
This site is extensively using GeoNames for multi-lingual geographical data; GeoNames, Google Maps API and a collection of other custom modules.

RealRadios is just released in Denmark and Sweden

GeoNames for Drupal 6

Drupal 6 release is available for download from Check it out, and report all issues in the issue queue.

What's done: Fixed all issues in the issue queue, added a couple of functions and tables with useful information; continents, countries and US States -- and featurecodes. The countries and featurecodes are regularly kept up-to-date automatically. And parts of the code is rewritten to speed things up, by removing all module_invoke_all calls, and reducing the number of components in the module package.

The world is coming closer - Enjoy!

Location & Mapping Group

The Location & Mapping Group has been created on We will monitor this thread closely...

New Parameter for Wiki Fulltext Search

We have added the new parameter "title" for the Wikipedia Fulltext Search (wikipediasearch). This allows fulltext search of the titles only. Check out Wiki Fulltext Example or the documentation for usage instructions. Thanks to Arlene and Marc Wick!


The GeoNames API is powerful. It uses the GeoNames webservices for its request and implements all the available XML-based services. View the Service Examples in the menu to the left to test some of the implemented services (for example GeoNames Fulltext Search where results are GMapped), or have a look at the documentation pages to read usage instructions for all of them. Check out the forum for Code Examples.

GeoNames Fulltext Search w/Google maps Demo

This search is the most comprehensive service available, it has numerous parameters. Country, featurecode and featureclass are allowed to be arrays in order to pass several parameters of the same type.

Global City Search: Request style:
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