Terrorism in Norway

Manifesto of a murderer

Manifesto of a murderer

A long document by the apparent perpetrator of the Norway killings provides some insight into his motivations(374)

South Africa

A muddy few months ahead

A muddy few months ahead

The South African government is facing its biggest crisis in years following a string of criminal allegations(11)

America's tax system

Fiscal indulgences

Tax expenditures are the fiscal equivalent of selling indulgences. Who will be America's Martin Luther?

The debt ceiling

The downgrade option

What happens if America loses its AAA rating?

Transhumanism and evolution

We will get better

The scientists who aspire to take evolution into their own hands

Belarus's hipsters

Searching for Banksy in Belarus

Letting off steam, not too loudly, in Minsk

Wealth, poverty and fragile states

MIFFed by misrule

A new category of countries mixes modest affluence with miserable governance

The euro-area crisis

Coverage in full

Our collection of articles and multimedia items on the unfolding crisis

The 2012 Olympics

Capital values

A year before they are due to begin, the Olympic games have had a dramatic physical effect on east London. The economic effects are less tangible

Reinhold Niebuhr

Ideas man

After years in the doldrums, Reinhold Niebuhr, an American theologian, is enjoying a comeback

Editor's note

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This house believes the euro should be abolished

The Economist Asks

Will Barack Obama and Congress reach a deal on the debt ceiling before August 2nd?



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