parties
Does site contain a marine component?

Area of ONLY the marine component of MPA, in units defined by MAR_AREA_UNIT.

Available only in edit mode to facilitate data entry by third parties
Unit used to measure MARINE area of site in TOT_AREA.

Available only in edit mode to facilitate data entry by third parties
Does site contain an intertidal component?

Definition: Refers to the environment between high and low tides (mean high water and mean low water) that is alternately exposed to the air and to the sea.
Does site contain a subtidal component?

Definition: A marine or estuarine environment that lies below mean low-water; always (or almost always) submerged in a tidally-influenced area.
Is all or part of the marine area subject to no-take regulations?

Definition: All extractive activities are prohibited
Area of the MPA that is no-take, in units defined in NO_TAKE_UNIT

Available only in edit mode to facilitate data entry by third parties
Unit used to measure NO_TAKE area of MPA in NO_TAKE_AREA

Available only in edit mode to facilitate data entry by third parties
Is the MPA zoned?

Examples: core zone, buffer zone, transition zone, sanctuary zone, no-take zone etc
Does entire site (including a zone within it) contain this IUCN category?

Strict Nature Reserve: protected area managed mainly for science Definition: Area of land and/or sea possessing some outstanding or representative ecosystems, geological or physiological features and/or species, available primarily for scientific research and/or environmental monitoring.
Does entire site (including a zone within it) contain this IUCN category?

Wilderness Area: protected area managed mainly for wilderness protection. Definition: Large area of unmodified or slightly modified land, and/or sea, retaining its natural character and influence, without permanent or significant habitation, which is protected and managed so as to preserve its natural condition.
Does entire site (including a zone within it) contain this IUCN category?

National Park: protected area managed mainly for ecosystem protection and recreation. Definition: Natural area of land and/or sea, designated to (a) protect the ecological integrity of one or more ecosystems for present and future generations, (b) exclude exploitation or occupation inimical to the purposes of designation of the area and (c) provide a foundation for spiritual, scientific, educational, recreational and visitor opportunities, all of which must be environmentally and culturally compatible.
Does entire site (including a zone within it) contain this IUCN category?

Natural Monument: protected area managed mainly for conservation of specific natural features. Definition: Area containing one, or more, specific natural or natural/cultural feature which is of outstanding or unique value because of its inherent rarity, representative or aesthetic qualities or cultural significance.
Does entire site (including a zone within it) contain this IUCN category?

Habitat/Species Management Area: protected area managed mainly for conservation through management intervention. Definition: Area of land and/or sea subject to active intervention for management purposes so as to ensure the maintenance of habitats and/or to meet the requirements of specific species.
Does entire site (including a zone within it) contain this IUCN category?

Protected Landscape/Seascape: protected area managed mainly for landscape/seascape conservation and recreation. Definition: Area of land, with coast and sea as appropriate, where the interaction of people and nature over time has produced an area of distinct character with significant aesthetic, ecological and/or cultural value, and often with high biological diversity. Safeguarding the integrity of this traditional interaction is vital to the protection, maintenance and evolution of such an area.
Does entire site (including a zone within it) contain this IUCN category?

Managed Resource Protected Area: protected area managed mainly for the sustainable use of natural ecosystems. Definition: Area containing predominantly unmodified natural systems, managed to ensure long term protection and maintenance of biological diversity, while providing at the same time a sustainable flow of natural products and services to meet community needs.
Nationally designated sites of unknown IUCN category, OR Site is not (perhaps yet) designated at national level.

Examples: proposed / recommended / in preparation / Voluntary & recognised / Voluntary & unrecognised
(Unapplicable). For DEGAZZETED (see STATUS) sites OR Site of Special Scientific Interest, SSSI, (see DESIGNATE), which are not considered to fall under IUCN management categories criteria.

Site definitely has no IUCN category for reasons other than unset/unapplicable.

E.g. International sites that have no areas overlapping with them that are under IUCN management categories
Does this site overlap with (an)other site(s)?

Is site transboundary - do the boundaries of the MPA cross national borders?

Example: Waterton Glacier International Peace Park - transboundary between Canada and USA
If MPA is transboundary, give other country with jurisdiction

If MPA is transboundary, give other country with jurisdiction

If MPA is transboundary, give other country with jurisdiction

Is site of local importance?

Is site of national importance?

Is site of regional (i.e. multinatonal) importance?

Is site of international importance?

Spatial scale at which administrative body functions

Administrative body = body responsible for implementing administration of site e.g. sequestering funds, seeking legal or other designation etc. Scale = geographical scale at which that body functions.
Specify what scale if not listed

Administrative body = body responsible for implementing administration of site e.g. sequestering funds, seeking legal or other designation etc. Scale = geographical scale at which that body functions.
Administrative level at which administrative body functions

Administrative body = body responsible for implementing administration of site e.g. sequestering funds, seeking legal or other designation etc. Level - administrative / bureaucratic level at which that body functions
Specify what level if not listed

Administrative body = body responsible for implementing administration of site e.g. sequestering funds, seeking legal or other designation etc. Level - administrative / bureaucratic level at which that body functions
Name of administrative body

Administrative body = body responsible for implementing administration of site e.g. sequestering funds, seeking legal or other designation etc.
Spatial scale at which management body functions

Management body = body reponsible for implementing management plan and / or performing in situ management. Scale = geographical scale at which that body functions.
Specify what scale if not listed

Management body = body reponsible for implementing management plan and / or performing in situ management. Scale = geographical scale at which that body functions.
Administrative level at which management body functions

Management body = body reponsible for implementing management plan and / or performing in situ management. Level - administrative / bureaucratic level at which that body functions
Specify what level if not listed

Management body = body reponsible for implementing management plan and / or performing in situ management. Level - administrative / bureaucratic level at which that body functions
Name of management body

Management body = body reponsible for implementing management plan and / or performing in situ management.
Spatial scale at which owner of site's underlying area functions

Owner: body who owns the area underlying the MPA. Scale = geographical scale at which that body functions.
Specify what scale if not listed

Owner: body who owns the area underlying the MPA. Scale = geographical scale at which that body functions.
Administrative level at which owner of site's underlying area functions

Owner: body who owns the area underlying the MPA. Level - administrative / bureaucratic level at which that body functions
Specify what level if not listed

Owner: body who owns the area underlying the MPA. Level - administrative / bureaucratic level at which that body functions
Name of owner of site's underlying area

Owner: body who owns the area underlying the MPA.
Human activity to which this regulation pertains.

Examples: all exractive / all non-extractive / aquaculture / coastal development / gleaning / commercial fishing / subsistence fishing / recreational fishing / military operations / substrate extraction
Extent to which this activity is regulated

Examples: Allowed unregulated, allowed regulated, prohibited, unknown
Is the regulation species-specific?

If regulation is species-specific, which species does it affect (only one per regulation)?

Examples: Ban on abalone fishing, minimum size limit for lobster,
Is regulation specific to the method used?

If regulation is method-specific, what method does it affect?

Examples: Method of fishing - gear type, method of fishing - boat size or engine capacity, method of aquaculture
Specify method this regulation pertains to.

Does regulation impose a quota on the activity?

Examples: maximum catch / maximum number of licenses issued / maximum number of divers, whalewatchers, boats anchoring per e.g. week
Does regulation impose a size limit?

Examples: minimum size of species being extracted,
Is a permit or license required to carry out the activity?

Examples: fishing not allowed without a permit, oil and gas exploration not allowed without a permit, aquaculture not allowed without a permit
Is there a total ban on the activity?

Examples: ban on all / intensive / semi-intensive / extensive aquaculture, trawling ban, ban on fishing for abalone, ban on oil & gas exploration
Is an environmental impact assessment of the impacts of the activity required to be performed before the activity might be allowed to occur?

Examples: coastal development, oil and gas exploration, aquaculture or method of aquaculture
Is the activity regulated in some other way?

Examples: for a particular time, such as breeding season
Short description of other way in which activity is regulate

Examples: time-specific,
Provide any other details relevant to the regulation of this activity

Does the site contain warm water coral reef?

Reefs are defined as any biologically created hard structures that rise from the sea floor. Coral reefs are formed in warm shallow water (20-29 dg C; <100m depth) by calcium carbonate depositions made by coral polyps.
Source: and
Does the site contain sponge reef?

Reefs are defined as any biologically created hard structures that rise from the sea floor. Sponge reefs are made from hexactinellid sponges. Source:
Does the site contain seagrass?

Seagrasses are flowering plants found in shallow coastal marine waters. Since they evolved from land plants millions of years ago, seagrasses are significantly different than seaweed (algae) in their ecology, morphology, and physiology.
Does the site contain mangrove?

Mangrove forests are comprised of taxonomically diverse, salt-tolerant tree and other plant species which thrive in intertidal zones of sheltered tropical shores, "overwash" islands, and estuaries. Mangrove trees have specially adapted aerial and salt-filtering roots and salt-excreting leaves that enable them to occupy the saline wetlands where other plant life cannot survive.
Does the site contain kelp forest?

Marine ecosystem dominated by large kelps (brown algae; Phylum Phaeophyta). These forests are restricted to cold and temperate waters, and are most common along the western coasts of continents. Source:
Does the site contain rock?

Cobbles / boulders to solid rock. Grain diameter > 64mm, i.e. Large substrate grain size to solid rock. (as per Wentworth's 1922 categorisation of sediment size)
Does the site contain sand?

Grain diameter ~0.05 - 2mm (as per Wentworth's 1922 categorisation of sediment size)
Does the site contain a beach?

The terrestrial interface area in between land and a water body where there are accumulations of unconsolidated sediments like sand and gravel. These deposits are laid down by the action of breaking waves. Source:
Does the site contain mud?

Grain diameter < 0.06 mm (as per Wentworth's 1922 categorisation of sediment size)
Does the site contain seamount(s)?

A volcanic mountain found on an ocean basin that has an origin not related to a mid-oceanic ridge or a tectonic subduction zone. Source:
Does the site contain hydrothermal vent(s)?

Cracks in the ocean floor that emit jets of superheated water loaded with minerals and bacteria. The vents range in diameter from less than an inch to more than six feet. They are usually found at least a mile deep along the mid-ocean ridges. Source: --> hydrothermal vents communities link
Does the site contain canyon(s)?

The edge of the continental margin is incised by submarine canyons that extend from the shelf to the deep sea floor. These erosional features were apparently formed by scouring out a portion of the shelf. Source:
Does the site contain cold water coral reef?

Reefs are defined as any biologically created hard structures that rise from the sea floor. Cold water coral reefs grow in deep cold water (4 - 12 deg C, 50 to >2000 m depth). Most commonly occurring species is Lophelia pertusa. Source: and
Does the site contain cold seep?

A cold seep (sometimes called a cold vent) is an area of the ocean floor where hydrogen sulfide, methane and other hydrocarbon-rich fluid seepage occurs. Similar to hydrothermal vents except that seepages are at the same temperature as the surrounding water, rather than superheated. Source:
Does the site contain pelagic habitat?

The part of the open sea or ocean comprising the water column, i.e. all of the sea other than that near the coast or the sea floor. Source:
Does the site contain estuarine habitat?

A partially enclosed body of water where saltwater from the sea mixes with freshwater from rivers, streams and creeks. These areas of transition between the land and the sea are tidally driven, like the sea, but sheltered from the full force of ocean wind and waves, more like a river. Estuaries are generally enclosed in part by the coastline, marshes and wetlands; the seaward border may be barrier islands, reefs and sand, or mud flats. Source:
Does the site contain mudflat?

A flat area along a coast, covered with a thick layer of mud or sand. Mudflats are usually underwater at high tide. Source:
Does the site contain marsh?

Transitional areas between land and water, occurring along the intertidal shore of estuaries and sounds where salinity (salt content) ranges from near ocean strength to near fresh in upriver marshes. Source:
Does the site contain areas used as breeding grounds / for spawning aggregations?

Areas where fish are known to breed. Source:
Does the site contain other habitat types not listed here?

Please specify other habitat types found in the site

What is the dominant habitat type within the MPA?

In the likely event that you do not have a full habitat map for the site, please use your judgement and experience in answering this question
If the dominant habitat type is 'other', please specify what it is.

Designation status of zone within MPA

Examples: Degazetted, designated, informally designated, proposed, recommended, unknown
General type / purpose of zone within MPA

Examples: buffer, core, general use, recreation, sanctuary/preservation, transitional, no-take
Define purpose of othe zone - differentiate from existing types.

Total area of zone

Unit total area measured in.

IUCN category of zone

Marine area in kmsq

Used on Main form; calculated from MAR_AREA and MAR_AREA_UNIT
No-take area in kmsq

Used on Main form; calculated from NO_TK_AREA and No_TK_UNIT
Does the site contain gravel?

Gravel to large pebbles. Grain diameter ~2 - 64mm (as per Wentworth's 1922 categorisation of sediment size)
Does the site contain saline lagoon habitat?

Broad, shallow estuarine system separated from the ocean by a barrier island, generally paralleling the shore line and limiting exchange with the sea through inlets. The resulting brackish water is moved more by the wind than by the tide and does not flow from headwaters to a mouth like a river. Source:
Year international convention incepted

URL of international convention text

Marine area of zone

Unit marine area of zone measured in

What is the spatial extent of the regulation?

Does it apply in all or part of the MPA? Example: it only applies to part of the MPA (e.g. a zone)
What is the temporal permanence of the regulation?

Example: permanent means it applies year-round, e.g. permanent exclusion of divers. Seasonal refers to the time period for which the regulation is in effect if it isn't permanently implemented, e.g. 2 week fishing closure during a spawning aggregation
Date site no longer in effect

Examples: site may have been officially degazetted, or may be judged to no longer be functional and/or provide protection.
Is the regulation permenant or only seasonally in effect?

How many months long is the season in which this regulation is in effect?

Date at which regulation came into effect

Date at which regulation was no longer in effect

Description of other activity to which this regulation pertains


Does regulation apply to some or all mammals?
Bony and / or Cartilaginous Fish

Does regulation apply to some or all bony or cartilaginous fish?

Does regulation apply to some or all reptiles?

Does regulation apply to some or all birds?

Does regulation apply to some or all invertebrates?

Does regulation apply to some or all plants?
All living organisms

Does regulation apply to all living organisms?
Is there a body / bodies responsible for administration of the MPAs?

Is there a body / bodies responsible for management of the MPA?

Is there a body / bodies who have ownership of the area?

Site Deleted

indicates that this site has been deleted
Reason Site was deleted

the reason this site has been deleted
Other Reason Site was deleted

the other reason this site has been deleted
Administration Country

The country who is the owner, and/or is responsible for the administration and/or management of this site
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Use and citation of MPA Global:

If you intend to use this database for analysis, please contact the project manager before doing so. Please cite any use of the database as:

Wood, L. J. (2007). MPA Global: A database of the world's marine protected areas. Sea Around Us Project, UNEP-WCMC & WWF.

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Defining Protected Area Management Categories

The definition of a protected area adopted by IUCN is:

An area of land and/or sea especially dedicated to the protection and maintenance of biological diversity, and of natural and associated cultural resources, and managed through legal or other effective means

Although all protected areas meet the general purposes contained in this definition, in practice the precise purposes for which protected areas are managed differ greatly. IUCN has defined a series of six protected area management categories, based on primary management objective.
IUCN Category Ia - Strict Nature Reserve

protected area managed mainly for science

Area of land and/or sea possessing some outstanding or representative ecosystems, geological or physiological features and/or species, available primarily for scientific research and/or environmental monitoring.
IUCN Category Ib - Wilderness Area

protected area managed mainly for wilderness protection

Large area of unmodified or slightly modified land, and/or sea, retaining its natural character and influence, without permanent or significant habitation, which is protected and managed so as to preserve its natural condition.
IUCN Category II - National Park

protected area managed mainly for ecosystem protection and recreation

Natural area of land and/or sea, designated to (a) protect the ecological integrity of one or more ecosystems for present and future generations, (b) exclude exploitation or occupation inimical to the purposes of designation of the area and (c) provide a foundation for spiritual, scientific, educational, recreational and visitor opportunities, all of which must be environmentally and culturally compatible.
IUCN Category III - Natural Monument

protected area managed mainly for conservation of specific natural features

Area containing one, or more, specific natural or natural/cultural feature which is of outstanding or unique value because of its inherent rarity, representative or aesthetic qualities or cultural significance.
IUCN Category IV - Habitat/Species Management Area

protected area managed mainly for conservation through management intervention

Area of land and/or sea subject to active intervention for management purposes so as to ensure the maintenance of habitats and/or to meet the requirements of specific species.
IUCN Category V - Protected Landscape/Seascape

protected area managed mainly for landscape/seascape conservation and recreation

Area of land, with coast and sea as appropriate, where the interaction of people and nature over time has produced an area of distinct character with significant aesthetic, ecological and/or cultural value, and often with high biological diversity. Safeguarding the integrity of this traditional interaction is vital to the protection, maintenance and evolution of such an area.
IUCN Category VI - Managed Resource Protected Area

protected area managed mainly for the sustainable use of natural ecosystems

Area containing predominantly unmodified natural systems, managed to ensure long term protection and maintenance of biological diversity, while providing at the same time a sustainable flow of natural products and services to meet community needs.
IUCN Category - None

For international sites that have no areas overlapping with them that are under IUCN management categories
IUCN Category - Unset

Nationally designated sites of unknown IUCN category or sites not designated at a national level e.g. proposed/recommended/voluntary & recognised, or in preparation/voluntary & unrecognised are Unset
IUCN Category - Unapplicable

Degazzeted sites (see site status) or Sites of Special Scientific Interest, SSSI, (see designation type), which are not considered to fall under IUCN management categories criteria.