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By-Laws and Royal Charter

The Academy's Royal Charter in its cabinet at the Academy offices.

Structure and Legality

The Royal Charter, the By-Laws and the Petition are legally binding documents which govern how the Academy is run, and provide a legal framework for its activities, and the basis for its very existence.

As of 2008, the Petition and Royal Charter are on permanent loan to the National Library of Australia, where it is held under ideal preservation conditions.

The Royal Charter and the By-Laws(PDF, 816KB )

This PDF document includes the petition as well.

The Royal Charter specifies the objectives and purposes of the Academy, granted by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, and incorporates the Australian Academy of the Humanities. (Pictured above)

The by-laws are the rules which govern the day-to-day business of the Academy, its electoral procedures, its relationship with the Fellows and so on. It is essentially the Academy's 'constitution'. They can only be altered with the assent of the Governor-General.

The Petition (PDF, 44KB)

This historical document is the official request to Queen Elizabeth II to create the Australian Academy of the Humanities out of the Humanities Research Council.


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