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About The Daily Pennsylvanian

The Daily Pennsylvanian is the University of Pennsylvania's independent student news organization. We cover news and sports from the University of Pennsylvania and from around the Philadelphia metro area.

4015 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6198
Business/Advertising Phone: (215) 898-6581
Newsroom/Editorial Phone: (215) 898-6585
Fax: (215) 898-2050

For detailed staff contact information, including names, phone extensions and e-mail addresses, see our staff directory.

The Daily Pennsylvanian, Inc. is a non-profit corporation which publishes The Daily Pennsylvanian newspaper, 34th Street Magazine,,, Under the Button and The Buzz blogs and The Weekly Pennsylvanian and The Summer Pennsylvanian weekly newspapers.

Incorporated as a not-for-profit corporation in 1984, The Daily Pennsylvanian, Inc. receives no funding from the University of Pennsylvania, and is student-run. Corporate decisions are made by an eight-member Executive Board responsible for overall operation of the corporation and its publications. The Executive Board concentrates on planning, major projects, and issues that span both the editorial and business boards responsible for day-to-day operations. Seven student directors and the General Manager sit on the Executive Board. The Executive Editor of The Daily Pennsylvanian is President of the corporation and heads the Executive Board.

The DP

The Daily Pennsylvanian is the independent student newspaper of the University of Pennsylvania. About 136 mornings each school year, Penn students, faculty and staff turn to the DP as their source of campus and city news and sports coverage. The Daily Pennsylvanian exists to inform the Penn community of relevant news and opinion while providing a training vehicle for students.

First published in 1885, under the name The Pennsylvanian, the DP is perennially recognized as one of the top college newspapers in the country. The paper has been published daily since 1894 (except from May 1943 to November 1945, when it was not published because of World War II). In 1962, the DP broke away from the student government and became independent. At the same time, the paper merged with the Pennsylvania News, the university's women's newspaper. In 1984, The Daily Pennsylvanian became a corporation, formally completing the separation of any editorial or financial control by the University of Pennsylvania.

More than 250 students work for the DP in the business and editorial departments. Editors and business managers are elected each December by the outgoing board and serve for a term of one year. The student board is responsible for all editorial and financial decisions of the newspaper. Four professional staff members provide continuity, advice and training for the student staff, and maintain operations during vacation periods.

The DP consists of two principal divisions -- business and editorial. The Business Board is responsible for all the business affairs of the DP, including advertising, production, marketing, credit and finance. The Business Manager heads the Business Board. The heads of the five business departments, as well as the General Manager, are members of the Board.

The Editorial Board is responsible for the content of the DP and its publications. The Managing Editor heads the Editorial Board. The heads of each editorial department, including news, sports, photography, art, editorial page, design, 34th Street Magazine, The Weekly Pennsylvanian, and are members of the Board.

34th Street Magazine

34th Street Magazine, the DP's arts and entertainment weekly magazine was first published in 1968. Today, 34th Street is read by thousands of Philadelphia students, faculty and residents every Thursday.

Street takes great pride in being constantly on the pulse of music, film, and cultural news and events. Like The Daily Pennsylvanian, 34th Street Magazine is produced entirely by students. The 34th Street editorial board is made up of about 15 section-specific content editors, a design editor, managing editor and editor-in-chief.

The Weekly

The Weekly Pennsylvanian, a weekly compendium of articles published in The Daily Pennsylvanian, began publication in 1984. Its primary audience is parents and alumni who would like a concise review of what's happening at Penn. The eight-page weekly newspaper is published and mailed every Tuesday during the school year. Production of The Weekly is overseen by an editor-in-chief. The Weekly has a subscription base of several thousand parents, faculty and alumni.

The SP

The Summer Pennsylvanian is the weekly newspaper published during the University's summer session. There are 10 issues published on Thursdays between late May and early August. The SP has been published since 1982. A board of eight editors and two business department managers oversee production of the SP.

The DP's website made its debut in October 1995. Originally called DP Online, and later DP Interactive, the website moved the print edition of the DP into a more interactive and colorful experience in the early days of the web.

The website became in fall 2009. Today's site offers more than a decade of The Daily Pennsylvanian's full-text archives and interactive features that go far beyond the content of the print edition. is overseen by an online managing editor and a lead online developer.

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